ADF-Alternate Day Fasting

KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
edited December 2017 in Social Groups
I am starting this today and would like to see if anyone has done this and your results. Planning on a 36 hour fast every other day for 2 weeks then see where we are/how I feel and then might do 24 hour fasts every other day (so eat dinner only on the fast day). I considered and briefly tried 5:2 but I'm kind of an all or nothing person so I thought a total fast rather than 500 calories on the day of the fast might work better for me, at least to get things rolling. On the non-fast days I will not count calories and eat well but how much and what I want. Thoughts and advice? I'm new to the group and looking very much forward to learning more about IF.

I figured today would be the perfect day to not eat anything since I'm still so stuffed from Xmas :blush:


  • nickeyraye
    nickeyraye Posts: 8 Member
    I’ve been doing alternate day fasting for 2 weeks and I’m down 8lbs, maybe water weight I don’t know but any loss counts for me. My stomach has deflated a lot and it’s very noticeable. I eat a total of 500 calories on fasting days and 1860 calories on all other days. So far this is working for me.
  • Dalia444
    Dalia444 Posts: 510 Member
    nickeyraye wrote: »
    I’ve been doing alternate day fasting for 2 weeks and I’m down 8lbs, maybe water weight I don’t know but any loss counts for me. My stomach has deflated a lot and it’s very noticeable. I eat a total of 500 calories on fasting days and 1860 calories on all other days. So far this is working for me.

    Hi are you still doing IF. Would love to hear your results just started doing the 5:2 24 hr alternating fast days yesterday.
  • lleeann2001
    lleeann2001 Posts: 410 Member
    nickeyraye wrote: »
    I’ve been doing alternate day fasting for 2 weeks and I’m down 8lbs, maybe water weight I don’t know but any loss counts for me. My stomach has deflated a lot and it’s very noticeable. I eat a total of 500 calories on fasting days and 1860 calories on all other days. So far this is working for me.

    Is this really fasting if you eat on the days but only have limited ca!ories? Or is that just what the 5:2 method is?.I am unfamiliar with the 5:2 method... I'm going to educate myself..😄