
Luciicul Posts: 415 Member

I've been a member of this group for a month now, but as a lurker - working my way through the launchpad info. I thought it was time to introduce myself :smile:

I first worked out it was easier for me to lose weight on a low-carb diet about 13 years ago, when trying to shift pregnancy weight and other so-called 'balanced' diets weren't cutting it. However, in a carb-saturated world, I have fallen off the bandwagon many times, regaining the weight I lost plus extra.

Earlier this year I weighed my highest ever - 119.5kg (263.5lb) (BMI 41.8) - I have lost 11.8kgs (26lbs) (BMI 37.7) in the last two months, so am heading in the right direction again.

Things are a bit more complicated in that I was recently diagnosed with insulin resistance, and have been on metformin for 4.5weeks (which has made me feel pretty yuck during this time). I also had my gallbladder removed 20 years ago, which means I have to be a bit more careful about fat intake than a normal person.

I must admit I feel a bit conflicted on diet - seems a lot of contradictions in the sector. For example, I know keto works for some people, and some people do it without a gallbladder, but then my dietician is completely against it to the point of hyperbole. I've been reading up as much as I can, but almost every book or blog has a different perspective with their own theories and studies used to back up a position, while disregarding others. It is difficult to have confidence in anything!

Low-carb definitely fits the bill for me, but there are a number of subfactors I am still trying to work out - like what macros I should be working to that are right for me, how to get enough fibre (and of the right types) when eating low carb and low calorie, whether to Intermittent Fast or not, etc.

I'll keep doing what I am now, trying to learn more, and I guess through trial and error work out what suits me.

Thank you to everyone who has put together and contributed to the resources in this group - it has led me to a lot of interesting places already :smile:


  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    Welcome! I worry about people who aren’t conflicted :). Makes me think they will blindly follow a specific path without checking how they will respond to it. Trial and error is key.

    I was at goal for years when I decided to do IF to prevent diabetes.. total fail for me. While others excel with it!

    Hopefully you will find that sweet spot that is your perfect WOE soon! :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    If your lack of gallbladder has you stressed then just stick with low carb for now, there is no need to do strict keto to improve insulin resistance. Remember that with any 'trial & error' method, it's best to focus on only one thing to trial at a time, otherwise you won't know which change worked (or caused a problem.) The best way to check out your dietician is to ask them for a diabetic eating plan and see how many carbs they load you down with.... VERY telling!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Everyone has to find the level of low carb that works for them. There are many levels which is why you see evidence that looks conflicting. We just each tell what’s worked for us. None of it it wrong. You will need to do the same.

    I recommend beginning with low carb levels and then drop the carb level gradually as tolerated. Many who try to push it too fast have trouble with sugar withdraw and end up returning to a high carb woe.

    The information located in this group can’t be bought and the support is amazing! Don’t hesitate to as questions as they arise. So many of us have been there and done that too, and are willing to help anyone succeed too!

  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks for all your responses and advice :smile:
  • ADeepGreyChair
    ADeepGreyChair Posts: 2 Member
    I take Metformin ... it can be a tough med to adjust to. Recently my doc switched me to a lower dose extended release instead of immediate release. I'm having far fewer GI side effects and my blood sugar has improved so much that I thought my glucometer was broken! I recently found the Virta website - interesting articles and videos about low carb vs ketogenic diets.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,829 Member
    I recently found out I was type II diabetic when I was hospitalized for 9 days back in Jan. I too take Metformin ...I also have to give myself insulin shots...oh and I am keto...I hope you find what works for you :o)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    I have had my gallbladder out as well and have no issues with eating a higher fat content. Maybe you could introduce fat gradually and note how your body feels to determine what works for you. ( Not all nutritional advisors are accepting of this woe.)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I have no gall bladder and the fat hasn’t bothered me. Not when I was eating very high fat like I thought I had to or even now that I just eat the fat that’s on meat and don’t add any extra. Basically, you don’t need to add extra fat to things if you don’t want to but unless you totally gorge on it, you should be fine without a gall bladder.
    Also, I eat zero fiber. That’s what I discovered was necessary to keep myself free of IBS. Fiber really isn’t as necessary as we’ve been told it is.