This April I Will...



  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017, I really enjoy your art updates, they make me smile. Thank you for sharing your creative times with us!

    You also wrote:
    The reason I’m posting & setting goals for my art is I’m at or very close to my final goal weight- I know I still need to focus on maintenance for the rest of my life, but I know there have to be other things I do that bring me joy the way food did more in the past. Decluttering worked for 2-3 years off & on, but now I just occasionally redo a drawer or a section which takes just a couple of minutes. Ie it’s mostly done.

    Exercise does, being healthier does, but the creativity & color really make me happy. Seeing friends & making new friends also makes me happy- the art gives me an avenue to do that!

    That is so beautiful and very insightful! That gives me things to think about also.

    @prgirl39mfp, Way back in the day I used to work night on a rotating schedule and sometimes straight. It was very hard for me to get adequate sleep. But you sound more positive about it than I ever was. Good for you!

    @nebslp, you wrote: "I beat myself up when it would register only 30 or 40 minutes. Working to have a more active lifestyle shouldn't cause stress. I do things that I enjoy and if I'm walking along and my heart rate slows down below the "cardio range" I should embrace that because it means that I get to spend a couple minutes stopping to enjoy the view or examining a newly dug animal den, or taking a great photo of a new spring arrival (bird or flower). I guess the lesson for me in this is to not make my goal a source of stress."
    That is so very wise and insightful!! I also read and try to follow the YNY guidelines. But I don't have a wearable or heart monitor, so I decided that I'd increase my aerobic exercise to at least 60 minutes the majority of the time, and not worry about the exact heart rate range. I'm right there with you that I dare not add extra stress while trying to get more healthy and stronger. Counterproductive if we do that :noway:. I liked your post.

    I also like how you use your one drawer for the plastics and their lids! And that you separate the lids and keep them contained!

    @katlinmariel Awesome that you finished the first week of C25K! And also keeping up with your three days a week at the gym!! Well done

    @PinkyPan1, that is excellent that you are averaging about 7.5 to 8 hours a night!

    @themedalist, you wrote: "I wanted to give you an update on my seedling habit, getting more sleep." I just loved that you called it your seedling habit :heart: What a delightful word picture!! And a wonderful way to think about us nurturing our new habits.

    @77tes, your are doing well with your April goal of staying under your fat goal for 3 days per week. That sure takes planning and determination! Enjoy your Easter Week celebrations and services.

    @PackerFanInGB, you were so transparent in your post that I wanted to cry. But instead I'll send you hugs and virtual chocolate which is only made with love and no calories.
    I am so proud of you for putting on the brakes and logging every bite. I'm an emotional eater also, as are probably more of us than we realize. It always feels very lonely when I am eating like that. That is why I am honored that you trust us to share everything that you did. Hugs and Blessings.

    I treasure you all and being in this group.

    :heart: ,

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited April 2019
    1. My goal for this month (This April I will...") go to sleep earlier (starting first with before midnight) than I have been (have been... way after midnight for sure )
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: (I don't have this figured out yet)
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: (i also don't have this figured out yet either)
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): 5-6 days a week to start with.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? If it is early enough I'll read a bit, using my timer to know when stop. Maybe I ought to pick out a book that I only read at night before sleeping???
    6. What help do you need from us? Your wonderful encouragement as individuals and as a group is always a blessing <3 .
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of April? To see improvements as a whole throughout this month. Eventually leading to a routine earlier bed time. And an establishment of a night time routine over the course of time.

    So far: Last full week in March: 7/7 lights out before midnight :sleeping:

    First week in April, including March 31: 4/7 lights out before midnight :yawn:

    Second week in April: 6/7 lights out before midnight. :sleeping:

    The one night I stayed up past midnight was when I was goofing off with my grand children who were sleeping over. We stayed up late laughing and talking. Then I had to get the kitchen cleaned up for Sunday morning. We had a pasta dinner and I couldn't leave it just sitting there. And with my goal being 5-6 days a week to start with it was worth the laughter and giggles.

    I'm going to work towards it being by 11 pm since increasingly I've been to sleep by 11 o'clock. I'm tracking times in my calendar. It is interesting to look back on. I just found out that my daughter is working on doing the same. So we are texting about it.

    Nighty night :sleeping:

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 I love that you record your process and share it with us. You are indeed following/creating your path! <3

    @77tes thank you for this! I’ve wondered if I should or not, but I’m building this daily habit & it keeps me focused on that!

    Thank you so much!💕

    I absolutely agree with @77tes ! I read every single line of what you do. I even have it all envisioned in my mind...right down to picking up new-to-you used books on Saturday!

    Please don't stop unless you decide you want to! :)

    Big hugs. THANK YOU @PackerFanInGB !!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    April has not been going well for me. I have gained almost 4 lbs. I was doing so awesome in March and felt so proud.

    I found out almost 2 weeks ago that my stepdad has bladder cancer and has refused treatment. My mother is heartbroken. I am heartbroken for them both and myself, and I'm a "fixer" so want to help. But I live 7 hours away from them. So, I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one.

    I've been eating and only journaling part of the day. At night I have been mindlessly snacking on things that I know I should not be eating mindlessly.

    I needed to tell you this because I need to be accountable. I know emotional eating is not going to help and has, in fact, hindered. I need to stop letting my emotions win all the time.

    So, today, I have logged every single bite, and I will continue to do that until I go to bed.
    Tomorrow, I will do the same thing.

    One day at a hour at a bite at a time.

    I love this group. You are all doing fantastic and inspire me in ways you probably don't even realize.


    I am so sorry he’s had this diagnosis & for the pain & grief that you are all feeling at this time. Truly.

    I’m really proud of you for continuing to journal part of the day & for deciding to log every single bite.

    If it helps, when I was grieving over a multi family member tragedy, I used food, I now realize, almost like a drug. I needed solace; however, I gained weight, my lab numbers all went in the wrong direction, I got placed on new medications for bo & cholesterol AND my kidney function got worse.

    Have I forgiven myself? Yes, I did the best I could at the time. “The past is past.”

    Do I wish I’d sought help? I don’t know. I really didn’t want to talk about it, but I’ve told myself I will seek help if in a situation like that again (hopefully nothing like that will happen again.)

    Did I realize grief is physical as much as emotional? No. Now I do. Sleep, healthy foods, walks, going out in nature, journaling, doodling, painting, & being kind to ourselves is crucial.

    We’re here for you. Four pounds, with your new tracking commitment, is likely going to come off rapidly: partly water, partly more food in digestive track. 4 lbs in a month is an average of 467 more calories eaten and /or not burned through exercise daily. Since you are tracking, you can begin chipping away at that number slowly. Try lots of crunchy vegetable, yummy teas, & be sure to keep Your protein up & have it at every meal.

    In partnership, wishing you the best always,
    Maddie 💕
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    The past 2 nights I have slept 8 hours both nights. So now the question is....why am I so tired. I get up and start my day...
    Jonny arrives 6:15 am
    We play or talk until I drop him off at school at 9
    I golf 18 holes pushing my cart and averaging 7.5 miles between 9:30 and 1pm
    I come home have lunch, freshen up and do chores until I pick Jonny up at 3:45 and he stays until about 5:30.
    Fix dinner, do dishes and soak in tub. Bed by 8 most nights.
    I feel really pooped after golfing and I am dragging butt until bedtime. I sure hope being another year older is not slowing me down. I did this last year and was not this tired. Maybe in a week or two after doing this routine weekly I will be accustomed to it again.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Sleeping at least 6 hours but not enough. Work has been very hectic. Get home and at least spend another hour decompressing. Hoping to catch up today, my day off.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Sleeping at least 6 hours but not enough. Work has been very hectic. Get home and at least spend another hour decompressing. Hoping to catch up today, my day off.

    Same here @prgirl39mfp and I’d routinely been getting 7. Not sure what’s up!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Thank 4/18 evening event was fun. :)
    A 2nd friend surprised us & brought an article she’d printed about the winery she’d mentioned. WOW!!

    And she also brought an old watercolor artist magazine from 2017 with an article about an artist “whose art reminded me of your’s”!!! Today I read the article & saw she was combining watercolor with reflections from stained glass (another love of mine.

    Ideas are zinging & popping in my brain!! One event leads to another lead to a webpage to another idea. I love the “snowballing” effect of one’s passion. Very fun.

    4/19 copied some watercolors from Wed & played with folding them into books. Mostly tho, I fell into a decluttering vortex :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    @texasgardnr Thank you for the Tupperware cupboard tip. I think that is a GREAT idea! I think I declutter this cupboard at least once a year when I get really angry with it (literally angry...I throw stuff on the floor like a toddler throwing a tantrum when it all starts falling out as I open the door). I'm going to go through it again and get rid of anything that doesn't fit in there with a cover, just like you suggest. I think my biggest struggle is that my husband, who is retired so is home all day, saves every single jar and every single plastic container we empty. Not even exaggerating. Every cottage cheese container, Yogurt, soft butter, olive or pickle jar...everything! And it all gets put in that cupboard, stacked inside each other with lids thrown only God knows where.

    Maybe I need to attack it from another angle by asking him to go through it with me and decide which ones he actually uses and which ones I can toss. Maybe he'd be more mindful if he sees how much JUNK we actually have in that cupboard!?

    It's kind of funny how our roles have reversed since he retired. He is now the hoarder around the house, and I come home from work and want to throw it all out. :smile: Dynamics are definitely different since he retired.

    Thank you again for the tip! It's a great idea and I'm going to put it to use this weekend.

    Also, thank you for the encouragement about my "bad" weekend! I still feel terrible about it because now I'm struggling to get back into that mindful place. But I never give up.... xoxo

    I like @texasgardnr’s Tupperware tip too. Containers without covers are of limited value. @PackerFanInGB, I feel for you and your challenge with your husband’s container collection. Does he know how much it bothers you? Does he know how stressful it is for you to open the cabinet and see all of these plastic containers tumble out? Do you know what’s behind his collecting? Most of these containers aren't recyclable and so sometimes ardent recyclers keep them on hand because they don’t want to throw them away. “I’ll find a use for it“ kind of thing. Wasn’t your birthday last month? If your husband understands how distressing this is to you, maybe a belated birthday present for you could be his throwing away these containers and finding something else to collect? It would make you so happy! My sense is either he has no appreciation for how much this bothers you and might be up for changing this habit (which you could definitely help him with!) or there is something behind this habit that might be addressable.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @MadisonMolly2017 I love that you record your process and share it with us. You are indeed following/creating your path! <3

    @77tes thank you for this! I’ve wondered if I should or not, but I’m building this daily habit & it keeps me focused on that!

    Thank you so much!💕

    I completely agree! I really enjoy hearing the details of your process! I can feel the joy creating artwork gives you and that’s wonderful!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    April has not been going well for me. I have gained almost 4 lbs. I was doing so awesome in March and felt so proud.

    I found out almost 2 weeks ago that my stepdad has bladder cancer and has refused treatment. My mother is heartbroken. I am heartbroken for them both and myself, and I'm a "fixer" so want to help. But I live 7 hours away from them. So, I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one.

    I've been eating and only journaling part of the day. At night I have been mindlessly snacking on things that I know I should not be eating mindlessly.

    I needed to tell you this because I need to be accountable. I know emotional eating is not going to help and has, in fact, hindered. I need to stop letting my emotions win all the time.

    So, today, I have logged every single bite, and I will continue to do that until I go to bed.
    Tomorrow, I will do the same thing.

    One day at a hour at a bite at a time.

    I love this group. You are all doing fantastic and inspire me in ways you probably don't even realize.


    Oh, @PackerFanInGB. I am so very sorry to hear your news. No wonder you are heartbroken and worried about your stepfather and your mother. I’m glad you shared this with us because we care about you and we are here for you! Please be gentle with yourself when it comes to your eating. You made fantastic progress in March and you will again. If the accountability and daily food logging helps give you a sense of normalcy, then that’s great. But if it’s an additional stressor on you right now, that you don’t need. <3<3<3
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    1. My goal for this month (This April I will...") go to sleep earlier (starting first with before midnight) than I have been (have been... way after midnight for sure )
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: (I don't have this figured out yet)
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: (i also don't have this figured out yet either)
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): 5-6 days a week to start with.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? If it is early enough I'll read a bit, using my timer to know when stop. Maybe I ought to pick out a book that I only read at night before sleeping???
    6. What help do you need from us? Your wonderful encouragement as individuals and as a group is always a blessing <3 .
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of April? To see improvements as a whole throughout this month. Eventually leading to a routine earlier bed time. And an establishment of a night time routine over the course of time.

    So far: Last full week in March: 7/7 lights out before midnight :sleeping:

    First week in April, including March 31: 4/7 lights out before midnight :yawn:

    Second week in April: 6/7 lights out before midnight. :sleeping:

    The one night I stayed up past midnight was when I was goofing off with my grand children who were sleeping over. We stayed up late laughing and talking. Then I had to get the kitchen cleaned up for Sunday morning. We had a pasta dinner and I couldn't leave it just sitting there. And with my goal being 5-6 days a week to start with it was worth the laughter and giggles.

    I'm going to work towards it being by 11 pm since increasingly I've been to sleep by 11 o'clock. I'm tracking times in my calendar. It is interesting to look back on. I just found out that my daughter is working on doing the same. So we are texting about it.

    Nighty night :sleeping:


    Staying up late having fun with your grandchildren is the best reason I can think of to stay up late. And I’m glad you and your daughter are both working on getting more sleep!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    The past 2 nights I have slept 8 hours both nights. So now the question is....why am I so tired. I get up and start my day...
    Jonny arrives 6:15 am
    We play or talk until I drop him off at school at 9
    I golf 18 holes pushing my cart and averaging 7.5 miles between 9:30 and 1pm
    I come home have lunch, freshen up and do chores until I pick Jonny up at 3:45 and he stays until about 5:30.
    Fix dinner, do dishes and soak in tub. Bed by 8 most nights.
    I feel really pooped after golfing and I am dragging butt until bedtime. I sure hope being another year older is not slowing me down. I did this last year and was not this tired. Maybe in a week or two after doing this routine weekly I will be accustomed to it again.

    As to your, “Why am I so tired? question....You are packing a lot into your day. That’s a lot of golf and keeping up with your grandson. Are you getting enough recovery time? I hope you are feeling better!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    The past 2 nights I have slept 8 hours both nights. So now the question is....why am I so tired. I get up and start my day...
    Jonny arrives 6:15 am
    We play or talk until I drop him off at school at 9
    I golf 18 holes pushing my cart and averaging 7.5 miles between 9:30 and 1pm
    I come home have lunch, freshen up and do chores until I pick Jonny up at 3:45 and he stays until about 5:30.
    Fix dinner, do dishes and soak in tub. Bed by 8 most nights.
    I feel really pooped after golfing and I am dragging butt until bedtime. I sure hope being another year older is not slowing me down. I did this last year and was not this tired. Maybe in a week or two after doing this routine weekly I will be accustomed to it again.

    @PinkyPan1 On the days that I have grandchildren over in the morning (not until 7 or so) I find that I'm super tired midday because I don't sleep well when I know I have to set the alarm instead of waking up naturally. AND I have to be perky (before my morning coffee) which isn't that hard because I'm happy to see them, but still... It sounds like you may just need some time to adjust to the schedule. Maybe if you try to get a short rest or 10 minute meditation time after golfing you might have more energy later in the day. One more thing, make sure you're drinking enough water. Being dehydrated can cause all kinds of symptoms. I hope you're getting some rest this weekend.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    nebslp wrote: »

    Yes, so much THIS! Though not an artist, nor a quilter, nor a sewer, my creative outlet is my guitar. From the moment I place my music stand in front of me, to the wonderful feeling of having my guitar on my lap, I am in my happy place! Whether that lasts 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or a full half hour, it doesn’t matter. Working through the music gives me an appreciation for the song and the composer that I don’t get when I just listen to music. I can take the original piece, play it back just as it is, or change it and modify it in anyway I choose.

    For me, quitting the sitting has become more than just about sitting less. I don’t want to sit out my life! I want to be an active participant in my own life and not just watch it go by. I want to create more, contribute more, help more, and consume less and watch less. Listening to music, though enjoyable, is a passive activity. The music exists without me and I can’t change it one bit. But playing music is active living. The music doesn’t begin until I start playing and it’s a blank canvas how I proceed!

    To me, one of the healthiest habits we can have to to set aside a small piece of each day, rope it off with yellow “do not cross” tape and dive into an activity that makes us deliriously happy and feeds our soul.

    @themedalist You could not have said this better. I especially like "playing music is active living. The music doesn't begin until I start playing and it's a blank canvas how I proceed!" Art forms are everywhere, and making music is one of my favorites that I neglect too often. I'm glad that you make time for it every day. You inspire me to do the same.

    "Create more, contribute more, help more, and consume less and watch less" sums up a positive way of living that has a tremendous impact on the world. I could go on and on but will end with this. "I don't want to sit out my life" and I want to be "deliriously happy" as well. Well said in every way. Thank you, Denise.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    I’m keeping up with my April goal of staying under my fat goal for 3 days per week, but the rest of the week isn’t so good. We see what Easter week brings. It will be busy with a concert to attend on Wednesday, Good Friday service, and Easter Sunday festivities.

    @77tes Good job keeping up with your goal as planned. Keeping track of fat intake means your are also tracking your food, another accomplishment!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    April has not been going well for me. I have gained almost 4 lbs. I was doing so awesome in March and felt so proud.

    I found out almost 2 weeks ago that my stepdad has bladder cancer and has refused treatment. My mother is heartbroken. I am heartbroken for them both and myself, and I'm a "fixer" so want to help. But I live 7 hours away from them. So, I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one.

    I've been eating and only journaling part of the day. At night I have been mindlessly snacking on things that I know I should not be eating mindlessly.

    I needed to tell you this because I need to be accountable. I know emotional eating is not going to help and has, in fact, hindered. I need to stop letting my emotions win all the time.

    So, today, I have logged every single bite, and I will continue to do that until I go to bed.
    Tomorrow, I will do the same thing.

    One day at a hour at a bite at a time.

    I love this group. You are all doing fantastic and inspire me in ways you probably don't even realize.


    I am sorry to hear about your stepdad's diagnosis. I'm sure being so far away is hard for you, but phone calls and texts will help them know you want to support them both in whatever way you can. Hugs!

    How are you doing since you wrote this post? Your "one day at a time" attitude will help you get through this time. We're not perfect, so while we strive for and hope for that, we can't expect perfection in our goals. Progress, however small, is still progress. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable by being accountable, you've taken one step towards getting things aligned again. Hang in there.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Your passion for art has spilled over into a passion for living...or is it the other way around?!? I believe that by focusing on what makes you feel alive and fulfilled, you bring more of that into your life. It just happens when you put in the work. You are becoming fearless and confident in your abilities and that's being reflected back to you by the new opportunities that are arising. I'm so happy for you:)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @texasgardner If you are getting to bed before midnight 5-6 nights a week, you are doing great! I like the idea of charting your sleep on the calendar. Do you jot down what helped or hindered you from getting there at your desired time? Time spent giggling and playing with grandkids is definitely an OK excuse...nope, reason... for staying up later than usual!