How many eggs do you eat a week?



  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    My average is about 30-36 per week. However, I am at weight maintenance and eating an average of over 3000 calories a day, so not sure is someone smaller than me or trying to lose weight would be able to have so many and still eat other foods.

    I have a source of good eggs as well, but not free. I hope over the next year or two to be in a position to have my own chickens. It is going to take some time on my part to get that set up so not sure if I can get it done that soon, though.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    It depends. Right now I'm practicing IF and not eating breakfast, so not many. BUT, if I'm doing more of a 3 meals a day plan, I'll easily eat 2 eggs a day every day, and sometimes more.

    I love eggs, and we get ours from our friend so I know exactly how the chickens are being treated and what kind of diet they are being fed. If I do buy eggs, I always buy organic, free range, hormone and antibiotic free, and soy free from my local farm or pet store. I believe that properly sourced eggs are an outstanding food source.

    Who says you can only have eggs for breakfast?

    Or that breakfast is only a morning meal? (Strictly speaking, breakfast is the first meal you have after...well...breaking your fast.)
  • julieb47
    julieb47 Posts: 20 Member
    I have one pasteurised egg white per day in my protein drink. After that I eat as many as I want. Some days none, other days maybe six.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    zeejane4 wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I tend to go in phases, where I could eat half a dozen eggs in one sitting and love it, and then swing to want nothing to do with eggs. That said, I've recently started having three raw yolks a day, because they are extremely nutrient dense ( and there's evidence that they can noticeably improve eye health. I've also gotten back into an "eat ALL the eggs!" phase and have had 3-4 eggs a couple of days a week in addition to the egg yolks. I've gone through as many as 2-3 dozen per week, by myself.

    Say it with me: eggs are NOT bad. Eggs are GOOD. They're another casualty of the diet-heart hypothesis (or "dietary cholesterol is bad for you"), something that has been pretty thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. Dietary cholesterol does not cause heart disease and has very little effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people (hyper-responders see more effect, but the jury's kind of out as to whether that's actually an issue). In fact, cholesterol is necessary for health. It's an important hormone precursor -- in other words, it helps keep your hormones working properly.

    One thing that helps with the mental hurdle is to look at the actual science and the nutrition. The Launch Pad (stickied to the top of the group) has a bunch of articles regarding cholesterol. I highly recommend checking them out.

    Also, here's another one (though I don't agree with the statements about saturated fat) -

    Wow, this is really interesting-I have pretty crappy eyes (my rx is in the -14 range, I'm 40yrs old and have early onset cataracts forming, and due to family history I'm at high risk for macular degeneration). I'll check out the link, thanks!!

    It's the lutein in the eggs that are beneficial. You can get it as supplements. But it's better just to eat fresh eggs
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    I love eggs. I have at least 1-2 a day. Usually boiled or poached on keto toast. We are getting chickens in a few days which I am excited about!
  • Audreyonfire
    Audreyonfire Posts: 15 Member
    I love eggs too. They are a staple in my diet. I probably eat a dozen easy a week. I eat them scrambled in butter, in crepes on the weekend, egg salad, in my desserts. . .
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,366 Member
    zeejane4 wrote: »
    It depends. Right now I'm practicing IF and not eating breakfast, so not many. BUT, if I'm doing more of a 3 meals a day plan, I'll easily eat 2 eggs a day every day, and sometimes more.

    I love eggs, and we get ours from our friend so I know exactly how the chickens are being treated and what kind of diet they are being fed. If I do buy eggs, I always buy organic, free range, hormone and antibiotic free, and soy free from my local farm or pet store. I believe that properly sourced eggs are an outstanding food source.

    The Keto Connection people ate them a lot at supper time and did crazy things like scramble them with ground beef-never in a million years would I have thought to do this, but it actually looks pretty good (with all sorts of seasonings). I've always thought of eggs as a morning thing, unless it was hard-boiled in a salad, but now I'm reconsidering :)

    I IF also and my usual lunch (breakfast since it's my first meal?) is some kind of ground meat (turkey, chicken or beef) mixed in with spinach/kale/mushrooms/etc and added to a scramble of egg whites and 1 whole egg. Love to use leftovers in the scramble as well - taco meat goes really good in this mix!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    It is true that eggs contain lutein however if one is making an effort to eat lutein to stave off macular degeneration, the better bet would be to eat the highly advocated leafy greens of a ketogenic or low carb diet. 1 egg contains 176 micrograms of lutein. 1 ounce of raw spinach contains 3458 micrograms. Of course kale, collards, swiss chard, broccoli etc are also very high in lutein comparatively.

    An ounce of raw spinach will likely cook down to less than a tablespoon so for the win-win bury the ounce of spinach in your cooked egg. :) Better yet, eat this!

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    2 in the morning, 1 hardboiled later that day.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    It is true that eggs contain lutein however if one is making an effort to eat lutein to stave off macular degeneration, the better bet would be to eat the highly advocated leafy greens of a ketogenic or low carb diet. 1 egg contains 176 micrograms of lutein. 1 ounce of raw spinach contains 3458 micrograms. Of course kale, collards, swiss chard, broccoli etc are also very high in lutein comparatively.

    An ounce of raw spinach will likely cook down to less than a tablespoon so for the win-win bury the ounce of spinach in your cooked egg. :) Better yet, eat this!

    What's the bioavailability, though?

    Animal foods tend to be in the preformed version and are typically more bioavailable (see also: Vitamin A vs beta carotine, heme vs non-heme iron, etc). Research shows this to also be the case for eggs. That doesn't get into the other compounds in leafy greens that give many people trouble. <- bioavailability of spinach vs eggs vs lutein supplements

    Of particular note:
    A significantly higher serum lutein response was found for egg consumption compared with the other treatments in this study (Fig. 1). In egg yolks, lutein is located in the digestible lipid matrix, which is composed of cholesterol, TG, and phospholipids (31). The cholesterol content of the egg yolk may enhance the bioavailability of lutein from egg yolks. et al. 2018 HAL + Figs.pdf <- bioavailability of lutein in spinach

    Also, since it'll probably get mentioned -- you don't have to do anything fancy to increase the lutein content of eggs. Just feed your hens Marigolds:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,366 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    It is true that eggs contain lutein however if one is making an effort to eat lutein to stave off macular degeneration, the better bet would be to eat the highly advocated leafy greens of a ketogenic or low carb diet. 1 egg contains 176 micrograms of lutein. 1 ounce of raw spinach contains 3458 micrograms. Of course kale, collards, swiss chard, broccoli etc are also very high in lutein comparatively.

    An ounce of raw spinach will likely cook down to less than a tablespoon so for the win-win bury the ounce of spinach in your cooked egg. :) Better yet, eat this!


    To go along with Dragonwolf... I also have to watch my consumption of spinach because the oxylates tend to cause me to develop kidney stones. I eat lots of eggs and lots of leafy greens (other than spinach), so I think I am covered either way :smile:
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    1 to 3 dozen a week. They are a great source of choline.
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    I have a small farm. We have happy fat chickens with lots of room to roam with all the other animals. Happy chicken eggs taste so much better!!!!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    2 a day and now that the farmers markets are open I will buy fresh farm eggs . and fresh bacon too . lots of local farms here . great milk too but I don't drink it , just heavy whipping cream . But My family loves the milk . I do all different kind of eggs too , hard boiled and scrambled, deviled , fried , poached. sometimes on a low carb wrap , or just with bacon , or just the 2 eggs and cheese . always with coffee LOL
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    I do 1 of the free range type brown eggs a day along with a pint of egg whites for breakfast.
  • butterfountain
    butterfountain Posts: 14 Member
    2 eggs (omelet) or 3 eggs soft boiled for breakfast almost every day. If I don't, like if I skip breakfast, I am so psyched because I can have egg salad for lunch, or hard boiled egg snack. I try not to eat more than 3 a day (just in case <shrugging>). They work for me on many levels.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Comes and goes for me. Hubs likes to make "tea eggs". And when he does then we each eat at least one a day.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I love tea eggs.... that reminds me, I have spicy-hot pickled eggs in the back of the fridge.... Yummy stuff for tomorrow.
  • ConH12
    ConH12 Posts: 37 Member
    1-2 per day