
RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Welcome to the June 2019 Ultimate Accountability Challenge!

Some of you have been with this challenge for months and some are brand new. This is one of the hardest challenges to stay with throughout the entire month. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!! Log every BLT (Bite, Lick, Taste). Stay strong and true to yourself....YOU WILL SUCCEED!!

Please feel free to share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with the rest of the group. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better.



  • sunflower2o
    sunflower2o Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks @RangerRickL!

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited May 2019
    I'm Bonnie and live in Nashville TN with my husband, Doug. We'll be celebrating 34 years of marriage in a couple of months and still like each other a lot! Mom to two grown men, one in Chattanooga TN and one in Greenville SC, and my four-legged Ollie.

    So glad to be back for another month of UAC. Love this group more than I can express and so thankful I found it several months ago. This group of dedicated people, led by our fearless and dedicated @RangerRickL, has helped to keep me focused on my health and because of that, I'm 1/3rd of my way to my goal!! Looking forward to meeting all the newbies and continuing on with those already here!
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    I'm Calli located on the central California coast with my husband and daughter. I've attempted this challenge in the past (some time ago) and am focusing on committing to making it through an entire month this time! I am easily distractable! I look forward to checking in with you all.
  • bocasdelcrazygrandpa
    bocasdelcrazygrandpa Posts: 2 Member
    Ugh, coming up on June and I still have my winter weight. I got to get back to serious about tracking. Tracking works. That is what I know. I am pretty active. I kind of binge on activity so my activity isn't really sustainable on a daily basis. I kind of go for every other day. I will come up with something that counts for 20 minutes on my "off" days. Maybe pushups and situps.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    @bocasdelcrazygrandpa Welcome back...looking forward to June!
  • jjjcat
    jjjcat Posts: 340 Member
    I am Caitlin from Sydney. I am back after a gap as I really need to budge (& keep budged) 5 kilos. I lost 4 of them and then put it back on and now it has plateaued. I have a cruise 🚢 later in the year and want to feel great. Thanks for having me back.
  • plantpowered
    plantpowered Posts: 25 Member
    Hi from California. I let go of Myfitnesspal for a while, but I'm drifting into old habits, so I'd love to join you.
  • heatcalvert
    heatcalvert Posts: 5 Member
    Hello from Illinois! I've been tracking calories for about a month and this month planning to also begin working out more. I know accountability will help me with the lifestyle changes I'm making. I look forward to joining you and getting to know you all along the way.