June 1 Sign In



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    lalabank wrote: »
    @RangerRickL since this is about accountability I have to be forth coming and say I am NOT in the circle. I had four pass days last month.
    I certainly feel like a winner! And congratulations to all who made it, it’s hard!!!
    First day of June off to a good start.
    3 X’s Yes. 60 minutes kickboxing and a very low calorie day.

    You’re a winner in my books! I witnessed what looked to be a great month last month. Wishing you the same success this month.

  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Yes to all three for Sunday

    Still not 100% after some food posioning, i had barely any appetite. So i was under calories by a larger margin than normal. Silver lining! Also took the dog for a walk, felt good to be outside.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES (1 hr 45 min push lawn mowing)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Congrats to everyone in the winners circle! Let’s crush June! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
    Congratulations to our May Winner's Circle Qualifiers. It's very difficult to stay disciplined and achieve the Winner's Circle. Well done to all!!

  • devon_redux
    devon_redux Posts: 18 Member
    ... @devon_redux Welcome! I hope you do find a way to change your mindset towards exercise, it makes a big difference in my life when I’m able to exercise, including my ability to sleep....
    jan110144 wrote: »
    @devon_redux Best wishes on your journey. This challenge can be very, very helpful in establishing the healthy habits for long-term success. You have come to the right place!!
    tuffgirl19 wrote: »
    Great goals @devon_redux! I find I do better with exercise in the am. That way I’m sure it gets done. But sometimes it’s at night🤣 I’m a night owl, I find reading before I go to sleep helps, 💕 my Kindle.

    Thanks to each of you (and to the other welcomes to newbies in general).

    I've had a big win on exercise. I've doubled the length of any previous streaks! Of course all previous streaks were only 1 day, so there's that, lol.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Congratulations to all who made the winner's circle!
    Pass Day 1
    I forgot it was June
  • ShareASmile
    ShareASmile Posts: 195 Member
    edited June 2019
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes. 20,000 steps walking around Philadelphia with my son and his fiance
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, but only because of those 20K steps!
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    And CONGRATULATIONS to all who stayed with the challenge throughout the month of May. I did fairly well, but am dealing with some weight gain. Going to figure it out and keep moving forward. 4 days in Philly with my son probably didn't help the weight issue...but worth every calorie!
  • loulouking
    loulouking Posts: 6 Member
    Today was my graduation ceremony so I definitely didnt track or stay on target. There was a lot of walking though so I probably hit my exercise inadvertently!
  • DreamAchiever33
    DreamAchiever33 Posts: 100 Member
    First pass day - my son's 8th birthday!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Exercise: yes, cut down 2 - 50ft trees, hauled wood off, picked up all branches
    Calories: was able to rein them in and stay on track
    Track: yes, had to go back and add something i forgot, but I did track it!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • heatcalvert
    heatcalvert Posts: 5 Member
    First day of June I met the first day of my first challenge with flying colors! My calories were within limit and I tracked everything. For exercise, I did a significant amount of cleaning (several hours) helping some friends who had water in their basement. Considering I work at a desk M-F, this is a major improvement.