Keto Newbie

ShayKnicks31 Posts: 25 Member
Any suggestions on the transition? Been doing research and just want to get some real feedback


  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    I too am just starting Keto (tomorrow). I've been reading everything I can find on the web about Keto. A piece of advice I was given was to not drastically cut my carbs back all at once, maybe to 50 grams a day for first week then gradually take them down each week until you reach the goal you want to keep them at.
  • ShayKnicks31
    ShayKnicks31 Posts: 25 Member
    I too am just starting Keto (tomorrow). I've been reading everything I can find on the web about Keto. A piece of advice I was given was to not drastically cut my carbs back all at once, maybe to 50 grams a day for first week then gradually take them down each week until you reach the goal you want to keep them at.

    Thanks for the advice! Should have seen that before. I’m on day 3 of Keto and IF and just cut it altogether. I tend to indulge a lot so it’s easier to just say no instead. It’s been challenging but I’ve found a lot of alternatives and seeing some of the benefits already. Wish you well and def will be here to support through it too
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Don't forget to increase your salt intake - any where close to 5000 mg a day is recommended. This will help you avoid the 'keto flu' which is really jut an electrolyte imbalance caused by all of the water that you will dump from restricting carbs.
  • zamirasoni
    zamirasoni Posts: 89 Member
    I did a two week challenge with my co-worker. My advice, stick around with it a bit longer than 3 days. I'm not sure about the effects for IF and Keto together. But on Keto, you don't start producing Ketones until 3-4 days in. I tested the entire week and I found it true. As time goes by, your body gets use to the new diet. I just finished the two weeks and I will stick around for a while. I currently only have 20 g of carbs a day. After two weeks, I no longer feel like i'm going to fall sleep on my desk anymore. I still don't have tons energy, but the websites said it's coming. I sure hope so :) Best of Luck!! If you have specific questions, post or message me. I'm not an expert but I learned a lot during the challenge.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I recommend a longer duration too. 3days will only confuse your body. Give yourself time to adjust and see how it goes.

    I’ll second the salt recommendations too! The electrolyte imbalance is one of the main reasons that people say Keto doesn’t work for them. You will have headaches, feel weak, have leg cramps... When we urinate the ketones (which are a byproduct from burning fat for energy) take sodium with them and if you don’t replace the sodium you will feel like crap and have all of the things I’ve mentioned. It’s called “Keto flu” because it feels like you’re having the flu.

    Keep asking questions as you need to. After a couple of weeks it becomes so much easier! Once you get past the learning curve it becomes a habit.
  • Crash7676
    Crash7676 Posts: 41 Member
    I’m exactly where you’re at; day 3 of a 3day keto kickstart. Did it to see if I actually COULD eat this way. And will most definitely keep going, because just 2 days in, my gut feels better 🤣 I think bread is no bueno for me 🤣🤣 I haven’t picked up the keto sticks or anything yet, like Zamirasoni said above, it takes time for your body to start producing ketones. also like you, I’ve been reading and reading and reading all about it, so hopefully my questions to the group aren’t TOTALLY stupid 🤣🤣🤣
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    I've been doing it just a week and a half now. I'm eating between 20 and 40g carbs and the first thing I noticed was no bloating.
    I'm always getting bloat after drinking or eating. I haven't had any apart from a bit of female bloat but normally I would look pregnant at this point of the month and this time I don't.
    I'm loving it. Down 4lbs in a week and felt full and ate loads of fat.
    You will need to take a vitamin tablet as I had to start taking vit C as I got an Ulcer due to the lack of it. And only diarrhea for the first 2 days but nothing terrible.
    It's working and i'm noticing trousers fitting better already that was digging in just 2 weeks ago.
    It's worth a try.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I've been doing it just a week and a half now. I'm eating between 20 and 40g carbs and the first thing I noticed was no bloating.
    I'm always getting bloat after drinking or eating. I haven't had any apart from a bit of female bloat but normally I would look pregnant at this point of the month and this time I don't.
    I'm loving it. Down 4lbs in a week and felt full and ate loads of fat.
    You will need to take a vitamin tablet as I had to start taking vit C as I got an Ulcer due to the lack of it. And only diarrhea for the first 2 days but nothing terrible.
    It's working and i'm noticing trousers fitting better already that was digging in just 2 weeks ago.
    It's worth a try.

    Good reading about Vitamin C. He actually has a lot of great information about the Carnivore Diet which is how I found him originally. His most recent post about Vitamin D is also great.
  • bargererica
    bargererica Posts: 1 Member
    Is it good to be heavy on Protein and Fat?
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Four weeks in and love it. My (adult) daughter and boyfriend are eating keto as well.

    After a week, we started taking magnesium supplements and adding a serving of Trader Joe's frozen pepper mix to dinner, which shoots our daily Vitamin C up. We also sprinkle our food with "No Salt" a potassium salt substitute.

    And taking a sublingual D vitamin--under the tongue.

    The foods and macros seem easy enough. We eat mostly eggs, meats, leafy greens, most veggies, cheeses, and fish. Everything cooked in olive oil or coconut oil.

    Love trying to recreate our favorite foods in very low carb versions.

    The energy and feeling great that come after the initial week are amazing. And like another commenter, no bloat!!