Type II and starting keto

072499tt Posts: 37 Member
Hi All- Im new here. After much reading and research (and anxiety), Ive decided to begin keto with 2 main goals. 1. consistent low blood sugars and eventually without needing medication and 2. weight loss. I've been low carb since last Aug off and on but hit a plateau after a 15 lb loss. After months of back and forth between the same few pounds I decided to give keto a go. Today is day 5 and I have not had many keto flu symptoms except feeling a little jittery when I wake up. I loaded up any supplements in preparation so I hope this is why it seems so smooth. My question is Im really wondering if there are others here who are Type II Diabetic and if so, have you experienced success with sustained low bg and weight loss. I've been soooo frustrated with the advice given to me by medical professionals and nutritionists in my area which has been the standard reduce carbs speech. Im finding that this reducing carbs advice has been given without attention to individuality. For instance, I was told to eat 30 g at meals and 15 g at snacks. That put my bg too high for my liking (150) not many health professionals in my area seem to give advise about managing or even not needing medication but managing with diet and exercise. So Ive done my own research yet with so many of the cautions you also see about Keto, it has not been without pause. Anyway..thank you for listening and Im really just looking to connect with like minded folks and those who have attained some wisdom on this journey to better health.


  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    i can't comment on this for my own n=1; but i know there are groups of people that have done so (both here and elsewhere). if you like podcasts, the 2KetoDudes podcast is run by someone who has done just that (it was initially two type2 diabetics; now it is one and his co-host is a lady who is controlling her bipolar with keto)
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    wow! thank you @zanyterp
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    you are welcome
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @072499tt Hi, I haven't done this, I mean I've not been type 2 diabetic but my two adult sons have been, note the have been! They both decided to listen to their mother for once! They had had the usual stuff from both doctor and dietician and it wasn't getting better and they were on metaformin. After a few months of low carb and keto they had a check up and neither was any longer T2. Both are off any drugs and that's several years ago for one and a year or two for the other. One of them pretty much eats what he like and when now but the other who if he were a girl would be PCOS no doubt about it, (we have sooo many PCOS females in our family!) still gains weight frighteningly fast and has to watch his carbs all of the time. Still the important thing is we now know how to avoid type2 and it can be reversed in our experience.
    I'm sure more people will chip in as there is a lot of direct experience with this from other members. Good luck and you are on the right path!
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you @chinatowninchina . Very encouraging. I just ordered a book that talks about the art and science of low carb eating and addresses the benefit for diabetic patients.
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone. Trying to remain hopeful. This is just about the end of my first week and Ive only lost about 2 lbs and my fasting bg's are still in the high 120 range, despite eating low carb (yesterday I had 10 carbs total). Im not too concerned about the after dinner numbers but its the fasting one that I want to get lower and dont understand why its not budging further. I also dont understand why ive lost only 2lbs. However it really isnt an option to eat any other way so I will remain hopeful
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    *after meal numbers in general are fine (not just after dinner)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Get Dr Richard K Bernstein’s book Diabetes Solutions. Lots of it is geared toward Type 1 but he does discuss Type 2 as well.
    Here is a link to many of the chapters that are available free online. Her also has a YouTube channel called Diabetes University you should check out.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    If you have Amazon Prime, I just watched a documentary titled "Fasting" in which they discuss some interesting links between Type II and time-restricted eating. Might be worth your time to take a look.

    Good for you for taking the time to try something different and hopefully get off those meds!!
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone

  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    Also, if you were already low carb, you won't have that whoosh of water weight loss because your body most likely wasn't holding on to extra water. 2 pounds in one week is a very good loss! Stay the course. Let your body heal. Keep educating yourself. Your fasting numbers will come down.
  • 072499tt
    072499tt Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you!
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    072499tt wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. Trying to remain hopeful. This is just about the end of my first week and Ive only lost about 2 lbs and my fasting bg's are still in the high 120 range, despite eating low carb (yesterday I had 10 carbs total). Im not too concerned about the after dinner numbers but its the fasting one that I want to get lower and dont understand why its not budging further. I also dont understand why ive lost only 2lbs. However it really isnt an option to eat any other way so I will remain hopeful

    A 2 pound weight loss in a week is good! My aim is to lose 1.5 lbs a week although since starting keto I average around 3 but I'm a big believer that if you lose weight too fast it seems to come back, at least with me. I've been on Keto for a month now and still in the learning process myself. Good luck on your journey!
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I was was diagnosed Type 2 diabetes a month ago. Blood sugar regularly over 300. Tried the doctor’s diet of 1,500 calories but blood sugar was 175 - 300 and i was eating healthy unprocessed foods. I then decided to have bacon and eggs for breakfast in lieu of my standard plain oatmeal and the result was my first blood sugar test under 150. I experimented a bit and it seemed that my blood sugar results were directly tied to my carb intake. I decided to go full Keto and stay under 20 net carbs per day with 65-70% of calories from fat. Been in Ketosis for 3 straight weeks and have lost 14 lbs. Most importantly my 7 & 14 day average blood sugar #s are 103. Go back to doctor on Friday but I’m feeling good about for Keto for T2 Diabetes so far. The trick for me was figuring out how to manage my macros and get enough fat while limiting both carbs and proteins, once I figured that out the blood sugar #s came way down and more predictable and weight loss accelerated. I need to lose another 60 lbs so I’m just getting started. I know my weight loss will slow way down but I’m hoping for 1.5 - 2 lbs per week with stable blood sugars and I’ll get there in a year or so. Hope this helps and Best of luck to you.
  • akscooter1
    akscooter1 Posts: 3 Member
    @072499tt Hi, I haven't done this, I mean I've not been type 2 diabetic but my two adult sons have been, note the have been! They both decided to listen to their mother for once! They had had the usual stuff from both doctor and dietician and it wasn't getting better and they were on metaformin. After a few months of low carb and keto they had a check up and neither was any longer T2. Both are off any drugs and that's several years ago for one and a year or two for the other. One of them pretty much eats what he like and when now but the other who if he were a girl would be PCOS no doubt about it, (we have sooo many PCOS females in our family!) still gains weight frighteningly fast and has to watch his carbs all of the time. Still the important thing is we now know how to avoid type2 and it can be reversed in our experience.
    I'm sure more people will chip in as there is a lot of direct experience with this from other members. Good luck and you are on the right path!

  • akscooter1
    akscooter1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm here as the mother of a obese 13 yr old that is pre diabetic. Can you tell me any of your sons favorite low carb or no carb products? My son loves pizza so I need to find a way to be able to include this in his diet.
  • akscooter1
    akscooter1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm here as the mother of a obese 13 yr old that is pre diabetic. Can you tell me any of your sons favorite low carb or no carb products? My son loves pizza so I need to find a way to be able to include this in his diet.
  • lucy662017
    lucy662017 Posts: 4 Member
    akscooter1 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm here as the mother of a obese 13 yr old that is pre diabetic. Can you tell me any of your sons favorite low carb or no carb products? My son loves pizza so I need to find a way to be able to include this in his diet.

    Hi-Quest makes a pizza that I can only find in Target. One pizza is two servings. My niece ,who loves pizza, loves it 😊. Kinda pricey at $7 but I always keep it in my freezer.