What does your 500 calorie day look like?

I'm curious what you eat on your 500 calorie day?


  • Hey!
    This is what my normal fasting day looks like:

    Breakfast: Porridge
    50g of porridge oats
    100ml of coconut milk
    50g of unsweetened apple sauce
    1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

    Usually half a pot of soup from the local supermarket. My workplace covers my lunch allowance, so it's easy. I make sure to go for the good soups though, not the cream filled ones. So I'll usually get Sweet Potato & Chilli soup, or Butternut Squash soup.

    If I'm really organised, then I'll have something a bit different for lunch.
    50g of Soy Bean Fettuccini (163 calories) with 30g of low-fat cheese spread, and some grilled chicken.
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    I tend to just have a evening meal on my fast days, and an oxo drink for supper
  • I think for me, my concentration levels during the day get shot if I don't eat, I get distracted easily. But, I have sometimes had an oxo drink in the evening if I had enough calories left. I stop doing this now as I understand it's better to have two meals than three.
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,575 Member
    a lean cuisine for lunch and a cup a soup in the evening, some strawberries.
  • mosasaurusrex
    mosasaurusrex Posts: 5 Member
    @MandiNKel @ZombieLauren what is an OXO drink? (sorry, i'm a newb to everything)
  • mosasaurusrex
    mosasaurusrex Posts: 5 Member
    anyone tried juicing on their fast day?
  • emmahhjo
    emmahhjo Posts: 10 Member
    @mosasaurusrex I juice on my fast days, sometimes I supplement it with bone/other types of broth and stock for protein and electrolytes.
  • Elott7840
    Elott7840 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually stick to protein and fat on low cal days, maybe some hard boiled eggs, string cheese, or a packet of tuna in olive oil. Sometimes I’ll have 10-20 almonds. If I get crave-y in the eve I’ll have a couple green olives or a few dill pickle chips. I will usually drink a kombucha sometime during the day, and I’ll have a little unsweetened coconut-milk creamer or lemon in my tea depending on my mood.
    I used to eat unsweetened coconut milk yogurt and 1/2 a cup of berries with some almonds on it on my 500 cal days but I found it’s easier for me because I don’t get as many cravings if I keep carbs very low on my 500 cal days.
    On my other 5 days of the week I do still watch my calories but I eat everything in moderation-just try to keep added sugar and processed foods to a minimum.
  • rpbailey
    rpbailey Posts: 2 Member
    New to 5:2. I have been doing 7 day calorie counting. After having to do a 3 day fast for medical reasons I found I would prefer to switch to 5:2. Tomorrow will be my first fasting day. I plan to have have coffee and tea mid-morning and fish and salad for dinner. I will continue to log my food intake on the other 5 days just because it will be easier to insure I don't overeat.
  • bb2much
    bb2much Posts: 3 Member
    I did the 5:2 diet last summer for about 8 weeks and lost 15 pounds. It seemed so easy. Then went on a trip and got off and have been trying to get back on. Hoping this group will motivate me to stick with it this time. Is anyone combining 5:2 with the 16:8 on other days?