Keto on a budget

cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
I know I have seen some posts about trying to keep costs costs down as there is a misperception that it expensive. Here is video that could be helpful. There is some extraneous stuff at the beginning, so you can skip forward to about the 8 minute mark where she actually starts talking about this topic.


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited July 2019
    I think of these same points a lot!!

    I constantly see people insulting keto as a weight loss scam and industry. And how they're not going to pay for a weight loss system

    I think the general public is simply misinformed.

    I think keto is fairly affordable, because I'm not buying boxes of cereal, bags of rice, cookies, ice creams, breads, pastries, chips, fruit, etc.

    I do buy most of my produce frozen from Trader Joe's, except fresh heirloom tomatoes, onions, and avocados.

    We stock up on butter, eggs, cheeses, and meats usually at Trader Joe's, or when on sale at supermarket!

    I miss Sprouts. It was a lot of the same brands sold at Whole Foods but half the cost.

    Love eating keto so far!!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    This thread from the Open Threads might have a couple ideas, too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    FYI, she stops chatting and begins to get to the meat of the matter :wink: at 8 min, if you want to get right to the topic.
  • Soaringrose
    Soaringrose Posts: 52 Member
    I haven’t watched yet. So I will. But the truth is I feel the same way as the “misinformed” people. I have a huge household. And to me low carb is expensive. I’m used to filling everyone up with pasta, rice, bread. That is filling. I keep trying to do low carb then bomb it. It’s the only think that satisfies me. I am hungry ALL the time trying to eat lower calorie. I hate it! I have major lack of energy and I get lots of salt & take my vitamins, magnesium etc. I do not understand. As bad as I want it to work I don’t know how. I don’t know how to feed my family full without all the “fillers”. And I hate to feel so deprived so I get all into with cheesecake etc which is pricey. I honestly need help. I can’t keep going back & Forth. Now I have high cholesterol. I don’t know if it’s cause I go back and forth. They told me to eat only 2 eggs a week. I mean really?! That just doesn’t sound right. I’ll likely post a separate post too later. But I’m really torn!
  • Soaringrose
    Soaringrose Posts: 52 Member
    Eating mostly meats and vegetables is going to be more expensive than eating pasta and other grain-based foods. There are ways to make keto more affordable (eggs, coupons, inexpensive cuts of meat, frozen veggies on sale). But, if you’re really struggling with food costs, low carb diets are difficult things to maintain.
    My diet is keto, but my family doesn’t. Usually we make a meat, veggie, starch and I just leave the starch off my plate. I’ve been doing it long enough that I don’t struggle with feeling left out as much as I used to, but it can be hard.

    That is great advice. I think I’m making it too complicated. Thank you!
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    Just adding here. Excited! Anyone addicted to coconut oil - Sam’s has a giant not expensive jar of Virgin Unrefined COLD pressed coconut oil.
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2019
    I eat frozen veggies. They are cheaper. Check the price per ounce and make sure locally. Can also rice the frozen cauliflower to not pay the premium per ounce for the smaller prepped bags.
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    Also. Look for specials at stores for meats. When they are marked down to sell in a few days I grab and freeze. Ground turkey 1/2 price. Chicken cuts SO cheap too when you do that.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member

    I always added potatoes, rice, and pasta to meals thinking we wouldn't get full without these things.

    I'm finding adding oils to even small portions of meats and veggies, makes the meal extremely filling.

    I add two to four tablespoons of coconut oil and/or olive oil to cook meats, veggies, and eggs in.

    I quit leaving the oil and drippings in the pans and started pouring them over our entrees (as long as not disgustingly burnt).

    If it was just me getting stuffed from this new way of eating, I wouldn't put much stock into it, but my boyfriend and daughter are also getting stuffed this way. And the boyfriend was a BIG eater with a HUGE appetite.

    These are other tips to feel fuller faster.

    1. Serve food on smaller plates and smaller bowls, psychological, but it works.
    2. Take small bites. We eat with the little forks and little spoons.
    3. Chew each bite slower and more thoroughly. Make meal last longer and eat past the 15 minute food window.

    Hope any of this helps!!

  • Soaringrose
    Soaringrose Posts: 52 Member
    Very wonderful great ideas thank you! I’ve begun again & am doing better. Thx everyone!
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Maybe it's where I live, but eggs, cheese, butter, meat of all kinds and vegetables are all expensive. The cheaper food is all the carbs. Fruit is not as expensive as veg, but not berries. Those are just ridiculous! Lettuce is not too bad, but I can't live on lettuce
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I can usually find meats for around $1 a pound, assuming I'm not picky about what animal I get...there is always some sale chicken or pork...and I can deconstruct my own chicken if need be and the non-sale price for a whole chicken is a pretty steady $0.89/lb so that's my backup if I can't find other cheap things...ground beef usually runs $2.50-$3/lb, and steaks are more unless I get the about-to-go-bad ones. Eggs are cheap, 50 to 75 cents a dozen on sale and I will buy 3-4 dozen when on sale. I will also get canned meats when they are on sale, though the price per pound on those is higher, they are convenient quick lunches, so I try to keep at least some in the house.

    I think a lot of it is planning. Knowing what day your local grocers mark down the meats and dropping in to check the prices on mark-down day is a big help, sometimes it's a jackpot, sometimes it's not enough of a mark-down to be worth it or they just look inedible, but it's usually worth checking at least. Most groceries run the same sales every 4-6 weeks. I usually make my menu weekly based on what is already in the house, and just put on the shopping list the bare minimum that I need to get through the week.

    When I shop, I try to shop with about $20-$40 of "stock up" money...where I can buy the things that are the best prices on sale and use them for future weeks while still being able to purchase the minimum I need to get through the week. You definitely pay about 3x more when things are not on sale, so building up a freezer/pantry of supplies when things are on sale is a big overall money saver, but it requires planning.

    Tuesday nights one of my Food Lions marks down their meats, if possible, I try to stop by and see what's on sale...ditto for the other Food Lion on Thursday nights...Saturday morning when I do my normal shopping I always hit Lidl first because they inevitably have the best meat sales and they frequently sell out of those items...then I go to Costco, it's more bulk spending there so I'm limited to one or two things, but the prices are good per pound and I can break them into smaller portions with freezer bags...then I will go to Food Lion, but usually by then it's just small things that I can't get elsewhere, and I almost never pay full price for meats. Vacation is about the only time I am OK with buying full price meats.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 276 Member
    I buy free range eggs, they're only a little bit more expensive than caged eggs.I buy cheaper cut of meats, vegetables in season and tinned foods and frozen foods. I also buy meats that on special including free range chicken, kangaroo mince and half price duck too.Again, they're still cheap and affordable for me.I grow some herbs, chilies and limes too but I'm too lazy to grow veggies. x 🍋🌿🌶