What Nobody Tells You About Losing Weight on the KETO diet

Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
edited July 2019 in Social Groups
Saw this under success stories on main paige and thought it’d be fun to try here...

Here’s one that had surprised me (1/2 through to goal). I lost a lot of weight a few years ago and one of the things that freaked me out was all the wrinkles that showed up around my eyes out of nowhere. I gained a bit back I think now because my face worried me. This time on Keto diet my wrinkles are getting better as I lose??? And I swear my teeth have whitened and my eyes sight is slightly better. I’ll find out about the eyes tomorrow at the eye doc :)

Anyone else?


  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    I just started my 5th week on keto. Only thing I've noticed so far is my energy level is up. Sure hope it helps with my wrinkles though 😃
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    So I was right! My near eyesight is the same - hasn’t changed in years. But my Left eye fat vision is better! Yay! I was pretty sure I could see leaves on trees clearer again with no glasses!!!
  • amaliapedulla
    amaliapedulla Posts: 1 Member
    Energy for sure, and greater mental clarity. Be sure and add collagen peptides to help with loose skin! I've tried various hrands with success, just went for the highest rating on amazon along with good price. I am 49 and have not dealt with loose skin much while losing on keto.

    Also, stronger nails.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The palate changes. Since cutting carbs, lettuces and greens taste sweet to me.

    I tried to add a drop of organic low carb ketchup to my Hebrew National hotdog... It was super sweet to me.

    The natural sweetness of veggies and tomatoes are more pronounced.