What's the one takeaway from our GORL you hold dear?

It's to be assumed that everyone takes different lessons away from our Gorl's behavior; lessons on what not to do mostly. So what are those lessons? What is your take away when you watch her Cycle of Futility unfold?

For me it's her constant and steadfast belief that 'this won't work for me' or 'my body's not like that'. That apparently her body is so special that normal rules don't apply to it. This is crazy when she says it, and it's always been crazy when I've said it to myself about weight loss and my health. Seeing her blatant denial has called out mine (and frankly I feel attacked, lol) and I'm doing what I can to do and be better.


  • MahiMahi_93
    MahiMahi_93 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh same. I mean... I've actually found stuff that work for me but I never stick to it for long. Of course not as short as her. I usually stick to it for like.. a month? And then I use "life" as an excuse to quit. I need to learn that this is a lifestyle change that is a part of life. It goes hand in hand. Which is why it's important to find something sustainable and not something that requires all this extra effort and time. That'll just end up being an excuse to quit. Simple changes and staying consistent will help me a lot and I'm learning to do that.

    Watching her, I realized that I quit as well and convince myself it's fine. Huge wake up call seeing her in this level of denial. I may not be on her level of denial but it's still there. I need to be way more accountable.
  • OlgaKelmis
    OlgaKelmis Posts: 7 Member
    ...take care of your teeth!

    Ironically enough i went and got two teeth pulled today.
  • slugbugslugger
    slugbugslugger Posts: 10 Member
    Watching her videos really helped me get used to not caring how my food tastes. I've had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food my whole life, and I was using it to congratulate myself, but now I find that I don't care how what I'm eating tastes like as long as I'm hitting my macros.
  • dentistsquid
    dentistsquid Posts: 5 Member
    Portion sizes. 100 percent. I saw AL’s portions and realized that mine were terrifyingly close to hers. I have since cut my portions by a significant amount.
  • Agatha1926
    Agatha1926 Posts: 3 Member
    When I watch her, I see in myself how I've always given up getting into shape. I try to do too much at once and just stop caring.
  • charharr91
    charharr91 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2019
    The mentality of: ‘I’ll start again tomorrow, or on Monday, or after X happened, if things go wrong.’

    No! You acknowledge the lapse and don’t let it take you further off course. It’s consistency that gets you to your goal.

    Secondly, the mindless, gigantic and huge bites of food she takes. She even stretches her tongue out before taking bites so she can get the food to the back of her throat quicker. It showed me to be mindful of how I eat; take it slow, enjoy the food, chew it properly, take smaller bites.
  • cortni_152229
    cortni_152229 Posts: 10 Member
    I know what it's like to be all worked up for a plan and you get all excited, you have that last harrah and then you're ready to start the next day, except you wake up the next day and you're a little food hung over from that harrah and you're aalready craving awful foods again with them in your system, some foods really are like drugs for your brain!!! Whenever I decide to get back on track it's a then and there type situation deal, never ever the next day! And as soon as an excuse to stop pops up I feel like ALR and cut that crap right out !