September Goals Accountability Thread



  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,991 Member
    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 147.5
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    9/1: 148. Been up the past few days - still on the tail end of the stupid summer cold someone was kind enough to "share" with me. But feeling better and will be back to my normal routines this week. Track day tomorrow though, so unlikely to check in here.
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Holding Average Around 145.0

    Goal #1: 6-7 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    *9/1: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)

    Here we go September! Had the intention of biking to the farmers market this morning but did a cycling class yesterday and was sore, so aerial yoga tonight instead. It's my off day for Core Routine. I've already pre-tracked my meals and snacks for today with some wiggle room for an evening snack and an afternoon coffee treat with a friend. Nice number at weigh-in this morning, I've been holding around 148 all week. Took my measurements as well and down an inch in both waist and hips since July! Starting off strong!!
  • RunninCurmudgin
    RunninCurmudgin Posts: 18 Member
    GW: 140

    Goal #1: Lose 5 lb per month for next 3 month, to return to my "normal" weight of 130 lbs. We are going on a "mystery" holiday for my 50th birthday (I don't know where but assume a bathing suit will be involved) and I want to be back to 130 for this occasion.

    This is the weight I had maintained from age 20 to age 46... I gained 15 lbs when I started living with my husband (then boyfriend).. he thinks I look great with larger boobs but I just feel fat now ;-(

    Goal #2: Finish Zwift Academy in Sept (if any of you are Zwifters.. you know what I mean!). I have 3 workouts and two group rides left.
    Goal #3: 1/2 plate vegetables every dinner, and fruit for dessert (even if there is a cookie or two involved, the fruit must be there!)

    9/1 - 144.4
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    edited September 2019
    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66.1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66.7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!

    Starting a 36h fast
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Okay, I'm in! I need this because I have seriously been slacking lately

    SW: 139.8
    GW: 134

    Goal #1: 1 hour minimum of activity at least 4 days a week
    Goal #2: Track my food in MFP, the good, the bad and the I'm accountable for what I am eating
    Goal #3: Weekly meal prep so I am not tempted to binge eat when I'm being lazy and dont want to cook

    Holy smokes, I looked at your profile picture! What an inspiring change! Damn! How the hell did you get those gains?!
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Hi all, first entry of the month before going on holidays for a week. :) I won’t be able to weigh or check in here the next days. Goal: not gain weight.

    SW: 74.1 kg
    GW: 72 kg

    Goal #1: Enjoy the holidays (1 week) but with healthy eating.
    Goal #2: Track all food in MFP (just started again).
    Goal #3: Start running 3x per week (I'm at 2x already on avg).

    9/1: 74.1 - overall a quiet day, unpacking some more boxes from moving, reading, healthy food choices but still being a bit over the calorie goal. Worth it though :)
  • rachelhunter2013
    rachelhunter2013 Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2019
    Pumped for this bit of accountability and seeing other ladies motivated and setting goals. Thanks for starting this and looking forward to how it will help!!

    SW: 173 lb
    GW: 165 lb

    Goal #1: Track food for the whole month to grow awareness. Stick under 1,700 calories a day - intentionally think about macro ratios
    Goal #2: Do a full 30 minute or more workout 3x a week; be intentionally active 5x a week
    Goal #3: Become aware of what my body needs and how fueling it affects my whole body health.

    9/1 Meal planned and chose healthy options, chose grilled salmon while eating out at lunch #itsthelittlethings
    9/2 Completed 30 minutes of working out
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    I think this is a very sensible approach !

  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Moving Average Around 145.0-145.5

    Goal #1: 6-7 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    9/1: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)
    *9/2: 146.0 (Moving Average 147.1)

    This weigh in number is what I've been seeing as my recent lowest when it bounces down, maybe I'll move into a lower bounce down number soon! Definitely pushed my average down some.
    Yesterday did some deep cleaning at home instead of aerial yoga... but I scrubbed windows and did deep dusting and vacuuming for like 3 hours so I'm counting it as activity! Plus my apartment feels amazing. I feel mega-accomplished as while I was cleaning I wanted to eat so much! I portioned out a couple of hearty snacks to give myself a treat within my calorie target and I resisted the temptation to binge. I really wanted to drink a beer but it didn't fit in so I'll plan today for enjoying one. Today is Ab Routine day, and I'm thinking of an active way to enjoy the outdoors today... maybe a bike ride or a hike. Meals and snacks are pre-logged for the day with some room for an evening beer and/or extra snack.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    September SW: 153
    September GW: 148

    Goal #1: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #2: 3 core and upper body workouts a week.
    Goal #3: Keep net carbs under 20g/day.

    It took my a day or two to decide on this month’s goals. One and two are repeats from last month and really helped me to keep my exercise on track. I added #3 because my weight plateaued last month because I was getting up to 30g or 35g of carbs a day. So, I wanted to have at least one goal related to diet.

    9/1 - 12 mile run and only 14g of net carbs! I ate so much bacon to make that work. I need pick up some avocados to get some MUFAs back in my diet.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    edited September 2019
    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66.1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66.7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!
    Starting a 36h fast
    3 September: 66kg (145,51 lbs) // That's better! Didn't make the 36h though, only did 24 and no exercises! Must (and will!) do better today :) Already did core & upperbody this morning, tonight running and glumstrings
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Regained some after taking a break, back for accountability. :)

    Sept SW: 141.6
    Sept GW: 137.6

    Goal #1: Work out 5 times a week
    Goal #2: Eat more veggies and less processed foods
    Goal #3: Take time to pamper myself every day

    9/1 - 141.6
    9/2 - 141.6
    9/3 - 140.4
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    46, 5'2"
    SW: 107 ish I think
    GW: 105 BF: 20%

    Goal #1: Keep up with 4X a week of OTF
    Goal #2: Meal prep more ( I do breakfast prep and 1 meal prep currently) Utilize Crockpot!
    Goal #3: Start photo records of self... This is uncomfortable but to SEE the CHANGE, it's a must

    9/3 107.2 / 20.4%

    Friday was dinner with friends visiting- Salads, grilled meat, quinoa sides, meatballs, potatoes, fruits, pies, drinks, you name it, it was on the table.
    But I did good. Had a little of everything and didn't over do.
    Saturday, worked out 1st thing in the morning, hung out with family, did some cooking nice chill day by the pool then Mexican fiesta with friends! Lots of margarita but I had it with lots of ice:)
    Sunday, another OTF in the morning and 2 mile charity walk with friends. Got a lot of steps in. Burgers at the event then more food at our neighbor friends. Israelis knows how to cook!!
    Monday, Slept in, did some cleaning etc. Went to a local fund raising event (Ribs!) and had some falafels and ribs. Completely stuffed, I skipped dinner :D
    Now back to work!
  • RunninCurmudgin
    RunninCurmudgin Posts: 18 Member
    GW: 140

    Goal #1: Lose 5 lb per month for next 3 month, to return to my "normal" weight of 130 lbs. We are going on a "mystery" holiday for my 50th birthday (I don't know where but assume a bathing suit will be involved) and I want to be back to 130 for this occasion.

    This is the weight I had maintained from age 20 to age 46... I gained 15 lbs when I started living with my husband (then boyfriend).. he thinks I look great with larger boobs but I just feel fat now ;-(

    Goal #2: Finish Zwift Academy in Sept (if any of you are Zwifters.. you know what I mean!). I have 3 workouts and two group rides left.
    Goal #3: 1/2 plate vegetables every dinner, and fruit for dessert (even if there is a cookie or two involved, the fruit must be there!)

    9/1 - 144.4
    9/2 - 143.5 but ate dinner late and had red wine which always messes with my system so I know tomorrow will start heavy..
    9/3 - 144.9 and it did!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 298 Member
    H 5' 4"
    CW 146

    SW: 147
    GW: 142

    Goal #1: No grazing. I am a heavy snacker. I would like to curb my habit of eating too many things between meals. It is more habitual than out of hunger. This is the most important goal for me in staying track.
    Goal #2: 5-6 days of workout - ST/2m run combination (3x:2x)
    Goal #3: 10k steps everyday

    9/1 On vacation
    9/3 147.8
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    edited September 2019
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/1 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/2 - 145.6
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 139.4
    GW: 130

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Sept 1: 139.4
    Sept 2: 140.4
    Sept 3: 140.2
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,991 Member
    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 147.5
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    9/1: 148.
    9/3: 149, but no surprise - track day yesterday, plus salty dinner, plus just barely over last week's sickness *grrrr*
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66.1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66.7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!
    Starting a 36h fast
    3 September: 66kg (145,51 lbs) // That's better! Didn't make the 36h though, only did 24 and no exercises! Must (and will!) do better today :) Already did core & upperbody this morning, tonight running and glumstrings

    WTG!!!! Strong start to the month!