Workout recovery on Keto

rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
Any tips for recovering from muscle soreness after workouts. I hit the elliptical machine typically 5 days a week as it's easier on my joints. I'm also trying to do some strength training as well 2 days per week. I'm not really trying to get ripped or anything like that but just do pushups, sit-ups and basic circuit training for the purpose of increasing metabolism, not losing any muscle in weight loss, etc. Lately I've been had muscle soreness, especially in my thighs. I've heard of protein shakes and such for help in recovery after workouts. Is there such a thing for Keto and does it really help? Thanks,


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I keep up my magnesium and potassium and make sure to stretch extensively before (dynamic stretching) and after (static stretching) the workout. I still get sore sometimes, but it's only mild. I've never had any thing post-workout for recovery other than electrolytes.

    Anyone else have experiences to offer?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Magnesium and salt are my go-to elements for recovery.

    For DOMS I would say more stretching or foam rolling, or even both.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I probably need to stretch more... I'm pretty good on magnesium, potassium and salt with supplements. Thanks

  • chiefkays
    chiefkays Posts: 24 Member
    I stretch and foam roll before and after working out. But my size makes it difficult to get some body parts. So I get weekly massages, and I splurged and bought a rapid tension relief gun. I use it everyday.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    Stretching is good. I also will concentrate on anti-inflammatories after a big work out - blueberries, usually. Also, when I run more than 15 miles, I will usually take an ibuprofen right afterwards and an ice bath.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Sports Cream or Aspercream Original (same active ingredient: Trolamine Salicylate, two different brands).

    Aspirin based (non odor) OTC ointment (there are other ones, but this is the one that works). I discovered it in my younger years working in a club 8 hr shifts in 6" heels. This was the only relief I could find for my calves and shins.

    I still use to this day as needed for sore muscles, massage in before bed or after workout.