September Goals Accountability Thread



  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/2 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/3 - 145.6 - Push Up Challenge 10,12,8,8,10 = 48, lots of walking, took horses to a practice & worked thru lunch so no yoga or bike. Kept intake under 1400 & no alcohol
    9/4 - 146.4 - So exhausted today, struggled thru Yoga Burn 7&8 at lunch. Deadlines at work made for super long day 7-5:30. Ended day at 1275 intake.
    9/5 - 145.2 - Yoga Burn Week 8 & Pushup Challenge at lunch - FINALLY conquered Week 3 with Day 3 11,13,9,9,13. Biked for 30 min but with a 10yo along for the ride, wasn't nearly as strenuous as normal - but it's ok. Rode one colt to unwind & stayed under - just barely on cals. Did cave and have a big fat dunkin doughnuts cake doughnut.
    9/6 - 146.0 - boo! - Yoga Burn 7 & 8
    9/7 - 144.8
    9/8 - 143.0 - YAY!!!! Lowest number I've hit in ages. Tons of walking and outdoor work. Rode 2 colts, cleaned 11 stalls.... hit 14,000 steps
    9/9 - 144.0 - Push Up Challenge - week 4 -12,14,11,10,16 so tough, but I made it. Form wasn't great on the last 6 so I might be stuck here a week. Rode my bike for 30 min - took the dogs with me so it wasn't as tough, but the little monsters enjoyed the outing. Wound up way under on cals - just too late for dinner when I finished working horses.
    9/10 - 143.4 - Maybe the 143 a couple days ago wasn't a fluke!!!! Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch - rest of my day was a train wreck. Ran around like a crazy person and got so little accomplished. Dinner was nachos & a beer.
    9/11 - 144.6 - feel super bloated. ick! Push Up Challenge Week 4 - Day 1(repeat) 12,14,11,10,16 & Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch. Rode bike for 35 min - really pretty evening. Stayed right at goal intake - was starving all day.
    9/12 - 146.2 - Argh! Disappointing after yesterday, I know it's likely water weight - but still! I'm starving, tired and my boobs hurt - ridiculous. Long day & crazy work/life demands currently. Very little exercise - just chained to a desk.
    9/13 - 146.0 - Concentrating on keeping intake under control until Monday when life returns to normal for me. I've been insanely stressed - running a charity event on software I haven't used for a year (and they rewrote it since I used it). Been spending every minute possible trying test run thrus. 3 hour drive tonight and starts at 6:30am tomorrow - going to be 2 very long busy days at a computer ....... crossing my fingers I've got the cobwebs knocked out of my brain. I have no backup if I get stuck - I don't think stress hormones are helping my weight at the moment.
    9/17 - 146.2 Time to get back after it, it's been a whirlwind since Friday but the event went very well and I held up my part of it. Food - yep - ate it ALL! Managed to do Week 4 Day 1 (just repeat from last week) of Push Up Challenge yesterday 12,14,11,10,16 - but that was it. Slept for seriously about 10 hours and working to get back into a routine today. Yoga Burn - Week 10 at lunch. Kept intake under goal at 1520.
    9/18 - 146.4 - Ugh! But I am starting to feel like myself again. Got up early and rode before work - concentrating on getting back into a routine and trying to keep plugging away. Really wanted to just give it up yesterday and say the hell with it.... pass the cheesecake & wine. - Yoga Burn Week 10 - holy cow - the stupid resistance band - ouch! Push up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16 Dinner with a friend at a fabulous mexican food place - way overdid it.
    9/19 - Got up and rode one 3yo before work. Yoga Burn Week 10 at lunch and stayed under on calories by 100.
    9/20 - 146.6 - Oh well - just working to hang in there and get stronger at this point. Yoga Burn week 10 & Push Up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16
    9/23 - 146.4 Super busy wknd, didn't log but I did get in lots of walking. Working to stay consistent this week. Push Up Challenge at lunch - 14,16,12,12,15. Trying to get new dog adjusted to our crazy schedule - rode one horse and walked a lot. I've got to somehow fit in more time on the bike.
    9/24 - DNW - Started at 5 taking the dogs for a walk.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Okay, updating this with the data I collected over the month thus far. The water weight has been hit and miss, and with a race weekend in there (always bad) and work stress (double whammy) I wasn't doing so hot, but at least not really headed in the wrong direction (much).

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 147.5
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    9/1: 148.
    9/3: 149
    9/4: 151.8 Okay, the water weight is getting downright silly now....there are several valid reasons for it, but still LOL!!
    9/5: 150.8
    9/6: 149.4
    9/7: 149.2
    9/8: 148.6
    9/10: 148.6
    9/11: 148.4
    9/18: 147.8
    9/19: 147.2
    9/20: 147.2
    9/23: 146.8
    9/24: 147
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Moving Average Around 145.0-145.5

    Goal #1: 8.5 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    36, 5'4"
    9/01: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)
    9/02: 146.0 (MA 147.1)
    9/03: 146.0 (MA 146.7)
    9/04: - no weigh in
    9/05: - no weigh in
    9/06: 146.0 (MA 145.9)
    9/07: - no weigh in, TOM
    9/08: 145.4 (MA 145.5)
    9/09: 145.0 (MA 145.0)
    9/10: 144.6 (MA 144.8)
    9/11: 144.6 (MA 144.5)
    9/12: 143.6 (MA 144.2)
    9/13: 144.0 (MA 144.0)
    9/14: - no weigh in, camping
    9/15: - no weigh in
    9/16: 148.0 (MA 146.1)
    9/17: 147.4 (MA 146.3)
    9/18: 147.2 (MA 146.7)
    9/19: 146.8 (MA 146.7)
    9/20: 145.6 (MA 146.5)
    9/21: 145.0 (MA 146.1)
    9/22: 144.6 (MA 145.6)
    9/23: 144.2 (MA 145.1)
    *9/24: 144.2 (MA 144.7)

    PiYo this morning, so fun! Followed by a 3+ hour hike, it was such a beautiful day I'm glad I took the time to enjoy it! Treated myself with a whole pint of low calorie ice cream, I confess there are whole pints of Halo Top all over my food diary... Ab Routine tonight. Tomorrow is pretracked, a little tight but I have some room with all the exercise I did today.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs (Fri 24th March 2017)
    SW Sep: Unsure
    Ultimate goal: Around 150-154lbs
    Sep goal: Hopefully drop below 168lbs (12 stone)
    Sep body fat goal: No idea. Will revise when setting Oct targets

    11th Sep: 169lbs - Body fat 27.5%
    18th Sep: 167.4lbs – Body fat 27.1%
    25th Sep: 165.8lbs – Body fat 26.7%

    First day back at the gym on Monday in about two months to do Pilates, followed by a return to weight/resistance training yesterday. I’m feeling good: I’m back in control of my eating for the most part, and the weight loss is pretty quick at the moment telling me that I was suffering more from bloat than fat. However, my muscle to fat ratio has really changed, and not for the better, so that is my focus now.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I have kicked off an October thread as today was my last September weigh in. Thread can be found right here!
  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member
    GW: 175 (overall)

    Goal #1: Get down to 196 this month
    Goal #2: Be active at least 3 times a week
    Goal #3: Eat mindfully

    9/1 - 201
    9/2 - 9/5: didn't weigh
    9/6 - 199
    9/9 - 200 (dang weekend!)
    9/11- 198 (woohoo! Already got in my workout this morning and planned my meal for a lunch outing with co-workers)
    9/12 - 197 (nice!! Lunch yesterday was a bit of a mess up, but the good news is I realized how many calories were in one of my favorite dishes. Now I have plans as to how to lower them so I can still enjoy it. Workout already complete for today!).
    9/13 - 196 (definitely want to be sure to MAINTAIN this to meet my goal!).
    9/14 - 196 (Zumba class this morning. I dont log on the weekends but I did eat relatively okay. I was mindful of calories).
    9/15 - didn't weigh, definitely had an off day! Gave into a few cravings and habits, but also stopped myself a few times and made better choices. A neutral day
    9/16 - 196 (holding steady!! That's a relief after the weekend).
    9/17 - 195.8 (definitely feeling extra snacky today. Or really, extra hungry!).
    9/18 - 195.8
    9/19 - 9/22 - didn't weigh or exercise (tropical storm and some emotional distress derailed me for a few days)
    9/23 - 193 (how the heck did this happen???)
    9/24 - 193
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 139.4
    GW: 130

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Sept 1: 139.4
    Sept 2: 140.4
    Sept 3: 140.2
    Sept 4: 140.0
    Sept 5: 140.4
    Sept 6: 140.4
    Sept 7: 141.2
    Sept 8: 141.4
    Sept 9: 142.0
    Sept 10: 140.6
    Sept 11: 140.6
    Sept 12: 139.2
    Sept 13: 138.8
    Sept 14-21: Vacation!
    Sept 22: 139.6
    Sept 23: 139.8
    Sept 24: 140.2
    Sept 25: 140.1
  • RunninCurmudgin
    RunninCurmudgin Posts: 18 Member
    GW September: 140
    GW End Nov: 130

    Goal #1: Lose 5 lb per month for next 3 month, to return to my "normal" weight of 130 lbs. We are going on a "mystery" holiday for my 50th birthday (I don't know where but assume a bathing suit will be involved) and I want to be back to 130 for this occasion.

    This is the weight I had maintained from age 20 to age 46... I gained 15 lbs when I started living with my husband (then boyfriend).. he thinks I look great with larger boobs but I just feel fat now ;-(

    Goal #2: Finish Zwift Academy in Sept (if any of you are Zwifters.. you know what I mean!). I have 3 workouts and two group rides left.
    Goal #3: 1/2 plate vegetables every dinner, and fruit for dessert (even if there is a cookie or two involved, the fruit must be there!)

    9/1 - 144.4
    9/2 - 143.5
    9/3 - 144.9
    9/5 - 144.4
    9/6 - 144.8
    9/7 - 144.0
    9/8 - 143.7
    9/9 - 143.3
    9/10 - 143.7
    9/11 - 145.3 GAAHH! Seriously?
    9/12 - 143.7
    9/13 - 144
    9/14 - 145.9
    9/15 - 146.1
    9/16 - 144.6
    9/17 - 145.7
    9/18 - no weight
    9/19 - 146.1
    9/20 - 143.0
    9/22 - 145.3
    9/23 - 143.5
    9/24 - 144.4
    9/25 - 142.3

    I haven't checked in lately because I have not been at my computer and I find it too awkward to post things using my phone, but have been reading your updates - keep at it everyone, I feel your frustration too, trust me!!

    It has been a wild month of up and downs, now heading down I hope, 5 days under the dreaded 146 number .. hopefully it will keep creeping down.

    Made it through a night at the ballgame and a golf tournament without eating and drinking *too* much (the price tag on alcohol at the stadium helps to keep consumption down.. $15 a beer?!), should be relatively smooth sailing now in the healthy eating department through month end...

  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    46, 5'2"
    SW: 107 ish I think
    GW: 105 BF: 20%

    Goal #1: Keep up with 4X a week of OTF
    Goal #2: Meal prep more ( I do breakfast prep and 1 meal prep currently) Utilize Crockpot!
    Goal #3: Start photo records of self... This is uncomfortable but to SEE the CHANGE, it's a must

    9/3 107.2 / 20.4%
    9/5 108.2 / 20.8%
    9/6 107.0 / 20.3%
    9/11 107.8 /20.7%
    9/19 108 ?? I need to check tomorrow.
    9/20 108.2 / 20.9%
    9/25 107.8 / 21%

    Came home from ER 11:15pm last night.
    Daughter not doing well. She's admitted in till further notice.
    Filed for FMLA, been to 7 medical appointments in the past week. Special school tour today, new Psychologist appt tomorrow. I'm holding onto a thread right now.
    Feeling bad for my son. (not being able to give full attention)
    Glad I been meal prepping, he has plenty to eat and I am not worried cooking etc. Haven't touched any booze either, cuz I am too tired.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    46, 5'2"
    SW: 107 ish I think
    GW: 105 BF: 20%

    Goal #1: Keep up with 4X a week of OTF
    Goal #2: Meal prep more ( I do breakfast prep and 1 meal prep currently) Utilize Crockpot!
    Goal #3: Start photo records of self... This is uncomfortable but to SEE the CHANGE, it's a must

    9/3 107.2 / 20.4%
    9/5 108.2 / 20.8%
    9/6 107.0 / 20.3%
    9/11 107.8 /20.7%
    9/19 108 ?? I need to check tomorrow.
    9/20 108.2 / 20.9%
    9/25 107.8 / 21%

    Came home from ER 11:15pm last night.
    Daughter not doing well. She's admitted in till further notice.
    Filed for FMLA, been to 7 medical appointments in the past week. Special school tour today, new Psychologist appt tomorrow. I'm holding onto a thread right now.
    Feeling bad for my son. (not being able to give full attention)
    Glad I been meal prepping, he has plenty to eat and I am not worried cooking etc. Haven't touched any booze either, cuz I am too tired.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts your direction - for you and your daughter. Keep your chin up, you will be strong for her and she will get thru this. Hugs!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/2 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/3 - 145.6 - Push Up Challenge 10,12,8,8,10 = 48, lots of walking, took horses to a practice & worked thru lunch so no yoga or bike. Kept intake under 1400 & no alcohol
    9/4 - 146.4 - So exhausted today, struggled thru Yoga Burn 7&8 at lunch. Deadlines at work made for super long day 7-5:30. Ended day at 1275 intake.
    9/5 - 145.2 - Yoga Burn Week 8 & Pushup Challenge at lunch - FINALLY conquered Week 3 with Day 3 11,13,9,9,13. Biked for 30 min but with a 10yo along for the ride, wasn't nearly as strenuous as normal - but it's ok. Rode one colt to unwind & stayed under - just barely on cals. Did cave and have a big fat dunkin doughnuts cake doughnut.
    9/6 - 146.0 - boo! - Yoga Burn 7 & 8
    9/7 - 144.8
    9/8 - 143.0 - YAY!!!! Lowest number I've hit in ages. Tons of walking and outdoor work. Rode 2 colts, cleaned 11 stalls.... hit 14,000 steps
    9/9 - 144.0 - Push Up Challenge - week 4 -12,14,11,10,16 so tough, but I made it. Form wasn't great on the last 6 so I might be stuck here a week. Rode my bike for 30 min - took the dogs with me so it wasn't as tough, but the little monsters enjoyed the outing. Wound up way under on cals - just too late for dinner when I finished working horses.
    9/10 - 143.4 - Maybe the 143 a couple days ago wasn't a fluke!!!! Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch - rest of my day was a train wreck. Ran around like a crazy person and got so little accomplished. Dinner was nachos & a beer.
    9/11 - 144.6 - feel super bloated. ick! Push Up Challenge Week 4 - Day 1(repeat) 12,14,11,10,16 & Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch. Rode bike for 35 min - really pretty evening. Stayed right at goal intake - was starving all day.
    9/12 - 146.2 - Argh! Disappointing after yesterday, I know it's likely water weight - but still! I'm starving, tired and my boobs hurt - ridiculous. Long day & crazy work/life demands currently. Very little exercise - just chained to a desk.
    9/13 - 146.0 - Concentrating on keeping intake under control until Monday when life returns to normal for me. I've been insanely stressed - running a charity event on software I haven't used for a year (and they rewrote it since I used it). Been spending every minute possible trying test run thrus. 3 hour drive tonight and starts at 6:30am tomorrow - going to be 2 very long busy days at a computer ....... crossing my fingers I've got the cobwebs knocked out of my brain. I have no backup if I get stuck - I don't think stress hormones are helping my weight at the moment.
    9/17 - 146.2 Time to get back after it, it's been a whirlwind since Friday but the event went very well and I held up my part of it. Food - yep - ate it ALL! Managed to do Week 4 Day 1 (just repeat from last week) of Push Up Challenge yesterday 12,14,11,10,16 - but that was it. Slept for seriously about 10 hours and working to get back into a routine today. Yoga Burn - Week 10 at lunch. Kept intake under goal at 1520.
    9/18 - 146.4 - Ugh! But I am starting to feel like myself again. Got up early and rode before work - concentrating on getting back into a routine and trying to keep plugging away. Really wanted to just give it up yesterday and say the hell with it.... pass the cheesecake & wine. - Yoga Burn Week 10 - holy cow - the stupid resistance band - ouch! Push up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16 Dinner with a friend at a fabulous mexican food place - way overdid it.
    9/19 - Got up and rode one 3yo before work. Yoga Burn Week 10 at lunch and stayed under on calories by 100.
    9/20 - 146.6 - Oh well - just working to hang in there and get stronger at this point. Yoga Burn week 10 & Push Up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16
    9/23 - 146.4 Super busy wknd, didn't log but I did get in lots of walking. Working to stay consistent this week. Push Up Challenge at lunch - 14,16,12,12,15. Trying to get new dog adjusted to our crazy schedule - rode one horse and walked a lot. I've got to somehow fit in more time on the bike.
    9/24 - DNW - Started at 5 taking the dogs for a walk. Yoga Burn Week 11 at lunch with some other exercises thrown in. Took 2 horses to a practice - so still no bike time. But it was a really busy day with tons of outdoor stuff. Stayed under on cals by a solid amount.
    9/25 - 146.8 - so freakin hormonal, bloated & ick - changed bc a month ago and absolutely hating it. Nothing like a surprise visit from aunt flo to just ruin the start to a day. At least it explains my junk food cravings over the wknd which were so out of character for me.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 147.5
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    9/1: 148.
    9/3: 149
    9/4: 151.8 Okay, the water weight is getting downright silly now....there are several valid reasons for it, but still LOL!!
    9/5: 150.8
    9/6: 149.4
    9/7: 149.2
    9/8: 148.6
    9/10: 148.6
    9/11: 148.4
    9/18: 147.8
    9/19: 147.2
    9/20: 147.2
    9/23: 146.8
    9/24: 147
    9/25: 147.2 Been making my workouts happen this week despite the work stress, but it's really dragging me down. Trying to get as much sleep as possible, but seem to be paying for "only" getting a normal night's sleep instead of extra :(
  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member
    GW: 175 (overall)

    Goal #1: Get down to 196 this month
    Goal #2: Be active at least 3 times a week
    Goal #3: Eat mindfully

    9/1 - 201
    9/2 - 9/5: didn't weigh
    9/6 - 199
    9/9 - 200 (dang weekend!)
    9/11- 198 (woohoo! Already got in my workout this morning and planned my meal for a lunch outing with co-workers)
    9/12 - 197 (nice!! Lunch yesterday was a bit of a mess up, but the good news is I realized how many calories were in one of my favorite dishes. Now I have plans as to how to lower them so I can still enjoy it. Workout already complete for today!).
    9/13 - 196 (definitely want to be sure to MAINTAIN this to meet my goal!).
    9/14 - 196 (Zumba class this morning. I dont log on the weekends but I did eat relatively okay. I was mindful of calories).
    9/15 - didn't weigh, definitely had an off day! Gave into a few cravings and habits, but also stopped myself a few times and made better choices. A neutral day.
    9/16 - 196 (holding steady!! That's a relief after the weekend).
    9/17 - 195.8 (definitely feeling extra snacky today. Or really, extra hungry!).
    9/18 - 195.8
    9/19 - 9/22 - didn't weigh or exercise (tropical storm and some emotional distress derailed me for a few days)
    9/23 - 193 (how the heck did this happen???)
    9/24 - 193
    9/25 - 192.8 (I am eating back more exercise calories, but I am waiting for hunger signals before doing so. A win!).
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/2 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/3 - 145.6 - Push Up Challenge 10,12,8,8,10 = 48, lots of walking, took horses to a practice & worked thru lunch so no yoga or bike. Kept intake under 1400 & no alcohol
    9/4 - 146.4 - So exhausted today, struggled thru Yoga Burn 7&8 at lunch. Deadlines at work made for super long day 7-5:30. Ended day at 1275 intake.
    9/5 - 145.2 - Yoga Burn Week 8 & Pushup Challenge at lunch - FINALLY conquered Week 3 with Day 3 11,13,9,9,13. Biked for 30 min but with a 10yo along for the ride, wasn't nearly as strenuous as normal - but it's ok. Rode one colt to unwind & stayed under - just barely on cals. Did cave and have a big fat dunkin doughnuts cake doughnut.
    9/6 - 146.0 - boo! - Yoga Burn 7 & 8
    9/7 - 144.8
    9/8 - 143.0 - YAY!!!! Lowest number I've hit in ages. Tons of walking and outdoor work. Rode 2 colts, cleaned 11 stalls.... hit 14,000 steps
    9/9 - 144.0 - Push Up Challenge - week 4 -12,14,11,10,16 so tough, but I made it. Form wasn't great on the last 6 so I might be stuck here a week. Rode my bike for 30 min - took the dogs with me so it wasn't as tough, but the little monsters enjoyed the outing. Wound up way under on cals - just too late for dinner when I finished working horses.
    9/10 - 143.4 - Maybe the 143 a couple days ago wasn't a fluke!!!! Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch - rest of my day was a train wreck. Ran around like a crazy person and got so little accomplished. Dinner was nachos & a beer.
    9/11 - 144.6 - feel super bloated. ick! Push Up Challenge Week 4 - Day 1(repeat) 12,14,11,10,16 & Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch. Rode bike for 35 min - really pretty evening. Stayed right at goal intake - was starving all day.
    9/12 - 146.2 - Argh! Disappointing after yesterday, I know it's likely water weight - but still! I'm starving, tired and my boobs hurt - ridiculous. Long day & crazy work/life demands currently. Very little exercise - just chained to a desk.
    9/13 - 146.0 - Concentrating on keeping intake under control until Monday when life returns to normal for me. I've been insanely stressed - running a charity event on software I haven't used for a year (and they rewrote it since I used it). Been spending every minute possible trying test run thrus. 3 hour drive tonight and starts at 6:30am tomorrow - going to be 2 very long busy days at a computer ....... crossing my fingers I've got the cobwebs knocked out of my brain. I have no backup if I get stuck - I don't think stress hormones are helping my weight at the moment.
    9/17 - 146.2 Time to get back after it, it's been a whirlwind since Friday but the event went very well and I held up my part of it. Food - yep - ate it ALL! Managed to do Week 4 Day 1 (just repeat from last week) of Push Up Challenge yesterday 12,14,11,10,16 - but that was it. Slept for seriously about 10 hours and working to get back into a routine today. Yoga Burn - Week 10 at lunch. Kept intake under goal at 1520.
    9/18 - 146.4 - Ugh! But I am starting to feel like myself again. Got up early and rode before work - concentrating on getting back into a routine and trying to keep plugging away. Really wanted to just give it up yesterday and say the hell with it.... pass the cheesecake & wine. - Yoga Burn Week 10 - holy cow - the stupid resistance band - ouch! Push up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16 Dinner with a friend at a fabulous mexican food place - way overdid it.
    9/19 - Got up and rode one 3yo before work. Yoga Burn Week 10 at lunch and stayed under on calories by 100.
    9/20 - 146.6 - Oh well - just working to hang in there and get stronger at this point. Yoga Burn week 10 & Push Up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16
    9/23 - 146.4 Super busy wknd, didn't log but I did get in lots of walking. Working to stay consistent this week. Push Up Challenge at lunch - 14,16,12,12,15. Trying to get new dog adjusted to our crazy schedule - rode one horse and walked a lot. I've got to somehow fit in more time on the bike.
    9/24 - DNW - Started at 5 taking the dogs for a walk. Yoga Burn Week 11 at lunch with some other exercises thrown in. Took 2 horses to a practice - so still no bike time. But it was a really busy day with tons of outdoor stuff. Stayed under on cals by a solid amount.
    9/25 - 146.8 - so freakin hormonal, bloated & ick - changed bc a month ago and absolutely hating it. Nothing like a surprise visit from aunt flo to just ruin the start to a day. At least it explains my junk food cravings over the wknd which were so out of character for me. Did the Push Up Challenge at lunch 14,16,12,12,18 - rode horses all evening.
    9/26 - 145.4 -
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    ku140 wrote: »
    GW: 175 (overall)

    Goal #1: Get down to 196 this month
    Goal #2: Be active at least 3 times a week
    Goal #3: Eat mindfully

    9/1 - 201
    9/2 - 9/5: didn't weigh
    9/6 - 199
    9/9 - 200 (dang weekend!)
    9/11- 198 (woohoo! Already got in my workout this morning and planned my meal for a lunch outing with co-workers)
    9/12 - 197 (nice!! Lunch yesterday was a bit of a mess up, but the good news is I realized how many calories were in one of my favorite dishes. Now I have plans as to how to lower them so I can still enjoy it. Workout already complete for today!).
    9/13 - 196 (definitely want to be sure to MAINTAIN this to meet my goal!).
    9/14 - 196 (Zumba class this morning. I dont log on the weekends but I did eat relatively okay. I was mindful of calories).
    9/15 - didn't weigh, definitely had an off day! Gave into a few cravings and habits, but also stopped myself a few times and made better choices. A neutral day.
    9/16 - 196 (holding steady!! That's a relief after the weekend).
    9/17 - 195.8 (definitely feeling extra snacky today. Or really, extra hungry!).
    9/18 - 195.8
    9/19 - 9/22 - didn't weigh or exercise (tropical storm and some emotional distress derailed me for a few days)
    9/23 - 193 (how the heck did this happen???)
    9/24 - 193
    9/25 - 192.8 (I am eating back more exercise calories, but I am waiting for hunger signals before doing so. A win!).

    WAY to go!!! You smashed your goal for the month!!!
  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member

    WAY to go!!! You smashed your goal for the month!!!

    Thank you!! I'm pretty surprised but maybe my body was ready for an initial flush
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @cayenne_007 , I love your new pic!! You look great in that lipstick!!

    @ku140, Right on! You made it!!!

    My daughter has been in the hospital for 3days now. Sucks cuz I been seeing all these posts on National Daughters Day. I didn't even know it existed! Anyway, I'm going to see her later. Then to Orangetheory. Much needed "me time"
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Moving Average Around 145.0-145.5

    Goal #1: 8.5 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    36, 5'4"
    9/01: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)
    9/02: 146.0 (MA 147.1)
    9/03: 146.0 (MA 146.7)
    9/04: - no weigh in
    9/05: - no weigh in
    9/06: 146.0 (MA 145.9)
    9/07: - no weigh in, TOM
    9/08: 145.4 (MA 145.5)
    9/09: 145.0 (MA 145.0)
    9/10: 144.6 (MA 144.8)
    9/11: 144.6 (MA 144.5)
    9/12: 143.6 (MA 144.2)
    9/13: 144.0 (MA 144.0)
    9/14: - no weigh in, camping
    9/15: - no weigh in
    9/16: 148.0 (MA 146.1)
    9/17: 147.4 (MA 146.3)
    9/18: 147.2 (MA 146.7)
    9/19: 146.8 (MA 146.7)
    9/20: 145.6 (MA 146.5)
    9/21: 145.0 (MA 146.1)
    9/22: 144.6 (MA 145.6)
    9/23: 144.2 (MA 145.1)
    9/24: 144.2 (MA 144.7)
    9/25: 143.6 (MA 144.2)
    9/26: 143.2 (MA 143.9)
    *9/27: 145.0 (MA 144.0)

    I went to an event last night where there was, yes, free pizza AND beer. I, of course, enjoyed a good amount of that. But I tracked it so took a good look at how it hit my targets. Did I mention free popcorn machine at the bar too? Yikes... Dusting it back off today :blush:

    @weatherking2019 - we only have energy to take care of others when we take care of ourselves first! Your situation sounds really rough, keep making time for yourself when you can!

    @cayenne_007 - also love the pic and lipstick is smokin!

    @ku140 - Looks like you've picked up some great momentum!
    I've gotta turn off the computer, would love to comment on everyone above but thanks to everyone for sharing their progress! I love reading these!!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited September 2019
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 139.4
    GW: 130

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Sept 1: 139.4
    Sept 2: 140.4
    Sept 3: 140.2
    Sept 4: 140.0
    Sept 5: 140.4
    Sept 6: 140.4
    Sept 7: 141.2
    Sept 8: 141.4
    Sept 9: 142.0
    Sept 10: 140.6
    Sept 11: 140.6
    Sept 12: 139.2
    Sept 13: 138.8
    Sept 14-21: Vacation!
    Sept 22: 139.6
    Sept 23: 139.8
    Sept 24: 140.2
    Sept 25: 140.1
    Sept 26: 140.6
    Sept 27: 141 - Someone close to me saw a picture of me from quite a while ago and said, "Wow, look how skinny you use to be!" - Ouch.... Using this as motivation to finally get serious. Half the weights listed on here are just guesses instead of actually weighing myself....*sigh and a face palm* - Time to get serious people!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/2 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/3 - 145.6 - Push Up Challenge 10,12,8,8,10 = 48, lots of walking, took horses to a practice & worked thru lunch so no yoga or bike. Kept intake under 1400 & no alcohol
    9/4 - 146.4 - So exhausted today, struggled thru Yoga Burn 7&8 at lunch. Deadlines at work made for super long day 7-5:30. Ended day at 1275 intake.
    9/5 - 145.2 - Yoga Burn Week 8 & Pushup Challenge at lunch - FINALLY conquered Week 3 with Day 3 11,13,9,9,13. Biked for 30 min but with a 10yo along for the ride, wasn't nearly as strenuous as normal - but it's ok. Rode one colt to unwind & stayed under - just barely on cals. Did cave and have a big fat dunkin doughnuts cake doughnut.
    9/6 - 146.0 - boo! - Yoga Burn 7 & 8
    9/7 - 144.8
    9/8 - 143.0 - YAY!!!! Lowest number I've hit in ages. Tons of walking and outdoor work. Rode 2 colts, cleaned 11 stalls.... hit 14,000 steps
    9/9 - 144.0 - Push Up Challenge - week 4 -12,14,11,10,16 so tough, but I made it. Form wasn't great on the last 6 so I might be stuck here a week. Rode my bike for 30 min - took the dogs with me so it wasn't as tough, but the little monsters enjoyed the outing. Wound up way under on cals - just too late for dinner when I finished working horses.
    9/10 - 143.4 - Maybe the 143 a couple days ago wasn't a fluke!!!! Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch - rest of my day was a train wreck. Ran around like a crazy person and got so little accomplished. Dinner was nachos & a beer.
    9/11 - 144.6 - feel super bloated. ick! Push Up Challenge Week 4 - Day 1(repeat) 12,14,11,10,16 & Yoga Burn Week 9 at lunch. Rode bike for 35 min - really pretty evening. Stayed right at goal intake - was starving all day.
    9/12 - 146.2 - Argh! Disappointing after yesterday, I know it's likely water weight - but still! I'm starving, tired and my boobs hurt - ridiculous. Long day & crazy work/life demands currently. Very little exercise - just chained to a desk.
    9/13 - 146.0 - Concentrating on keeping intake under control until Monday when life returns to normal for me. I've been insanely stressed - running a charity event on software I haven't used for a year (and they rewrote it since I used it). Been spending every minute possible trying test run thrus. 3 hour drive tonight and starts at 6:30am tomorrow - going to be 2 very long busy days at a computer ....... crossing my fingers I've got the cobwebs knocked out of my brain. I have no backup if I get stuck - I don't think stress hormones are helping my weight at the moment.
    9/17 - 146.2 Time to get back after it, it's been a whirlwind since Friday but the event went very well and I held up my part of it. Food - yep - ate it ALL! Managed to do Week 4 Day 1 (just repeat from last week) of Push Up Challenge yesterday 12,14,11,10,16 - but that was it. Slept for seriously about 10 hours and working to get back into a routine today. Yoga Burn - Week 10 at lunch. Kept intake under goal at 1520.
    9/18 - 146.4 - Ugh! But I am starting to feel like myself again. Got up early and rode before work - concentrating on getting back into a routine and trying to keep plugging away. Really wanted to just give it up yesterday and say the hell with it.... pass the cheesecake & wine. - Yoga Burn Week 10 - holy cow - the stupid resistance band - ouch! Push up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16 Dinner with a friend at a fabulous mexican food place - way overdid it.
    9/19 - Got up and rode one 3yo before work. Yoga Burn Week 10 at lunch and stayed under on calories by 100.
    9/20 - 146.6 - Oh well - just working to hang in there and get stronger at this point. Yoga Burn week 10 & Push Up Challenge 12,14,11,10,16
    9/23 - 146.4 Super busy wknd, didn't log but I did get in lots of walking. Working to stay consistent this week. Push Up Challenge at lunch - 14,16,12,12,15. Trying to get new dog adjusted to our crazy schedule - rode one horse and walked a lot. I've got to somehow fit in more time on the bike.
    9/24 - DNW - Started at 5 taking the dogs for a walk. Yoga Burn Week 11 at lunch with some other exercises thrown in. Took 2 horses to a practice - so still no bike time. But it was a really busy day with tons of outdoor stuff. Stayed under on cals by a solid amount.
    9/25 - 146.8 - so freakin hormonal, bloated & ick - changed bc a month ago and absolutely hating it. Nothing like a surprise visit from aunt flo to just ruin the start to a day. At least it explains my junk food cravings over the wknd which were so out of character for me. Did the Push Up Challenge at lunch 14,16,12,12,18 - rode horses all evening.
    9/26 - 145.4 - Stayed under by 100 on intake - Yoga Burn Week 11 at lunch. The burn in my legs from the resistance bands....eeeeekkk!
    9/27 - 146.2 - Going to squeeze in workout at lunch and that's probably about all I can realistically do today. Company at my casa as soon as I get off work for the wknd.

    @weatherking2019 & @StayFocused01023 - Y'all are too kind! Thank you!
    I do LOVE red anything - especially lipstick. I decided that it's suitable for everyday wear if it makes me happy!!