


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    edited October 2019

    Hi all! Welcome to returnees and newcomers.
    And a thousand thanks to our leader, @RangerRickL for helping us stay accountable.

    I’m Terri from Northern Ireland. Back for my 13th month. Working on improving my fitness and health. Made the Winners Circle 12 times so far, and aiming to make it a baker's dozen.

    Original Goal for 2019 was to reach 155lbs, which I have already achieved. I have now revised it down to <150lbs. Weight has been steadily trending downwards. I am now at my lowest weight in 4 decades!

    UAC is a good place for anyone to start the practicing of new habits, in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere, and I echo everything @w8goal4life said earlier.

    Just a few details on my personal journey to health and fitness.
    Aim for 2019 ~ reach 155 <150
    Aim for each month ~ Weigh less at the end than I did at the beginning

    I am FOCUSED on heathy food choices and DETERMINED to achieve my goals!

    Age: 73; Height 5’2”; Female
    SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    LW: 153 (Oct 2016)152.6 Oct 2019
    UGW: 155 140s (this may change when I get there 😂 )
    CW: 152.6
    • For the last 3 years I have tended to bounce up and down between 160 - 170. Occasionally I bounced up/down a little more.
    • My ideal situation would be to be below 155, to allow me some wiggle room for holidays/celebrations, hence my original goal for 2019, which I have now revised down a little.
    • I use CI/CO and a variety exercise for extra calories.
    • Logic would suggest that I have found a natural comfortable weight, and, according to modern BMI calculation, I am in the upper range of normal for my age and height. However, logic doesn't always dictate our desires and feelings. 😂
    1. Getting and staying healthy and fit requires the development of a permanent lifestyle reset.
    2. Replacing unhelpful habits with more useful ones is key to to the process.
    3. Losing weight is only one of the elements.
    4. Eating healthy and staying actively is not OPTIONAL, but an ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.

    REMINDERS One or two thoughts on weight which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be several lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a permanent lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!


  • Leafi55
    Leafi55 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all. I’m Fi, a young 60 something female from the UK. I’ve been up and down those scales for ever it seems but still need to learn my lesson and keep it off this time! I want to live a long time, but only if I’m fit and healthy - I have about 35lbs to lose to reach a healthy weight.
  • lyndseyloo120
    lyndseyloo120 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all I’m looking forward to starting this challenge I turned 40 in September and want to be fit, healthy and confident in my forties!!
    I feel unfit, uncomfortable and would like to gain control with my over indulging and stop making excuses not to be active.
    I live in Norfolk, UK, am a mum of two, I work with children and and am currently studying for a degree in Social Work.
    Look forward to connecting with you ☺️

  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,506 Member
    Hello! I'm Marilyn and definitely need to be more accountable. This is my first time in this group but will do my best to figure it out.
  • fiddicat
    fiddicat Posts: 26 Member
    Older woman who works in sedentary job. Started tracking calories and exercise about a month ago on my own. I am visiting family at a planned community for another week, and I have been doing water aerobics 6 out of 7 days. I return home in a few days, and will be working with this community to maintain the good habits I am re-learning. At least 1 size in clothing lost. My goal for the year will be 40 pounds lost, and to clear of my treadmill immediately and get it in use upon my return. Too cold and dark in my home region to go out alone. I appreciate this challenge! Yea! Thank you. See you in the check-ins and posts!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited October 2019
    Yea, @tuddy315! Glad you're here! <3 Welcome to all the new folks! You're going to love this group!
  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    Hi I'm new to this group. I'm in and I'm excited to be here. Just what I need for accountability. My journey started in 2016 after I started seeing a nutritionist. I lost 74 in one year and 82 total. I've done well maintaining until this summer when I started neglecting myself because work was so stressful. Recently I remembered that I need to take care of me and be in control of myself. No more excuses!

    I'm trying to get back on track before Christmas so this is a great thread. I've slacked on working out but slowly working it back in this month. Also, I've been trying to get back to my daily logging of every single bite.

    I actually weighed in this am though I dreaded it. Pretty close to my no go zone.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @fiddicat To figure us out, first, read the FAQs. Then each day, report in under the Daily Discussion for that date. Don't start a new discussion, just post within the thread for each day. Whenever you have a question, just put the question into your daily post. I promise you that one or more of the wonderful team members will help you!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @Dory_42 Welcome back!! We are all happy that you are recovering both physical and emotional strength. You are a winner to me/us every month!!!
  • Kristle582
    Kristle582 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi!👋 I'm Kristle and I am 26 years old. I am currently living in Arkansas but east Tennessee will always be home to me.I have never done this challenge before but I am really looking forward to it! I have been off and on mfp for quite a few years and I am hoping this challenge will be the kick I need! Before I gained all this weight I used to run/jog and I would love to get back into that.