Introduce Yourself

kimlt8 Posts: 6 Member
Hi to everyone who signed up for this group! I never tried to create a group before and I assumed I would get notifications every time someone signed up. But, I didn't :-( So I hope some of you are still here and are interested.

My name is Kim and as the group title says I'm over 50 (52) and I'm just about 5' tall and have about 30 lbs to lose. I just recently (this week) moved from Boston to Atlanta, so things have been chaotic but should enter a new "normal" soon. I'm looking for a group of similar ladies because I figure we'd probably all want to stick around the 1200 calorie range due to our size (meal ideas?), that we all have to combat the loss of some muscle mass bc of our increasing age, that we probably are all concerned about similar issues like are we getting enough calcium (how do we keep from shrinking?) and so on. The issues are just different from when we were 20 or 30.

Does anyone else want to introduce themselves next?


  • Lesa4OU
    Lesa4OU Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! My name is Lesa (pronounced like Lisa). I am also 52 and I am 5' 1". I have about 15-20 lbs to lose. I try to eat around 1,200 calories a day while also watching my carbs, fat, sugar and protein numbers. If I don't exercise along with the low calorie intake, I can never lose weight anymore. Exercising is hard after a long day at work. The struggle is real.
  • brwebdesigner
    brwebdesigner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. My name is Loretta. I'm turning 55 in a few days, 5' even, and in menopause. Ugh! I've been using Myfitnesspal since June. I lost 10 pounds and have 10 to go. I stick to 1200 calories majority of time, weight is coming off sloooowly, but it's coming off. I really need to exercise more, especially because I sit all day for my job. How's everyone else doing with their weight loss goals? Any good tips?
  • Mabs7
    Mabs7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hope folks are still interested in this group; I just found it! I'm 56 and right around 5'. I've lost around 65 lbs over many years and still would like to lose about 30 more. I would like to weigh in the 120s by the time I hit 60. Yikes! Losing weight post menopause is definitely more of a challenge. I find I have to do strength training along with cardio, and I need to avoid alcohol. I find that if do those things and stick to between 1300 and 1500 calories a day, I can lose .5-1 lb a week. My problem is it's hard to consistently avoid alcohol. When I can keep it to one day a week or less I do ok, but any more than that derails losing. How's everyone else doing?
  • alwaysiamme
    alwaysiamme Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies. My name is Lule and I'm glad I found this group. I'm 50 and 4'10. I was always fairly active and exercised a few times a week. However the last few years I started getting hip issues ( I have hip dyspepsia) and it was to hard to keep up the training. Not only that but Menopause came knocking on the door and dealt me another hard So on a positive note, I just had 2 total hip replacements. The first in May and the other in September. I have recently started to Strength train and go to aqua fit 2 times a week. I am at the 1200 calorie mark and would like to lose 15 pounds. It's certainly not as easy as it once was.
  • christinecameron47
    christinecameron47 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Christine and I'm 51 yrs old.I am 4"11..I need to lose 25 lbs. Well hope everyone is having a nice day. :smiley:
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all, My name is Mandy and I'm almost 51 and 5'1.5". I'm starting back to weight loss after a few years of completely ignoring it. I've got ultimately about 30lbs to lose but am starting with a goal of about 15lbs.
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hi Kupcake here. I’m 57 and and around 5’ 2” I’m post menapausal and about 35 pounds overweight. I’ve been trying forever to lose some weight for both health and appearance reasons. I keep going between WW points and calories and can’t decide which way to go. Any advice would be appreciated. Looking for a group to keep me accountable.
  • Hi everyone.
    I'm Wendie, 53 years old, 5' & 9 months into this weight loss journey. I had slowly put on the lbs over the years but really piled them on last year after my OH's heart attack - we pretty much just sat & ate for 3 months while he recovered (it was caused by smoking, his weight wasn't a factor). When he went back to work, I shook myself off & resolved to beat the fat. In the past my attempts at 'dieting' had been half hearted but watching my OH so ill gave me the resolve to avoid going down the same route myself, this time the weight is going for good. I started my journey in May & so far I've lost 42lbs with another 14-21lbs to go.
    I'm looking forward to sharing advice, recipes & accountability :)
  • Hi ,my name is Christine.. I'm 4"11 and 51yrs old.I need to lose 26lbs to get to my goal weight.I find it harder to lose weight,since I turned 51..but I am going to keep trying
  • IndigoWitch
    IndigoWitch Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am 50 years old and 4'10". My goal is to lose 40lbs by September 15th. I love to run, but I'm going to focus more on strength training with some yoga thrown in. My major issue is with food, portion sizes and strong emotional eating. I want to finally succeed in the weight loss journey and breakthrough my food issues.
    Good Luck to all of you!
  • eckle002
    eckle002 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I’m 4 ft 11 inches, 131 pounds, 50 years old. Have always been resistant to counting calories but figured it’s time to get real if I truly want to lose weight. Surprisingly, this time around, I seem to actually be enjoying tracking and counting, Eating around 1200-1300 a day and exercising. Weight loss is slow. Probably a combo of age and not having a huge amount to lose. I’m committed to sticking to this for a year regardless of how long it takes. I want to lose around 20-25 pounds. I’m psyched—I feel like it’s going to happen. I’ll post a before photo soon.

    I hope this group is still active bc this is definitely my niche—over 50 and under 5 ft! We’re a rare group and definitely have special challenges!
  • eckle002
    eckle002 Posts: 6 Member
    How is everyone doing on their weight loss goals? I just started this month and have been losing at around 1 pound per week. Aiming for 1200 calories a day and I do eat back what I burn through exercise (usually around 200 calories). The days I don’t exercise are hard bc it’s difficult for me to eat so little. On the positive side eating that little forces me to eat highly nutritious quality food. If I waste it on bread type stuff I get to eat very little and I’m much hungrier.

    I’d really, really, really love to hear from all the people who introduced themselves and how it’s going, etc.
  • bfay1101
    bfay1101 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! I'm 5' tall and 134 pounds. I remember the good old days of weighing 105 and not having to worry about it. I'm currently doing the intermittent fasting routine (?). Not sure if that's what you call it. I eat about 1200 calories between 10am and 6pm then nothing until the next morning at 10am. I drink coffee in the morning. Lots of lemon water (iced with some ground ginger sometimes), tea etc. It's not too bad. I started at 139 pounds 4 weeks ago (2 weeks of which were holidays on the road) so I've lost about 5 pounds in 4 weeks. Pretty good I think.
    I'll keep you posted if there's anyone here!
  • eckle002
    eckle002 Posts: 6 Member
    @bevsargent66 Good to meet you! Congrats on the 5 pounds! How's it going so far?
  • eckle002
    eckle002 Posts: 6 Member
    @IndigoWitch great to meet you! I'm about the same height as you with similar issues! How's it going with your weight loss goal?
  • IndigoWitch
    IndigoWitch Posts: 54 Member
    Hi @eckle002 ! I'm re-starting this week. I didn't meet my goal of September 15th, but I'm not going to roll-over and play dead. I hit quite a few bumps in the road, but I'm dusting myself off and jumping back into the game. I have found that everything I did when I was younger, is just not working. My body is different and so are my hormones!!! :-) So I'm having to look at my goals with a different pathway to get there.

    How are you doing on this journey?
  • Hi, I'm Michele and new to this group. I just turned 50 in July. Five foot nothing. Need to lose the same 30 pounds I've lost before. Need motivation!
  • tblanton70
    tblanton70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina. I am turning 50 in February. I am 5 ft. tall. I need to shed 20 pounds, and am glad to find others on the same path that understand the weight struggles posed by this combination of age and height!