How are you all doing?

JulsBra Posts: 7 Member
Since this group has been kind of inactive as I‘ve seen, I wanted to ask how you are all doing and how things are going for you :)


  • committed2me215
    committed2me215 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I love the idea of this group. I am in recovery from BED and Overeating Disorder. My PCP is working with me to lose weight now that my baby is 8mo old, but in a healthy way that doesn't trigger my compulsions. She wants me to track food (mostly so she can focus on protein and macros) but I have a lot of fear of doing this bc I get caught up on the calories and the "should" and "shouldnt" mindset. Does anyone know if there is a way to log food without having MFP display the calories you have consumed or "need"?
  • cynicalcatastrophe
    cynicalcatastrophe Posts: 2 Member
    I've been really stressed out lately and instead of overeating like a lot of people, i end up losing my appetite when I'm distraught. I'm not diagnosed with anything, but ik my relationship with food isn't normal. So I've lost more weight than i thought from this, but part of me is happy since I'm slightly overweight for my height + she, but just slightly. I'm trying to get myself to eat more, which is basically anytime the thought of eating doesn't make me nauseous, which has only been brought on by recent stress, so my appetite will come back. I'm glad that there's a group for people like us on this app 😊
  • SonyaRBA
    SonyaRBA Posts: 7 Member
    JulsBra wrote: »
    Since this group has been kind of inactive as I‘ve seen, I wanted to ask how you are all doing and how things are going for you :)

    I'm back to old habits (slight anorexia but mainly bulimia), but I just now admitted my relapse to a psychiatrist friend of mine. Its definitely not the cure but a nice start.

    I have a large house with my own bathroom, so temptation is all around. I have a support husband, so him finding out would devastate him. I'm hoping to get all my EDs under control soon! Being recovered and within my goal weight is awesome. Hope to get there soon!