Important stuff will go here one day.
Can you ever fully recover?
I have had an eating disorder since I was 12 and have relapsed almost every year since. The first time I “recovered,” I thought this would never happen again. Every time I relapse I lose less faith and the eating disorder seems to be chronic, and when I’m “recovered” it’s really just festering. Can you fully recover? This…
I’m new here and just wanted to say hello. My name is Sarah and I’m 39 years old. I had an eating disorder since I was a tween. Some years were worse than others, and times the worst got even worse. However, after hitting rock bottom a few years back I went through some intense therapy and I can happily say I’m in…
Looking for people with similar experiences : ED / bipolar
Hi! I’m 35 and have had episodes of anorexia and bulimia since 12. I’ve recently had a bulimic episode and am recovering again. I’ve come on here to try and find some balance. I also have bipolar 2. In my highs I’ve spent tens of thousands of pounds (which I didn’t have so, yeah, the debt is real) and in my lows I’ve…
Are there any EDR group members over 40?
I'm almost 48 and would like to connect with other mature people who struggle with body dysmorphia and disordered eating.
Seeing a psychologist
Hi all Has anyone ever seen a psychologist for their ED? I’m starting soon, I’ve had my assessment and starting sessions soon. The main thing I got from it was that somehow my focus needs to shift from my goal of being thin, to being healthy. This is huge for me, I think it will take a long time. I’ve been obsessed with…
How are you all doing?
Since this group has been kind of inactive as I‘ve seen, I wanted to ask how you are all doing and how things are going for you :)
Bulimia recovery
I have been struggling with bulimia for years now. Be nice to meet people who understand and want to achieve recovery. My eating disordered life started with anorexia so I can relate to that as well. Stay safe everyone.
New(ish) squid on the block.
Hi. Currently four months into Bulimia/BED recovery. I have joined a gym at the suggestion of my psychiatrist and he and my psychologist are always suggesting to find a supportive group of people who I can share "war stories" with. A little about me: I'm a Cheesemonger. I have a dog. I currently live with my oldest sister,…
fff weighed self husband pissed
ok i wasnt supposed to weigh self until march 1 but i was worried bc traveled for 2 weeks this month. i couldnt resist and found a scale i knew my roommate had. now hubby is really disappointed in me. i have a sponsor and will report it but i feel like a real loser. thanks for letting me share
Let's all be friends!
Hi everybody! I didn't create this group, but it was empty so I thought I'd kick it off with a friends thread! Let's add each other for support/motivation! I'm on day 2 and feeling super motivated right now, but I know this feeling won't last forever. I've been making status updates for mental health and just generally to…