Can you ever fully recover?

I have had an eating disorder since I was 12 and have relapsed almost every year since. The first time I “recovered,” I thought this would never happen again. Every time I relapse I lose less faith and the eating disorder seems to be chronic, and when I’m “recovered” it’s really just festering.

Can you fully recover? This question has been on my mind for a while lately. A lot of people say yes you can, but I don’t think that’s true. My nutritionist told me an eating disorder permanently changes your brain structure or something (I don’t really remember, it was a while ago, but I remember she said “permanently”). Also, I’ve never heard a story of anyone being able to have a normal relationship food even years after recovering without pervasive eating disorder thoughts. Can any of yall offer some hope?


  • xqueenie
    xqueenie Posts: 9 Member
    I can only offer my own experience, which isn't very scientific. I had been in and out of therapy for EDNOS for abt six years. I stopped going when I stopped having insurance. I would say that at 25 I was truly "recovered" where I didn't acknowledge thinking in the same pattern as I had previously.

    However, I still find myself coming back to old rituals and habits. Like. Problem solving, the first thing I think is abt my weight. But I don't let space grow for these thoughts, so even though I sometimes immediately think problematic things, I talk to myself abt why I feel that way and will it really help?

    I think that's the main part, for me anyway. Is saying yah I thought that but I didn't acknowledge it as an option.

    I don't even know if any of that makes sense tbh
  • MamaSarahBelle
    MamaSarahBelle Posts: 21 Member
    You can! I had an eating disorder since I was a tween. I hit rock bottom five years ago and went through a rigid eating disorder program. It took about a year and a half into the program before I started making I’m living breathing prof you CAN recover! Talk to me anytime, it’s hard and it will always be a battle, but there’s hope!
  • QuirkzforDayz
    QuirkzforDayz Posts: 12 Member
    I hope recovery is possible. It sure feels like a bottomless pit of despair sometimes. :(