Determined December Challenge 2019



  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    Forgot to report yesterday. But score for Days 2&3! Love the accountability, totally helped me control myself at dinner tonight
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 367 Member
    Day 3
    I am determined:
    Staying under carbs-50g total-YES even with an Irish creme got chocolate 😋
    Staying under calories-1500 per day-NO
    Logging and measuring-YES
    Getting in exercise/movement-2/3
    Increasing water intake-YES doubled my water intake
    Planning ahead meals-YES
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Dec 3rd
    On-plan calories: Yep
    On-plan carbs: Yep
    Workouts: 2/6

    Did not eat a donut! There are 6 of them sitting on the counter staring at me.

    My whole rhythm of cal/carb cycling is just off this week thanks to the Black Hole, but I'm doing well with my revised plan. I need to do more NEAT. Thanks to @taylok23 for reminding me about that. I was a couple hundred steps away from 10K yesterday, for a cardio day, that's bad. The lack of sunlight, cold, and chilling of my schedule due to soccer season ending has really tanked the NEAT big time. Did a Leslie Sansone 4 Miles workout adding extra boosts (jogging and other uppity higher impact movements) to it the last half as is my custom. I don't know why I'm so dumb and hate running so much, (I would rather do anything than run, especially on a treadmill in the dark cold basement right now) but I'm ok if I'm following a video and will even kick it up several notches. Silly like that I guess. My inner motivator is such a brat sometimes... :grumble:

    Have an awesome day and keep it up!
    Today ends in last day of class prep and volunteer work at church for 3 hours. Busy busy.

    Jess in Northeast TN :wink:
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    1. FOCUS ON MAINTAINING (or lose a pound or two)
    2. PLAN ACTIVE HOLIDAY FUN (Going to AZ for winter break/Hiking is on my list)
    3. SCHEDULE WORKOUTS (just booked 12 OTF classes)

    Doing okay so far.
    I lost a bit of body fat.
    I went to OTF 2x and did a walk/run 1x.
    Made dinner from scratch yesterday and I brought the left overs for lunch!
    So doing good at day3 :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Day 1-3

    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE
    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare. NOT YET
    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. NOT YET

    Last night I had to pick up the gluten free cookie dough I ordered from a friend's kid before I went back low carb and I took it straight to my mom's. Now today I've been gifted a tin of homemade fudge for Christmas! I will probably have one or two pieces between now and the holiday but I fear my husband will completely derail. I might take a few pieces out for us and give the rest to my daughter and her family.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Day 3 of determined December. You all are doing so good!

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [work in progress]
    2. Stay under carb goal (> 35) and under calorie goal (>1,500) every day [success, 31 carbs & 1,079 calories]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [exercised 41 minutes for 2.3 miles on the treadmill]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [success, easy day to plan ahead, no parties]

    Tonight (for Dec 4) may be a challenge b/c my church group gets together for bible study and someone always brings a good treat.

    Keep up the good work every one!

    Vicki in Wisconsin

  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Happy wednesday everyone! :smiley: Our day is done, another good one here! :)

    1) Stay under the carb goal - :star:
    2) eat enuf calories, but not too much - :star:
    3) log everything - :star:
    4) hit our activity goal every day - :star:
    5) workout at least 5x a week - 4 down 1 left

    TBH we really try to do a workout every day, but I figured saying 5/week left some leeway incase we get a bad week or something. Sometimes weekends are tough.

    ALSO - I forgot to mention right up front we do IF, like usualy 7:17 or something like that. Its just kinda our natural default, we just eat 2 meals a day. Sorta late breakfast/brunch, and then early dinner. And usually there's a snack, which just sorta happens whenever, depending when the other two meals are. Like our schedule is kinda flexible & sometimes a meal can move around by a few hours. But like overall, we do most of our eating inside a 6 to 8 hour window. :)

    Hope everyone's had a good day today! :smiley:
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Today’s update: NEAT down but still ok, increase in water moving up AND I bypassed the donut truck at work today! Stayed LCHF all day, stopped when full at lunch but had a few nuts after dinner. Regretting those as I feel too full now but it’s a good reminder to stop when I’m ahead. Keep up the good work!

    Kristin in OH
  • aishmartin
    aishmartin Posts: 468 Member
    This is a good challenge!

    I'm determined to start my journey by walking at least 2x a week.
    I'm determined to stay under my carb goal (54g) for at least 6 out of 7 days of the week.
    I'm determined to drink water water water!
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 367 Member
    Day 4
    I am determined:
    Staying under carbs-50g total-YES
    Staying under calories-1500 per day-NO- I’ve been so hungry the last few days
    Logging and measuring-YES
    Getting in exercise/movement-3/3
    Increasing water intake-YES still working on increasing
    Planning ahead meals-YES

    My favorite part of today was walking around my neighborhood with the littles looking at all the lights and decorations ☃️❄️🎄⭐️
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 4 was a win for me, logged all my food. Better get logging if I want to win today :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I am determined to stick with it even though the scale is being a brat!
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    I am late in joining the thread but I’ve been sticking with my goals thusfar!

    I was overweight many years ago and lost 70 pounds through online support. Now my goals are more about health, self-care/self-love, fitness and consistency. I’ve been bodybuilding to help with a medical condition and gaining muscle has helped reduce my symptoms so much! Not tracking for the past 9 months has been a nice break but now it’s time to lose some extra fluff as I keep working on strength gains and developing more muscle. I’m really proud of myself and happy with my body right now so this is a great starting point.

    My goals for December are strict, but a little deprivation is good for a reset right now.

    1) Stick to planned foods only, except on Christmas
    2) Work out 5 days a week, aiming for 25 hours of exercise this month
    3) Track every day
    4) Hopefully get down to 150 again, starting weight was 156, but since I’m strength training I won’t worry about the number as much
    5) Fit back into the clothes I recently hulked out of!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Dec 4, great to report success

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [work in progress]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [success, 19 carbs & 600 calories, I wasn't hungry]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [exercised 31 minutes for 1.9 miles on the treadmill]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [success, easy day to plan ahead, no parties]

    I am also glad that taylok23 mentioned NEAT. I hadn't fully considered how beneficial that could be through out my day at work. I have a sedentary job on the phone for the most part. So I have been trying to increase my steps through out the day with walking up 2 flights of stairs a couple times per day and going w a y down the hall to use the bathroom. So far so good.

    Everyone is doing a great job,
    Vicki in Wisconsin

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Day 4
    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE
    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare. NOT YET
    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. YES....I made a low carb spinach alfredo "lasagna".

    I did eat one piece of fudge last night but it fit into my carbs. Today I was going to get a tall Irish Cream cold brew at Starbucks because I'm dying to try it but it was sold out so Starbucks saved me those carbs....I just got a plain iced coffee with a splash of cream instead.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Little later than usual today, we had one of those messed-up-schedule kinda days here.

    1) Stay under the carb goal - :star:
    2) eat enuf calories, but not too much - :star:
    3) log everything - :star::#
    4) hit our activity goal every day - :star:
    5) workout at least 5x a week - :star::star::star::star::star:

    So that 'log everything' thing... kinda funny, but today I had to look in the MFP food database for 'cat treats' :lol: Kinda surprised TBH there were actually afew brands of kitty treats already in the database? Just, not the brand I was eating. :confused:

    But, the package listed some nutritional info so I figured out how to add it to the database, and so I got 'everything logged' today! :#

    Hope everyone's had / having a great Thursday! :smiley:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm going to with Friday as the end of the week since the weekend is where I am most challenged and therefore what I want to think of as "the start" to try and trick my brain into staying more focused and more on-track.

    Week 1 was good...I had 1 too low calorie day, but to be fair I was sick and slept most of the day so I can't imagine my calorie needs were much anyway. I had a couple low protein days at the start of the month, but I managed to pull it up and the tail end of the week was better.

    I missed 2 workouts instead of just the goal of 1, however, I was also sick so I'm going to cut myself some slack just for this week.


  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Day 4 was good for me as well. Got more water plus a Gatorade zero in, fasted 16:8, and buzzed all over the office to keep NEAT up. Overate a bit at dinner but stayed LCHF so that’s a win!
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    The good news is that I stuck to my goal and logged everything for Day 5. The bad news is that I tasted the mini cinnamon buns I was baking 😬
    I’ve been baking them in small batches since Tuesday and resisting beautifully, but somehow last night I ended up choosing to taste them. Oh well, logged it as best as I cld and movin on.