Determined December Challenge 2019



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Yesterday was darned near perfect...highest protein day yet...and I even had time for a is good!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Dec 11
    Ladies Night. Drank too much like an idiot (from a calorie perspective). But fasted as I had planned up until the event and the restaurant was so fantastic.
    It's fine. I'll be behaving here on in until Christmas.
    Strength training today. Might throw in some cardio to offset.
    Off to do the things.
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    Well yesterday was my last day of ketosis. I've been breaking out in a hivey rash after I work out and it turns out that it's from the acetone being released in my sweat. I woke up itching 2 nights in a row. The only cure for it is to eat carbs again. I am not going too far in the other direction, I will taper up gradually and continue intermittent fasting so I can get some of the benefits. I might try eating most of them before my workout.

    I am going to have to rewrite 15 years of programming! I am more of an off and on LCer, but still my brain is programmed to see "on plan" vs "off plan" foods and anytime I am eating more carbs I am not following the rules. Maybe some of my guilt will lessen then, heh.

    Goodbye keto bars and MCT oil and hello sweet potatoes and quinoa! Good luck everyone with the rest of your Determined December and beyond.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    December 11 turned out to be a good day.
    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [still going okay, I may get to add a couple lbs to the goal]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [under carbs at 17 and under calories at 916]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [still having pain from overdoing it but a couple of extra strength Tylenol help a lot, did 35 minutes slow on treadmill]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [Good planning and was able to stay on track]

    @chickencereal sounds like you are quiting the group. You don't have to do that. Just b/c your body doesn't agree with low carb you can still be a determined December person and rewrite your goals.

    see you all tomorrow,
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE

    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare. NOT YET....lazy

    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. NOT YET

    Tonight I will be watching twin 6 mo. old grandbabies. That will be a workout in itself lol
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @chickencereal This space isn't just for keto. Any lower carb plan goes! Just adjust your goals and keep on posting :)
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Dec.12 is done for us! Didn't get a workout in today, just didn't have the energy & motivation. We did hit our activity goal tho with NEAT. :)

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

    It was also a better day for us, alot less of that 'bad brain stuff'. Tomorrow could be a challenge tho, we gotta see family & it'll be dinner out at a restaurant. Pretty sure we'll stick to the plan, but there might be some awkward explanations lol. :lol:

    @chickencereal thats really rough, sorry that happened to you. We know how uncomfortable it is, we had something similar years ago cos of stress. Like anglyn1 said, adjust the goals & stick around! :smiley:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Week 2 has been super challenging in the scheduling with most of my life belonging to ballet since the performances are tonight and tomorrow. My workouts have not been as plentiful as I would like, but I have been working super hard on the days where I do get a workout, so that's something.

    Food has been on target for calories, but really not for protein. I need to be much more on top of the protein.

    I don't know if the scale is moving or not, I haven't been on it in a few days.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Dec 12
    on plan cals
    on plan carbs
    workouts: 4/6

    My youngest decided to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas, since today marks 12 days TILL Christmas. Yes, I know that's not how it works, but he's 8. :lol: We are having a Sugar Cookie decorating contest, winner gets the choice of a Xmas movie to watch. Then I have to go to a play (Frozen) at a high school b/c my oldest daughter's good friend is the lead. Anyhow, I was woken by some kittenhole and his baying hunting dogs in the woods behind my house early this morning. Turd... :unamused: So, cranky.

    Please do stay. Like other posters have said, you can still be Determined with us!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE

    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare. SORT OF....I was dog sitting and baby sitting last night. We've got one baby who is already into everything and the other is super chill and wants to be held all the time. Between the babies, the car seats, the diaper bags, etc....2 babies is a work out. Plus seeing to the dog! LOL

    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. NOT YET...I have had something out of the ordinary going on every night this week and haven't got to make anything new or fun yet! Maybe tonight :)
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    aww thanks for the kind messages!! I have it in my head that I have to stay below 75g to be low carb, but I suppose I will be eating mostly the same foods. This year my focus has been on balance and I suppose giving up stricter eating plans will be the last phase of that. I really have been pushing myself a little too much. So now Determined to take the middle path! 💪

    Still itchy but it didn't wake me up last night and I feel less stressed - probably because I slept better. I am very sore this week so I did low impact Fitness Blender workout instead of going to the gym and tonight I will be doing the same. I turn on the Christmas lights while my dog and cat watch me while snuggled on the couch so it's hard to overtrain in that environment. 😆
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    We survived our Friday the 13th! :lol:

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

    We're late tonight cos we had to meet the family for dinner & it was outta town & stuff. Did ok at the restaurant, we had a small appetizer sized order of chicken wings, oven baked, no sauce, no breadding, just salt & pepper. Except we shoulda got like a larger order cos it turned out we were under on calories, and still hungry too. :lol: Had a bit of hard salami @ home tho at home to take care of that. :)

    @chickencereal we hope that means you're gonna stick around? FWIW we read somewhere that anything under 150g is 'low carb', like compared to the standard diet or whatever. But anyways, whatever your goals are, we're glad you're here & keep at it! <3

    Hope everyone's having a good day today! :smiley:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    We survived our Friday the 13th! :lol:

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

    We're late tonight cos we had to meet the family for dinner & it was outta town & stuff. Did ok at the restaurant, we had a small appetizer sized order of chicken wings, oven baked, no sauce, no breadding, just salt & pepper. Except we shoulda got like a larger order cos it turned out we were under on calories, and still hungry too. :lol: Had a bit of hard salami @ home tho at home to take care of that. :)

    @chickencereal we hope that means you're gonna stick around? FWIW we read somewhere that anything under 150g is 'low carb', like compared to the standard diet or whatever. But anyways, whatever your goals are, we're glad you're here & keep at it! <3

    Hope everyone's having a good day today! :smiley:
    Yes exactly!!!

    Do hope everyone is having a great day. I'm super busy today. Gotta go shop. Stocking stuffers mostly. But it's all the girls going so I'll be out for awhile. :grimace: At least I don't have to drive!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm determined to work out 5 days a week in December.
    I'm determined to eat SLOW carb throughout the month.
    I'm determined to lose *some* weight.
    I'm determined to get restful restorative sleep.

    I'm working out 5 days a week, so far
    I'm eating SLOW carb
    I have not lost weight
    I got a good night sleep last night, but I'd say that's the hardest part.
    Still doing well. I've worked out six days this week. And even though I went to two parties I only ate a single thing that I didn't plan to eat. So there's that!🤓

  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Its the end of the 2nd week of Determined December! :smiley:

    We skipped our usual morning ride on the trainer, but went for a walk (in the snow & sleet!) in the afternoon instead. :confused: Hungry too, ate abit more than usual today, but kept it under 1500cal.

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ + ◼️

    We hope everyone's having a good weekend! Ready to start on week 3 tomorrow! :smiley:
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE today and Friday

    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare.
    NO...nothing today or yesterday. Today is what I call my medicine hangover day so I mostly stay in bed.

    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. YES...I made a keto chocolate frosty dessert. It was good. My husband liked it but said he’d call it ice cream because calling it a frosty sets you up for disappointment. lol.
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    Sunday is my official weigh in so checking in with my goals:

    1) Stuck to planned foods only - this has been the hardest!!
    2) Tracked every single bite every single day
    3) Keeping the pace to get 25 hours of exercise in this month
    4) Switched to higher carbs and have been eating different foods so I am not bored at all
    5) My clothes are fitting so much better!
    *bonus goal, I am a bit more balanced

    I did a Fitness Blender workout this week and one of the things they said in the video was "Exercise should be a question, not a demand" I thought this was a great mantra for learning how to push yourself without going too far and can be applied to every aspect of self improvement.
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    @Violet_Flux Yeah, I suspect my optimum carb intake is ~125 but I never really know because I stop tracking as soon as I veer off plan, this time I won't do that so I can find out!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    15th of December is done for us! Still sticking to plan here. :)

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◻️◻️◻️◻️

    We hope everyone has a good week! :smiley: