Determined December Challenge 2019



  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I went down the path of ladies night followed by letting my saboteur husband talk me in a pizza buffet (sound like yours @baconslave?) so I did a couple of longer fasts for a little balance this weekend. Days off are not good for my eating habits. The scale jumped a half pound but not bad all in all. I will be determined to have a better week this week! I feel like I am getting better at listening to my hunger cues so that’s a bonus. Have a good week all!
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been insanely busy at work since thursday and through the weekend :( I had one goal for my determined december - just to log, no food limits or weight goals whatsoever because those were getting too stressful to stay on top of..and I dropped even the logging because I got so busy. I'm getting so discouraged because its hard to take care of my diet goals while working this many hours and taking care of a baby as well. Still nursing which may be slowing/stopping my weight loss as well. It feels like too much work to take care of myself :(
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have a cold, so my weekend was as much resting and laying around as possible...less coughing today, but still I feel sleepy...tonight I am determined to workout...I will try strength first, followed by cardio, and then stretching...depending on how my body reacts (like I suspect cardio might trigger coughing) I will reduce or eliminate sections as needed...might follow the whole thing with a long hot bath.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    I've been slipping.
    So this week, before my vacation next week, I am really DETERMINED!
    I am starting I.F. and going to kick start the burn again. So far this morning, I am doing okay. Sipping a lotta coffee and tea. Brought some soup and snacks for lunch.
    Later I plan on running in the indoor track while I wait for my son's running practice.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    taylok23 wrote: »
    I went down the path of ladies night followed by letting my saboteur husband talk me in a pizza buffet (sound like yours @baconslave?) so I did a couple of longer fasts for a little balance this weekend. Days off are not good for my eating habits. The scale jumped a half pound but not bad all in all. I will be determined to have a better week this week! I feel like I am getting better at listening to my hunger cues so that’s a bonus. Have a good week all!

    Yep. Sounds suspiciously similar. :unamused:
    Mine is off work from Sat through Christmas...Lord give me strength! :scream:
    At least I have this week to bust my butt and keep it perfect. Which I am DETERMINED to do. I'll do my best with my DH, but he's the devil and enjoys being so.
    Have a great week!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Nothing went how I wanted Friday. So I did not get to workout.
    I was shopping for hours on Sat so I got in some good NEAT, but no time for a workout either.
    I don't know what my deal was Sunday, but I was feeling so wiped out, I just succumbed to the lazy.

    Today I am DETERMINED that despite having to take my teens out to finish their shopping (I'm finished) that I WILL get my sweat-soaked workout in OR ELSE1 :rage:

    Let's kick Monday's butt!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Checking in for Dec 14 and 15

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [still going okay, I may get to add a couple lbs to the goal]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [did not do so good on 12/14, my husband opened the Boy Scout caramel corn and I stood there too long helping him eat it so went over carbs but calorie goal both days was good]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [hip pain is getting better and since it's the weekend I have more time on the various machines at the fitness center]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [Good planning and was able to stay on track]

    Hope all is going well for everyone. We're getting closer to Christmas so the pressure is on to get everything done.

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE

    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare.
    NO...I did go Christmas shopping with my mom and my daughter's family so NEAT. Also lugging those car seats again LOL

    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. NO I was out to eat both meals yesterday. I do have two recipes lined up this week and one will be made tonight.

    I will finish this month out with these goals but I am seriously thinking of transitioning to a higher carb plan next month. Still low carb but not as low. I have been pretty well keto for 5 weeks now and initially lost 4.6 lbs and since that point I've steadily been gaining. My calories are low enough I should be losing from a CICO standpoint even....This has been my experience every time I've gone back to keto since quitting last year. My original run with keto was great and I lost over 35lbs. However I gained it back crazy fast and now the magic seems to be gone. Like I said I will stick this out for the rest of the month as it is possible my body is just adjusting but I'll be honest it's a difficult diet to be on and not see results. I did a Whole30 in July and lost 10 lbs. while probably eating a bit more calorie wise and I'd say averaging around 100 carbs.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Good day for NEAT being back at work and moving around between meetings. Still working on water intake for the day. I didn’t eat enough at lunch which led to being too full at dinner but it was low carb. Vegging in front of the TV makes me less aware of what I’ve shoveled in! Still no logging so I’m hoping ad libitum can work for me if I let it.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 366 Member
    Lost another pound...
    NSV- I can see my body changing 😊 and my face rash has gotten better! Yayyy!!
    Day 16
    I am determined:
    Staying under carbs-YES
    Staying under calories-YEs
    Logging and measuring-YES
    Getting in exercise/movement-0/3
    Increasing water intake-didn’t drink enough
    Planning ahead meals-Yes- still battling headaches. 🤦🏼‍♀️ so over it
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Staying under carb goal of 55 per day, Except I had two days where I went over at 77 and 90. But on one of the days still stayed under my calorie goal for the day.
    Logging every day, Measuring all foods
    Exercising 6 days a week, 45 minutes minimum.
    Weigh in once a week, on Saturdays
    Stay away from real deal Holiday sweets, convert to alternate flours and alternate sugars.
    Be in control, reap the rewards.
    Starting weight 11/30/2019 231

    I weigh in on Saturdays, lost a quarter of pound, so down 1.25 so far in December. Picked up a headcold, so battling that has slowed me down some. Hard to exercise hard when trying to breathe at same time. Logged every day, Two days did not exercise due to headcold. But back at it now. Weigh every thing, can say that has become almost second nature to do.
    Did some Holiday baking using Monkfruit, almond and coconut flour. Happy with results in cookies and bread. Hubby who is not on a low carb eating plan. Has told me that he really likes the cookies made this way opposed to with white sugar, white flour. Which makes it so much easier.

    Onward and downward we shall go.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Dec 16th
    on cals
    on plan
    workouts: 1/6

    I intend not to leave the house until Sunday. It was super-cray out there yesterday.
    Just a lot of wrapping to do, though some of the presents I ordered have been delayed. I already chose no-rush. It really needs to be here. In the order are my eyedrops (I have Sjogren's with a primary apocalypse of dry eye!)

    @Violet_Flux I hope you all are having a much better day.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Thanks @baconslave! :smiley: Todays already starting better - we got a really good workout done, & just had a yummy breakfast! :smiley:
    I hope you get your eyedrops soon! :(
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Thanks @baconslave! :smiley:Todays already starting better - we got a really good workout done, & just had a yummy breakfast! :smiley:
    I hope you get your eyedrops soon! :(


    Thanks. I have one vial of drops left unopened. As long as they get here by Thurs I'll be able to scrape through, I think.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events) DONE

    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare. YES....the weather was unseasonably warm and we had a nice break in the rain so I took a walk around the neighborhood last night.

    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan. YES...

    Very good soup. My husband and I really liked it. I skipped the onion because we don't eat onions in my house and I used mild instead of hot Italian sausage.

    This morning I had lost 1.2 lbs of the weight I have gained so let's see if it will continue down or go up again.
  • ploomka
    ploomka Posts: 308 Member
    @anglyn1 that soup looks amazing. I am going to make that for sure.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Dec 17th is done for us, & today has been a better day then yesterday! :smiley:

    Gonna be eating the sad overcooked roast leftovers for a couple more nights, but we put some bacon on it when reheating it, to make it less dry. :) And a couple strips of bacon is always a good thing, lol! :lol:

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

    We hope everyone's having a good day! :smiley:
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Good to hear you are having a better day today Violet_Flux. We all have days like yours sometimes.

    Dec 16 for me was a success.
    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [still going okay, I may get to add a couple lbs to the goal]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [did great well under carb and calorie goal]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [back to 40 minutes a day with distance of 2 miles]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [Good planning and was able to stay on track]

    Good job everyone, we are on the 2nd half of December all ready!