New here!

Hello All,

I just started on Saturday. I was already going to the gym for a month. I just started to drink water only- no other beverages. I just almost reached 200 lbs and it scared the hell out of me! I am only 5'2" - I had used MFP back in May of 2012 (Well I signed up , input my weight and that was about it) - then I was "only" 171 pounds - How I would love to be there again! No wonder all of those clothes are in the back of my closet!

So far I am only getting a dry mouth- which makes me drink more water so I guess that is a good thing.

I want to get down to 150 - that is my first goal. Then eventually somewhere around 135 - I think I was last there in the 2nd grade (LOL)



  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Welcome. Our stats are almost the same. I am also 5'2 and looking for my first goal at 150. I don't know if I'll go lower then that, but that will put me where I was when I got married. I'm pretty muscular so not sure I'll go below that.

    Welcome to the group.
  • onethirty52b
    onethirty52b Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you!
  • Boise_Mom
    Boise_Mom Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome! I am 5'7" and started at 200lbs. I am now at 150lbs and have reached a bit of a plateau. I, maybe, want to lose 10 more lbs, but I guess we will see.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    You'll do great if your only side effect is dry mouth!

    This seems like a safe place to talk about this. Ali the other forums have people that are critical.

    So I'll tell you. I gained back the 40 pounds i lost. It was really hard for me to keep losing weight or at least stay the same.

    I took it for a whole year.

    The one problem with Phentermine is you can only take one a day. Forever. I wanted to take two a day. I had some extras. I talked to my friend who is s Pharmacist. He said it was horrible for my heart. And only to take one.

    I got used to it after awhile and thought it working. I stopped taking it. I realized it was working.

    So that's my story. I hope you can learn from my errors.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    You'll do great if your only side effect is dry mouth!

    This seems like a safe place to talk about this. Ali the other forums have people that are critical.

    So I'll tell you. I gained back the 40 pounds i lost. It was really hard for me to keep losing weight or at least stay the same.

    I took it for a whole year.

    The one problem with Phentermine is you can only take one a day. Forever. I wanted to take two a day. I had some extras. I talked to my friend who is s Pharmacist. He said it was horrible for my heart. And only to take one.

    I got used to it after awhile and thought it working. I stopped taking it. I realized it was working.

    So that's my story. I hope you can learn from my errors.

    This is interesting. First, yes, they are very critical on other parts of the forum about using this. Sorry you experienced that. I'm generally a close to 99% natural person but I am taking phentermine because I had very specific reasons for doing so. I don't like it, but it is helping me. I also work very hard on changing my mindset and habits so when the time comes to go off of it, my lifestyle will have changed.

    Funny that you say you can only take one a day. My doctor actually has me on two a day. Because of a history of certain medications not working well on me (requiring more then normal to get the same effect everyone else does on a regular dose), my doctor bumped me to 2 a day (one didn't appear to be working). Can't say I'm experiencing anything negative from it. I take them at the same time in the morning. I also hear a lot of people say their doctor will only let them be on it for 3 months. My doctor uses it until the person hits their goal weight or wants to stop taking it whichever comes first. She said she's gone as long as three years. It should probably scare me that she's this free and easy with it, but honestly, I just want her to let me do what I want so I'm going with it. But I also monitor myself very carefully and see her every few months to review labs and my weight loss progress. I also monitor my bp at home to make sure it's staying okay. I guess it just depends on the doctor?
  • cdgirl1994
    cdgirl1994 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just started phentermine 15mg about a week ago. I am 5'0 and I want to lose about 60 pounds. I lost 3 right away but it seems to have stalled already. Not sure what I'm doing wrong
  • Nanaluvs2sweat
    Nanaluvs2sweat Posts: 97 Member
    I started Phentermine 37.5 in Jan this year. After gaining 80 lbs and going from 145 to 226 (I’m 5’6”) I knew I needed help and that I had to make some serious changes. For the first 2-3 days I was having to force myself to eat but then it just sort of stopped. I don’t have any side effects at all. It’s just odd lol. I can say no to things I know I don’t need to eat and I am able to stick to my meal plan very easily. I also do IF 18:6, 1500 cal, low carb and I exercise regularly. So far I have lost 19 pounds. My goal is to lose 60 more. I hope everyone succeeds in their goals!