Nut digestion

cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
Finally accepting that I can't fully digest nuts :( I put 2 and 2 together when I eat alot of nuts I have speckled poops(sry for graphic!) When I don't eat nuts, no specks. It looks like they come out the same was I swallow them, chewed up but not fully broken down. I haven't noticed with peanuts or macadamia (don't eat them often), but definitely almond and cashew! And pecan. Just mourning my salty crunchy low carb snack


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you aren't absorbing it, doesn't that make it an ideal snack? Assuming it doesn't make you feel sick in the process of passing through.
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    LOL! I wonder... I don't feel sick from them
  • ploomka
    ploomka Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah! I’d say it’s working like fiber. I’m no doctor, but if they don’t make you sick or any other symptoms, seems fine to me!