Looking to add other lgbt who actually post food diaries on a regular basis



  • I don't complete mine or anything but I'm pretty good with logging food through the week (weekends are a bit iffy lol). I also enjoy looking at other's logs because I too am always looking for new recipies/meal preps to try
  • monicaai14
    monicaai14 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to have more people to be held accountable to! I am also significantly worse on the weekends, but I have be trying to be mostly tracked.
  • effJR
    effJR Posts: 9 Member
    I post my meals daily and my diary is public. I’m trying to get my fat take under control— much higher than it should be and not enough protein or carbs most of the time. Calories are nearly always under my goal for the day.

  • washoff
    washoff Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me! I post every day and complete. 😘
  • dannygrayspeaks
    dannygrayspeaks Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! :)))
  • RhaegarWolf
    RhaegarWolf Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well, I'm usually good about posting daily though accountability definitely helps me not disappear for a few weeks and fall off the wagon with my eating habits. I cook a lot and am happy to share recipes.
  • jessetfan
    jessetfan Posts: 373 Member
    You can feel free to add me as well. I have my diary open to friends, and I'm trying to be better about posting everyday. I'm eating a low carb diet, if that matters to anyone.
  • detrimental13
    detrimental13 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me! I post food diaries each day and love being told off if I'm not sticking to my goals. Be careful though I'll do the same with you :wink:
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. My diary won't win any food awards, though, that's for sure :) Note: Gluten free (Celiac's), Meat Free, Dairy Free diet.
  • MQEnglishIV
    MQEnglishIV Posts: 18 Member
    Same here :)
  • amaterasuthird
    amaterasuthird Posts: 24 Member
    I plan to keep track of my intake everyday. I can probably post it with no hassle. So I guess I'll post my intake each day and track my progress. I'm a mtf transgirl aged 30.
  • This is such a great idea. Love the ideas and accountability.
  • Seachange_dogs
    Seachange_dogs Posts: 57 Member
    Hey for anyone still around please go ahead and add me. My food diary is open but pretty basic, really all I'm trying to achieve is be under my calorie goal and eat somewhat healthy, you know, except for girl scout season and then I will absolutely eat an entire sleeve of Samoas...
  • MoKaaz
    MoKaaz Posts: 162 Member
    I post regularly, and log everything. I am quite active on here.
  • chrissardo
    chrissardo Posts: 5 Member
    I’ve been away for some time but I am back ready to share diaries and progress:)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I've been on vacation, but I'm back and I usually post daily...except like vacations!
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 198 MFP Moderator
    I don't post a lot but you can add me if you want to :)
  • chrissardo
    chrissardo Posts: 5 Member
    I’ve been busy with work and life in general, back on the track now. I’m bi, living in London, 27. Feel free to add me.