Apologies for No LTL for today Tuesday

imastar2 Posts: 6,202 Member
Hey guys...Sorry for the no show today I had several meetings all day into this evening. I've been having several Cardiologist test since 11/27 day before Thanksgiving. So I knew I was going to need a Heart Valve. I've been having breathing problems since October and almost passed out on a few occasions very recently. I have aortic stenosis. The arotic valve is sticking while trying to push the blood out of my heart. Went toThoracic Surgeon yesterday my pulse 34 bpm obviously very low.

So tomorrow I'm going in for scheduling for a pacemaker first then schedule the valve replacement soon afterwards. I'll keep you posted and any kind thoughts or prayers are certainly appreciated. Good news is their going in the groin area to do the aortic valve replacement and won't have to crack open my sternum.

I'll post after I get things figured out.🙂🙏
