High sugars and mood?

Can high blood sugar effect your mood? I have been off the rails lately when it comes to my food choices, so much so, I don't share my diary because I'm just too embarrassed.
But, whether it's my blood sugar or food, I get to feeling depressed. Then I have crappy food, then I feel depressed.
It's a vicious circle.
Another question, when and if this happens to you, how to you snap yourself out of it?
This journey is one day at a time, and I realize that each of us has a different journey, but I'm hoping you all have a few practical tips.


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I was just reading an article about sugar consumption correlating to depression. It makes sense that the link would be even stronger in diabetics.

    First of all, try getting outside In bright sunlight first thing in the morning, if you have any tendency towards seasonal depression. It really helps.

    Figuring out delicious food which works with your needs is helpful. I put cacao powder in everything! And I eat a lot of grilled salmon. Make the low calorie or low carb choices just as delicious as the bad ones. Herbal teas or black coffee if you like them.

    Then find comfort sources that aren’t food. Dancing and music are good ones. I also like birdwatching and doing my fingernails silly colors. Anything that makes you happy.

    The most important thing you can do is to fix long term problems which may be making you depressed or adding to your stress. This isn’t always possible, but sometimes there are things which could be simply fixed if only you took a little time to fix them. Such as my sofa, I hated it and it made my whole living room not work, replaced it, suddenly I enjoyed the room much more. I redid my bathroom storage so it doesn’t drive me insane every day while I’m getting ready. My husband and I had a come to Jesus talk about some old habits of his and he was much better about them afterwards. Figure out the things which suck your spirits daily and see if any can be remedied.
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    I do go birdwatching and I am part of a walking group 4 days a week. I don't have SAD. I love to read and watching old movies. I have to watch how much fat I eat in a day also, no more than 30g per day because of Chronic pancreatitis.
    I have lost a lot of weight because of pancreatitis. I'm usually very, very careful of what I eat, but it just seems the last two weeks I have gone off the rails a bit.
    One thing that has been bothering me a lot, is people telling me I'm too skinny. There's nothing I can do about that. When I eat junk food, pancreatitis rears it's ugly head, making me very sick, and having to go on a fluid diet for a few days. When I eat well, my body isn't absorbing all the nutrients in my food. I do take digestive enzymes for this, but sometimes I do forget to take them.
    I am happy with my present weight.
    I guess, I just need to vent sometimes about all my ailments.
    Thanks for listening.