Bone Broth and MCT oil ...

shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
I've discovered Bone broth and MCT oil recently.

I find that Bone broth's amazing to break a fast... You can sip it slowly. It has like 30 cal per cup with potassium and 9 killing grams of protein. Very hard to find 9g for 30 cal. Add some himalayan salt or a tiny bit of Bovril to make it taste less blend that's all.

MCT oil... I like it to start my fasting period. It's high calories 120...and 15ml (tbsp) 14g fat.
But it's the GOOD fat.. It won't be stored, it goes straight into energy and make you feel full.
It also activate your system to burn more fat. (you can find this oil in Supplement store's also called Coconut oil ..just make sure it's pure 100% nothing else but oil)

Anyone else like these products?


  • lleeann2001
    lleeann2001 Posts: 410 Member
    Yaaassss hunty. . I looooove the MCT oil! they wanna make sure the coconut oil sat Medium Chain Triglycerides. And I start my fasts with MCT oil also. I thought I was the only one that did that!
  • farryfatty
    farryfatty Posts: 49 Member
    Do you buy or make your own bone broth? Which brand? Looking to start this as well. Thanks!