March Mindfulness Challenge 2020



  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Mar. 2 check in:
    Mindful eating was just okay yesterday. I felt a bit hungry when I got home from work so nibbled a bit then ate a big dinner. I could have eaten less but did not stuff myself and went to bed feeling good. I really wanted nuts later in the evening but distracted myself and skipped them. I was more mindful and present at home and actively participated in a discussion during dinner prep. I was told to put my phone down once but in my defense I was reading an article my husband had shared so that shouldn’t count!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,600 Member
    March 1-2

    -Move with purpose minimum of 20 min a day, every day :smiley: Bowling, Elliptical/Strength
    -More protein than fat :smiley: I love steak, just saying
    -Reintroduce NEAT to my days :wink: Multiple stair trips to bring indv items to the kitchen
    -No snooze on my alarm clock : :/ 3 times yesterday and twice today

    Picked up another cold yesterday, so over winter!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for March 2

    1. Mindful exercise daily. Absolutely beautiful again outside. I had the day off so went on my 3.1 mile walk/run
    2. Low carb, < 35 daily. Big bomb! I had the day off for my birthday so went to Outback Restaurant, soo good, shared a bloomin onion, ended with 95 net carbs, but no dessert.
    3. Calorie deficit, <1,500 daily. oh boy, over goal.
    4. Get rid of 5 lbs by 3/31. Guess, I'll find out if going over on carbs and calories puts me behind with weight loss. I did do the long walk and also completed the body weight exercises I do every evening.

  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    March 2 check in.
    1. Well under 35 carbs- yeah me. I think it’s a first for me
    2. Well under 1500 cal
    3. Mindful exercise with loving body scan and a few kind shoutouts when my mind wandered.
    4. On track for 5 lbs
    wishing all good health
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    vkrenz wrote: »
    March 1 check in.
    1. Mindful exercise- fit bit said I had >16,000 steps, beautiful outside in the 50's
    2. Low carb- right at goal
    3. Under calories- good
    4. Get rid of 5 lbs- I can do this!

    Happy March to everyone!

    Excellent- you may have noted I’m imitating you🤗

  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Haha @bacpath , you have my blessings and encouragement. Ya know what they say. Imitating someone is the highest form of a compliment. Hope the low carb plan works for you and helps you reach your weightloss goal. This WOE surely has helped me for 60 pounds so far. I am hopeful for 32 more by September.
  • rscp11
    rscp11 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm a Type 1 diabetic which basically means I have a non-functioning pancreas and am 100% dependent on multiple insulin dosing. I have to follow a low carb diet like all of you, so I'm hoping to learn some tricks of the trade. What do you do when you have the munchies? I love peanuts. I could eat them all day long. Tonight I managed to avoid peanuts and substituted mini carrots and cucumber slices instead, BUT I reeaallllyyyy missed my peanuts! I think I was supposed to be an elephant, but got into the human line by mistake before I was born...
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Well, three days into March and I am on point. But then I always start off good with these challenges and lose momentum as the month progresses. Hopefully I can change that this month. I am trying to be more mindful of the carb/calorie count in what I eat as I think in the past I was under estimating those counts. At least I can say "so far so good."
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Did better yesterday. No NEAT today until evening. Dad has oral surgery so I'm in the waiting room for hours. On my butt driving. Probably no time for exercise today. I'll be lucky if I have time to eat. After today things should settle down a bit.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    @rscp11, when I have the munchies, I have about 2 cups of skinny popcorn, or 2 pieces of bacon with a slice of cheese, or 10 almonds. Maybe it's the salt you are craving?
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for March 3.

    1. Mindful exercise daily. Back to the treadmill, but did go a bit longer today, also completed body weight exercises in the evening.
    2. Low carb, < 35 daily.Did well and way under.
    3. Calorie deficit, <1,500 daily. Had to eat something late because my numbers needed fluffing up, can't go too low I think
    4. Get rid of 5 lbs by 3/31. work in progress.
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    Check in for March 3
    1. 5 carbs over self imposed limit- I still find it hard to let go of vegetables
    2. Under my calorie count
    3. Great exercise session
    4. On track to lose 5.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    March 3-4 check in:
    Yesterday was pretty good for mindful eating but I ended the day snacking so that’s not ideal. Today I ate a bit more than normal at lunch then ate lighter at dinner, listening to hunger signals. Two good days of being present on home so feeling good about that. Stay healthy everyone!
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    March 4- another on track day. Goodnight all.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for March 4

    1. Mindful exercise daily. Tired all day so only did 35ish minutes on treadmill and no body weight exercises in the evening
    2. Low carb, < 35 daily. Good, well under
    3. Calorie deficit, <1,500 daily. Well under
    4. Get rid of 5 lbs by 3/31. Going well, too early to tell.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Yesterday was mad. But the surgery ended sooner than expected and despite having to run back to town for a prescrip (50 min round trip) I DID get a walk in. So I got about 15k steps yesterday. I was only able to eat on the run, but I ate as slowly and was as present as one could be behind the wheel of a car and in a hurry before church. :smirk:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm a bit late getting started here...daughter had wisdom teeth removed, so many days cooped up in the house and getting some cosplay and house projects done as well as fetching and tracking meds and such for many more projects still to any workouts and food have been good except for evening whiskey which I really need to cut out...but, it's so yum!!!

    3/4 - goal digger accomplished!!!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member

    Have been a little over on both carbs/cals but not too excessive. Exercise has been on point. Need to concentrate more on carbs/cals but hate tracking. It seems so unnatural and I really want to use portion size and hunger awareness as my guides.
  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    March 5, still hanging in there! Have hit all three of my goals, carbs, protein and calories every day. Have been working hard on pre-planning my eating either the night before or early morning. Have built an evening snack into my days but have avoided foods that tend to trigger binges. Have been cooking true meals even though I am home alone this week. Trying to slow down and appreciate what I have. Am keeping myself focused on how close we are getting to spring :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    3/5 goal digger accomplished!!!

    It was tough, I massively wanted a giant bowl of mac & cheese for dinner...however, the macros were not there...and I satisfied myself with 1/4 cup of mac and stuck to my beef and eggs plan to meet my goals...lifted all the things...did it at a decent tempo to get some cardio done.
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