Never Surrender

It is 2017 I went on a three week Daniel Fast no: simple Carbs, no meat, no sugar I lost eight pounds.

I started spinning and lost another 7 pounds. I'm down from 250 pounds to about 232-235

My goal by my 61 birthday is 200 pounds that is equal to -30 pounds in four months I will keep posting my progress or the lack of it

Right now I shoot for a minimum of 3 one hour sessions a week, four if I'm not too tired. 2 days of spinning and one to two days of weights or three days of spinning.

calorie intake maximum is 1000 calories a day I cheat on the weekends sat or sun


  • njag6393
    njag6393 Posts: 27 Member
    Thats no where near enough calories. I have been following the recommended calorie allowance from mfp for a little over a month and have lost 10 pounds and have actually only done well about 65% of the time. If I would quit eating at night and behave I would probably be 15 lbs down or more but for someone your weight 1000 calories isn’t healthy and extremely hard to maintain. Thats putting too much pressure on yourself. I weigh 200 now and the app gives me 2000 calories a day which will allow me to lose a pound a week. This is fairly easy to do but 1000 calories is misery.
  • njag6393
    njag6393 Posts: 27 Member
    If anyone would like to keep this group going please reply. I will be glad to share what my diet has consisted of. Following the recommended calories mfp allows isn’t that hard to do, I think people think they have to go way under and thats not necessary.
  • NoMoreTwizzlers
    NoMoreTwizzlers Posts: 72 Member
    I’m interested. Add me. Speak to you soon.