Magical and marvellous March - accountability thread



  • shannonsuz
    shannonsuz Posts: 1 Member
    New here. Glad I stumbled across you ladies because I've had low motivation since the outbreak began.

    53 yo (Mentally 35)
    164 CW
    155 GW
    162-66 AW

    March Goals:
    Drink at least 72 oz h20 per day
    Drink less wine
    Do at least 15 min of cardio per day
    Do 3 sets of pushups 20 reps per day
    Do 3 sets of 10 leg lifts, with ball in between (Stomach area) per day
    Do 3 sets of 15 arm curls with 10 lb weight per day
    Don't beat myself up!
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Survive the end of times
    Get a grip

    Take care yourself, my friend!!! Don't push yourself too hard when you're not 100%.

    Just. that. :)

    @I4a_p I hope you're getting better quickly!
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    jacau wrote: »
    Survive the end of times
    Get a grip

    Take care yourself, my friend!!! Don't push yourself too hard when you're not 100%.

    Just. that. :)

    @I4a_p I hope you're getting better quickly!

    I am, thanks guys! It was just a silly cough it seems. Mentally also in a better place and weight has been going down a bit this week (so far, weekend is still around the corner ;)). Thanks for the support, as usual :)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited March 2020
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 70.0
    Feb GW: maintain between 69 and 70

    1. Walk at least 10k a day
    2. Keep within my daily cals
    3. Push-up challenge - master week 3
    4. Weekly accountability checkin

    The first week of March is already over and done. Here in Belgium, we seem to be in an endless waterfall: the temperatures stay cold and it is raining all the time. Really all - the - time and it's getting to me. Also, the small river at the back of our house is almost overflowing, and we are still facing at least a week of rain. I'm in dire need of a little sunshine!

    As for my goals:
    1. Nope, it didn't work out this week as going out in torrential rains just isn't an option. And one can only do circles around the house a few hundred times :neutral: Also, I still cannot go bike to work, so very little movement.
    2. I did. But then yesterday evening my neighbour - who is a lovely lady - begged us to come and finish the batch of batter she had made for waffles. I was still a little peckish after dinner and I wolfed down 4 freshly baked waffles. No regrets there as I never eat them and they were delish ! :smiley:
    3. I can't seem to master week 3 - but I'll continue to try
    4. Yes, I am doing this right now. My current average weight is 70.0 which is perfect, certainly after having 4 waffles and very little exercise.

    I can hardly believe I wrote the above only one week ago, it seems like a lifetime away. The last few days, my life has been turned upside down by the outbreak as we went in a semi lockdown and I had no fitness or weight goals in mind whatsoever: I hardly walked, I certainly didn't bike to work as our offices are now closed and I did some serious comfort eating. Working from home has always been difficult for me from a food standpoint; now being home 24/7, that will be an enormous challenge. Still: I'm glad I CAN work from home and I still have a job.
    Hubbie and I have agreed to get back as close to a normal routine as possible, so from today on I'll try to stay back on track and we will try to go out for a walk as long as we are still only in a semi lockdown.
    Current average weight is 70.0

    Hello all,
    I always find it surprising how resilient people are. Here we go, our second week of lockdown and we are getting in some routines already. The main thing I find is how RELAXED I've become !! Both hubbie and I (and some friends and family) agree that it makes a hugh difference, not running everywhere and nowhere. Just staying at home and RELAX ! :smiley: I do miss human contact however.
    But all in all, I've been finding some routine and it certainly helped to get all my daily steps in - the weather is cold but marvellous with a lot of sunshine - and I'm now past the emotional eating, even though it didn't show on the scale this morning.

    1. Yes! I clocked in more than 88K this week
    2. I'm getting back to it, certainly thanks to all the positive posts that I've read about not losing courage and not undoing all the hard work we already did !
    3. I've let that one go. It takes too much mental effort at the moment, I'll recap after the quarantine.
    4. Yes! Thanks to you all, I feel like I'm back on track ! :+1:

    Current average weight is 70.5 - not bad after such an emotional rollercoaster

    Here we are, 3rd week of lockdown. I certainly miss personal contact with my friends but other than that I'm coping pretty well, EXCEPT for the eating !
    I really need to get a grip again, as hubbie and I are both eating too much and snacking on the wrong things.

    1. I've had 70K steps exactly !
    2. No, I didn't keep to my calories, not by a long shot. I've set my daily goals to losing again (0.25kg/week) instead of maintaining as it gave me too much leeway and got my into overeating again. Also the fact that we have enough food in the house to last a week to 10 days isn't helping in any way.
    3. the pushup challenge is on hold during the lockdown
    4. This weekly accountability is a tremendous help. I would have been in a much worse situation if I didn't have this group, at least I'm trying every day again to keep my eating in check !

    Current average weight is 71.5 - I've gained a kilo in one week (no glitch as I still weigh myself every day), and almost 2 kilo's in 4 weeks. Now, I need to get a grip and stop stuffing myself as if it is the end of the world.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 154.4
    Mar GW: 137
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2
    Dec SW 146.2 EW 147.0
    Jan SW 147.0 EW 142.0
    Feb SW 140.5 EW 143.2
    Mar SW 143.2

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 4 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Be consistent with push up challenge
    Goal #3: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week
    Goal #4: Replace nightly glass of wine with herbal tea 3x a week

    I had the worst flu the end of Jan, so I feel pretty decent about Feb overall. Weighed in this morning at 143.2 so that means I was about to maintain things while out of town on a sale trip - total win for me! Spent 4 days in Scottsdale and didn't lose progress.

    It's going to be a BUSY month, I'm really excited about daylight savings time, my wedding & my birthday!!! If I can get my average weight down to 140 this month, I'll be happy. (I broke my phone Thursday and am betting I lost all my 'happy scale' data). DAMMIT!
    3/5 - 143.0, AVE 143.6 - yesterday was decent on food, finally felt back in my routine. Spent a few hours riding, cleaning stalls & washing one dirty little mutt. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Come on Spring!
    3/6 - 142.8 AVE 143.4 - I love this time of year, I worked outdoors from 4:30 to dark - no idea of burn, not cardio, just cleaning stalls and riding. Been experimenting with learning to cook some lighter (but quick) dinners - trying to stay away from pastas, breads, etc.
    3/9 - 142.5 AVE 142.5 - The weather was glorious Sat, I spent the entire day riding & working at the barn. Worked 4 horses Sat & 5 on Sun (Sun was cold, but ok). I have no idea what this burns, but I promise training young horses is solid work. Fri night probably way overdid it between dinner out and drinks at concert - but I kept Sat & Sun to one meal days - steak, veggies, and Dos Equis... trying to find balance.
    3/11 - 144.2 AVE 143.2 - Overdid it yesterday, I was running around from 7:00am till 10:00pm...but at least I got to feed & clean stalls last night so there's a bit of exercise. Arby's for lunch, but we split a meal... MIL made amazing enchiladas for dinner...and someone left a bag of mini snickers in the breakroom. ARGH! Not my best day, but today is going far better.
    3/13 - 142.8 AVE 143.1 - Forcing myself not to quit logging, just been so busy trying to make sure I have everything ready for this wknd. It's a simple, casual deal - but still........trying not to stress eat or let little things get to me. Haven't been sitting down to proper dinner at night, just busy running around and wind up snacking on whatever is handy.. I need to get some better snacks stocked at the house.
    3/30 - 143.2 - pleasantly surprised this morning...I've refused to get on the scale for a bit because I've been feeling so fluffy that I just couldn't face it. Trying to suck it up and get back into this new routine. @weatherking2019 posted a great graphic in the chit-chat thread that I'm going to do in April. Anyone else want to fast forward to July?
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    47, 5’2”
    CBF: 18.9 %
    Goal BF%: 18.5%

    Goal #1:Stick to light dinner diet
    Goal #2:Drinks on weekends only
    Goal #3: OTF 4x week
    Goal #4: 10 min morning workout

    09/30 109.6, 19.6%
    10/30 108, 19.1%
    11/27 108.4, 19.4%
    12/31 112, 20.6%
    01/31 110.2, 20.1%
    02/28 107.6, 18.9%
    03/01 107.4, 18.8%
    03/13 107.8, 18.9%
    03/22 108, 19%
    03/30 110! 19% Oh boy😲

    I did indulge this weekend. So no regrets. @I4a-p, we gotta live life, right? 😉
    And like @Antiopelle I feel relaxed. I am less stressed and feel content. @cayenne_007 you're lucky, you have a choice to get out and ride! I'm stuck here in the basement doing these bodyweight exercise or run/hike when the weather permits. (we woke up to a flooded basement-it's already been cleaned and dried) Can't wait for better weather.

    I'm keeping up with this mini workout session. But I need to beef it up so I don't get bored; if anyone finds a good link to a mini workout, lmk!! Thanks and have a good week😘
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 154.4
    Mar GW: 137
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2
    Dec SW 146.2 EW 147.0
    Jan SW 147.0 EW 142.0
    Feb SW 140.5 EW 143.2
    Mar SW 143.2

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 4 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Be consistent with push up challenge
    Goal #3: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week
    Goal #4: Replace nightly glass of wine with herbal tea 3x a week

    I had the worst flu the end of Jan, so I feel pretty decent about Feb overall. Weighed in this morning at 143.2 so that means I was about to maintain things while out of town on a sale trip - total win for me! Spent 4 days in Scottsdale and didn't lose progress.

    It's going to be a BUSY month, I'm really excited about daylight savings time, my wedding & my birthday!!! If I can get my average weight down to 140 this month, I'll be happy. (I broke my phone Thursday and am betting I lost all my 'happy scale' data). DAMMIT!
    3/5 - 143.0, AVE 143.6 - yesterday was decent on food, finally felt back in my routine. Spent a few hours riding, cleaning stalls & washing one dirty little mutt. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Come on Spring!
    3/6 - 142.8 AVE 143.4 - I love this time of year, I worked outdoors from 4:30 to dark - no idea of burn, not cardio, just cleaning stalls and riding. Been experimenting with learning to cook some lighter (but quick) dinners - trying to stay away from pastas, breads, etc.
    3/9 - 142.5 AVE 142.5 - The weather was glorious Sat, I spent the entire day riding & working at the barn. Worked 4 horses Sat & 5 on Sun (Sun was cold, but ok). I have no idea what this burns, but I promise training young horses is solid work. Fri night probably way overdid it between dinner out and drinks at concert - but I kept Sat & Sun to one meal days - steak, veggies, and Dos Equis... trying to find balance.
    3/11 - 144.2 AVE 143.2 - Overdid it yesterday, I was running around from 7:00am till 10:00pm...but at least I got to feed & clean stalls last night so there's a bit of exercise. Arby's for lunch, but we split a meal... MIL made amazing enchiladas for dinner...and someone left a bag of mini snickers in the breakroom. ARGH! Not my best day, but today is going far better.
    3/13 - 142.8 AVE 143.1 - Forcing myself not to quit logging, just been so busy trying to make sure I have everything ready for this wknd. It's a simple, casual deal - but still........trying not to stress eat or let little things get to me. Haven't been sitting down to proper dinner at night, just busy running around and wind up snacking on whatever is handy.. I need to get some better snacks stocked at the house.
    3/30 - 143.2 - pleasantly surprised this morning...I've refused to get on the scale for a bit because I've been feeling so fluffy that I just couldn't face it. Trying to suck it up and get back into this new routine. @weatherking2019 posted a great graphic in the chit-chat thread that I'm going to do in April. Anyone else want to fast forward to July?
    3/31 - 143.4 - Forcing myself to get back in the habit of a daily weigh in. Rode for an hour and then worked on my new flowerbeds for an hour yesterday after work. Got in a solid brisk 45 min walk today at lunch.

    @weatherking2019 - I never take being able to get outdoors for granted, I think it's the only thing that keeps me sane. LOL! Sending you some clear sunny days!
  • ldaltonbishop
    ldaltonbishop Posts: 98 Member
    Posts: 8
    60 yo, 5'2"
    SW, May 2019: 150
    CW, March 2020: 110
    GW: was 120, then 115, now maintenance

    More protein, less fat (that's tricky)
    Manage sodium <1800 mg/day
    Exercise: at least 30 minutes cardio 5x week; weights 3x week
    Reduce body fat%, currently about 27%.

    Cardio is usually a stationary bike, trying to get 5 miles in 30 minutes but it usually takes 32. Sometimes I walk. Gym days I use the treadmill or elliptical and do weights and crunches: 45 crunches, 45 bicep curls and 45 upright rows with 20 lb. barbell; 45 tricep extensions with 12.5 lb. dumbbell.

    Note: diabetes well controlled, so watching carbs.

    April 4: Somehow I’m busier than ever with not much time for browsing posts, but wanted to follow up with a quick update.
    Did okay with cardio; no gym but the weather is better so I take long walks or ride a stationary bicycle.
    Weights: pretty much abandoned after mid-March
    End of March weight: 107
    Protein vs. fat: I’m just happy to get my calories in
    Manage sodium < 1800 mg/day - Mostly didn’t manage to do that. Diet choices are complicated because I’ve been advised to reduce potassium rich foods like spinach, oranges, and the like, so some my nutrient dense but calorie light foods have to be limited. I think vitamin C is especially important right now so I’m still eating oranges, but only every other day or so.
    Body fat -enh.