
RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Welcome to the May 2020 Ultimate Accountability Challenge!

Some of you have been with this challenge for months and some are brand new. This is one of the hardest challenges to stay with throughout the entire month.

FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!! Log every BLT (Bite, Lick, Taste). Stay strong and true to yourself....YOU WILL SUCCEED!!

Please feel free to share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with the rest of the group. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better.



  • saltypickle
    saltypickle Posts: 307 Member
    Hello Everyone. I’m back after taking a few months sabbatical from the group. Thanks @RangerRickL for keeping the team together.
    The change to working from home since mid-March resulted in forgetting to eat because of the lack of routine, no going out to eat, and no fast foods. However, my eating choices are now turning to sweets, so really need the groups support to get back on track.
    My goal is to follow the Mediterranean diet. This means only 2x/month max for the following items: flour, potatoes, red meat and sweets. Also includes mindful eating and exercise.
  • Nic8787
    Nic8787 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I’m Nicole, 32 from the UK.
    This is my first month joining the challange after gaining 14lb of the 50lb I’d lost so far. With a husband who’s a bad influence, a toddler who tries to feed me everything she has and lockdown I’ve been struggling slightly. May is my month to get back on tract and smash some goals 💪
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    OK, I am going to try again. South Africa has some very strict lockdown rules and I've been working super hard (3 of us doing all the work 17 people normally do for a 4 day shift, then 4 days off). We are now in a good routine with this and I don't spend the entire 4 days off recovering, plus coach started online jiu jitsu classes (yay for a housemate who trains too) and from 1 May we are allowed to run so it is time to start being a bit more strict. My eating has been OK, but needs some extra attention and I need to work on my strength and endurance, so when we are allowed back on the mat, I can jump back in fully, not have to build my strength up first.
    All my previous challenges are healed now (broken arm, kidney donation, both shoulders had issues as a result, one after the other) so I just need to find the discipline to push myself.
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    @Dory_42 - hi! So good to see you again!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    @RangerRickL, I've found you again! I was part of a no late-night snacking challenge once, and found your leadership fun and inspiring. I still remember all of the cool photos you shared from your hikes!

    This is my first month in the UAC. I'm Sheila, originally from WI, living east of LA for 5 years. I'm a retired Medical Technologist who lovingly dotes on her almost retired (from education) husband of 28 years. He's got a crazy sweet and salty streak, so I bake too many sweets and keep way too many Cheetos in the house. Therefore the late-night snacking all makes so much sense now. By the way, he's in excellent health- of course!

    I was down to my initial goal weight (133) and then (the very next day) went to Italy for 5 weeks. Then I came home with a nasty Sicilian flu. That was 2 years ago. I've been in the 140's most of the time, but I went up to 157, my highest of all time, after Thanksgiving 2019. Hormones and injuries have wreaked havoc with my body, and therefore my mind. My motivation was at an all-time low, but I knew what I needed to do.

    I rejoined in December 2019 and have lost 15. I've been in a plateau for a month, but I've been eating more sweets. I need to stay consistent, so I'm this group to help me stay accountable. I was in another group that was awesome, but weight-loss motivated. I felt I was letting everyone down if I didn't lose every week. I recognize a few members already, so I know I'm in good company. I want to see 133 again, even if it takes all year. Yes, I'm that motivated!
  • ChristalCori
    ChristalCori Posts: 14 Member
    What a great group! I love that we are from all over, and have varying goals. I'm excited for tomorrow - and June 1st!!! We are buying a house and moving May 27-30, so my physical activity should be easy... staying focused on my eating plan, not so much. I appreciate the accountability!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    A rececntly-returned alumnus here. ( won't be able to say that for much longer ... this is my third-month-back ) 62 yr old female information management analyst not currently shifting boxes around her records room while the office is closed and I am working on IM spreadsheet datamining for the time being. From Eastern Ontario, Canada. DH and I have both lived here all our lives (met him in high school, as a matter of fact)

    Trying maintenance off-UAC starting in April 2019 worked not-TOOOO-badly until mid-winter 19-20 or so. o:) Then started sliding out the upper end of my chosen maintenance range in Jan/Feb 2020. >:)

    So I returned here for March 1 - did all I should (which put me squarely on the much-coveted Winner's Circle list) and then on to Step 2. <3o:)<3

    April was dedicated to that trial-and-error Stabilization period of tweaking both (SLIGHTLY at a time) upped base calorie eating and starting to eat back a few more exercise calories. And made the winner's circle list again.

    May will continue Step 2 and the stabilization experiments - and the start of May is the start of my 7th week working from home. With fewer opportunities for to-and-from-the-photocopier and other office-based NEAT moving around / step accumulation, I am especially wary of jumping the increasing-towards-maintenance calories eaten tooo far ahead of what I can manage to burn in a day (going by my fitbit One for that number). With low-level but chronic respiratory issues, I keep to a very short leash for off-property excursions.

    I will also be trying to make more of the required exercise time spent on NON-cardio-ish exergame default and include more (basic) upper body / core / resistance work plus balance practice.

    At almost 62, I figure 'tis time ... B)

    Will JUNE see full-fledged Step 3 - true maintenance? Only time will tell. ;)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Hey @Dory_42 ! Great to see you back again! Glad to hear of the healing!
  • alligatorob
    alligatorob Posts: 736 Member
    I'm in! This will be my 3rd month and I think the UACs are great!

    Thanks to Rick.
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi, everybody. Welcome to the newcomers and welcome back to the returnees. :)@Dory_42 so good to see you again.

    I'm Hollis and live in Pennsylvania about an hour north of Washington, DC. May will be my ninth month with the UAC. I went from obese to normal last year and have been maintaining since November. The UAC has helped me to stay accountable and not gain the weight back.