


  • menolly
    menolly Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello everyone ! First time in this challenge :smile:
    I'm Pauline, 33 years old, and I live in France. I'm a farm veterinarian and a roller derby skater (very frustrated that my trainings are all cancelled, probably until September).
    I'm slowly going down from the highest weight I ever reached, 85kg, because of too many yoyo dieting and some health problems. I'm now around 81,5kg and my goal is 75kg.
    My goals now are to :
    - workout consistently (5/week HIIT and strength, occasional running, and stretching/walking on rest days)
    - focus more on how I feel than on the scale
    - go slow and steady in my weigth loss
    - to be consistent in logging the food I eat (even on a bad day)
    - calories goal is 1500kcal + what I gain from exercise as a bonus
    I've managed to keep them for a month now, but I feel the motivation fluctuate and I think being accountable to this group will help a lot.
    Don't hesitate to add me as a friend if you want, I've always used MFP solo (it's not very common in my country), and I would love some accountability friends :smile:

    PS : If you're are looking for workouts ideas to do at home, I'm currently using Fitness Blender and loving it ! I think they have a healthy and long term approach to working out, and a wide variety of workout videos to choose from.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Welcome all who are new, returning, and pros! This is my fourth month of being part of the UAC and am very happy to have found such a supportive group.

    My intro is rather long-winded so it's in a spoiler.
    I am SuziQ and I reside in sunny South Florida. I am 55 years old and have decided I must do something now, if I want an active and happy retirement. I am a former WW and have found myself losing the same 40-50 pounds every 10 years or so.

    I am a widow (almost 11 years now). We had a beautiful relationship and I missed him every day. I was very fortunate to find the one and am thankful for the time we had together.

    I have had one major relationship since my husband’s passing. My boyfriend died in January 2018 after we ended the relationship. He had many issues mostly being an alcoholic which he hid very well. I was there for him for the first two “falling off the wagon” situations and when the third happened realized I was not going to make him better, he needed to make himself better.

    As for my current status I am single and live alone. I find this makes my get back to healthy changes much easier since I do not have to have temptation foods in the house.

    I am in good health and although the body is starting to show its age I feel I am young at heart. I love to mix and mingle with people of all ages and backgrounds.

    I am currently employed and work in a decent environment. The hours and demands can be quite stressful but since I am in a continuous learning environment and feel appreciated I am quite happy with my current situation. As with most I have some complaints, but also realize there is no perfect employer.

    I have been finding we can lose weight like we did in our 20s, 30s, and 40s. Again, I am very fortunate to be healthy and do not take any medications or have any major health issues. TG! What I have found, for me, is it took me a lot longer to get motivated to do something. I basically sat on the couch for two years and just the thought of getting back in to shape was overwhelming.

    I started to realize I was terribly out of shape and needed to do something now, if I wanted to remain in good health. The fates would not be kind to me, if I continued on the path I was on.

    I do not like the word exercise. I love the word activity. My challenge in the beginning was getting active. Since I was out of shape I started walking in place doing mundane chores such as washing the dishes, during commercials, and folding and putting away laundry. I made a rule that I could only put away one type of clothing at a time (short-sleeved shirts, panties, dress pants, etc.). When I started tracking it was amazing I was actually getting between 1000-2000 steps in just stepping in place. I started to add a morning walk (I am a very early riser) every other day and incorporated some light weights.

    I started right off the bat with my diet. As a former WW (Weight Watcher) I already knew the benefits of recording my intake and pre-planning my meals. I plan my breakfasts and lunches for a week with dinners I am a little flexible, but stay within my calorie goal. I do not eat my exercise calories, except for special events. My diet is mostly plant based, but I am not a vegetarian.

    • Record everything. Every taste, every sip, every slip. In your notes write your mood and/or the situations you met throughout your day. Remember (this is my favorite WW coaches saying) nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    • Start slow. Baby steps work. When we set too high of a goal we overwhelm ourselves. We think OMG I will never hit that mark. Celebrate every pound, it’s OK to pat ourselves on the back.
    • Step in place as often as you can. Conference calls, brushing your teeth, folding laundry, etc.
    • This process is about loving yourself. As women we want to nurture everyone around us, but we almost never nurture ourselves. We must wrap our arms around ourselves and love us at the level we want to be loved.
    • If you live with your family have “me” shelves in the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Put your food in those areas. If you know where your food lives and only concentrate on those areas it’s easier to avoid culling through those areas when you find you are hungry.
    • Prep your food. Wash and prep the fruits and vegetables so they are ready when you find you want to graze.
    • Keep those measuring cups and spoons on the counter and use them. Our eyes seem to underestimate how much we are actually putting on our plates.
    • Keep a list of non-food related rewards for when you hit some of your goals. Some ideas include a new top, going to a concert, meeting a friend at a new park, or taking a painting class. EDIT: Yes, we are now under corona-19 watch restrictions. My new non-food related rewards are mostly home-based. I have been rewarding myself with ordering a new pair of sneakers, hitting one of my to-do list items, calling a friend, doing a facial, and a host of other “me” things.

      As I am sharing this it is a reminder to me of the things I have incorporated and must continue to practice as I move in to a healthier life. I have been slipping in some areas which I think is due to the holiday blues. EDIT: This was written around Thanksgiving 2019. I have gone through the “fire” and am in a much better state of mind.

    Thank you @RangerRickL for keeping this group going!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,426 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hello there! ... When this lock down happened, there was one camp of people that was going to hibernate through it; they were going to eat lots of comfort foods and wear sweat pants and stay indoors. I couldn't be one of those people without crossing over the Onederland threshold, and I was not willing to do that! So, instead I joined this challenge ... The scales haven't shown significant movement yet, but I am still playing around with exercise calories and my Fitbit, ... I feel better because I am moving more and making better food choices.

    Under the circumstances, even insignificant movement or stable maintenance is fantastic - because you aren't hibernating! And you are adjusting to the current crop of realistic options within your control.
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Hi. I'm Joy. I'm from North Mississippi, 33, married with a 5 year old daughter. I started MFP way back at 227 and lost and regained. Ive recommitted since beginning of May and I'm down to 200. My ultimate goal weight is 140 and goal for this challenge is 190.
  • karenahrn2
    karenahrn2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone ! I’m Karen from New Jersey. Currently working from home and sitting way too much. It’s a new month so I feel positive about joining this UAC ! I plan on walking outdoors or doing Leslie Sansone Walk at home videos.

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    karenahrn2 wrote: »
    Hello everyone ! I’m Karen from New Jersey. Currently working from home and sitting way too much. It’s a new month so I feel positive about joining this UAC ! I plan on walking outdoors or doing Leslie Sansone Walk at home videos.

    You may want to read my into....some things listed provide some tricks I use to get more steps and movement in my day.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    @SuziQ113 Tut tut! Plastic straws banned in France!
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »

    Lol! The one habit I started during lockdown was drinking real, good, dark roast coffee. I used to only do de- caff, but ran out and started drinking my husband's stuff. It's so good! I look forward to my morning cup now.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    onward1 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »

    Lol! The one habit I started during lockdown was drinking real, good, dark roast coffee. I used to only do de- caff, but ran out and started drinking my husband's stuff. It's so good! I look forward to my morning cup now.

    I learned how to make my own cold brew concentrate and have been enjoying a glass most afternoons. It helps get me through the remote afternoons. It's better than the chain cold brews. Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pack some when we eventually get back to the office!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    onward1 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »

    Lol! The one habit I started during lockdown was drinking real, good, dark roast coffee. I used to only do de- caff, but ran out and started drinking my husband's stuff. It's so good! I look forward to my morning cup now.

    I learned how to make my own cold brew concentrate and have been enjoying a glass most afternoons. It helps get me through the remote afternoons. It's better than the chain cold brews. Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pack some when we eventually get back to the office!

    I make cold brew in the summer. At work I have a small glass bottle (250ml) and I put a portion of coffee grounds and water in that and leave it in my cupboard at work overnight. The next morning I put it in the fridge when I arrive and when I'm ready for it in the afternoon I use my one cup filter to remove the grounds, add some cold water or milk and enjoy!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    onward1 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »

    Lol! The one habit I started during lockdown was drinking real, good, dark roast coffee. I used to only do de- caff, but ran out and started drinking my husband's stuff. It's so good! I look forward to my morning cup now.

    I learned how to make my own cold brew concentrate and have been enjoying a glass most afternoons. It helps get me through the remote afternoons. It's better than the chain cold brews. Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pack some when we eventually get back to the office!

    I make cold brew in the summer. At work I have a small glass bottle (250ml) and I put a portion of coffee grounds and water in that and leave it in my cupboard at work overnight. The next morning I put it in the fridge when I arrive and when I'm ready for it in the afternoon I use my one cup filter to remove the grounds, add some cold water or milk and enjoy!

    I've been making it as a concentrate. I have to dilute it with water. Even before the current status of the world I never used the work refrigerators. I use an insulated lunch bag with the reusable ice packs. When covid19 hit Florida I stopped using the water purifier to refill my water bottle. I'm not a complete germophobe but too many illnesses float around the office and people do not clean up after themselves so I bring everything in and out every day. Not a bad thing burns more calories lol.