Is it MFP or is it something I'm doing?

ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
I don't get it, honestly. I used to use TDEE, I'm trying to use my FitBit now because my activity level is different than it used to be.

I have MFP set to lose 1/2 pound per week - so it should be a 250 cal deficit, correct?

It's set at 1630 calories, and it gives me a negative adjustment - so you would think Fitbit is estimating less than 1880 calories, correct? No, fitbit is estimating over 2000 calories. I should have extra calories.

Yesterday I ended the day with a negative adjustment, despite burning over 2100 calories on my fitbit. My goal was set to 1650 calories yesterday (I just redid the goals, that is what ended me at 1630). How did I end the day with a negative adjustment from 1650 calories when I burned over 2100 on the fitbit? I feel like MFP is trying to give me a 500 calorie deficit.


What am I doing wrong?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    MFP based on your selected activity level is planning that you would burn 2129 calories daily. Or 1.4784 cal/min.

    Eating goal should be 1879 with 250 deficit then.

    Did you put in a 1630 goal?
    Because that's actually a 500 cal deficit, for 1 lb weekly. Your setting probably not what you think it is.

    Anyway, Fitbit reported you burned 2114 calories with 5 min of day left.
    1.4784 x 5 min = 7.4 cal left at MFP rate of burn.

    2120 (2121 actually but rounding) for the TDEE then.

    You didn't burn more than MFP already expected you to.

    So yes a negative calorie adjustment - MFP is correcting itself for your daily burn to what Fitbit said it really was.

    And whatever that result is, is added or subtracted from your eating goal.

    So your eating should have been 1621, right?

    Oh, in your description you seem to be combining deficit and eating goal way too early in the math.
    Fitbit reported (2120) - MFP estimated (2129) - MFP known workouts (0) = adjustment neg 9

    base eating goal 1630 + workouts 0 + adjustment - 9 = new eating goal 1621

    Of course the 1630 already was set from 2129 - 500 deficit, that isn't done daily.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    MFP based on your selected activity level is planning that you would burn 2129 calories daily. Or 1.4784 cal/min.

    Eating goal should be 1879 with 250 deficit then.

    Did you put in a 1630 goal?
    Because that's actually a 500 cal deficit, for 1 lb weekly. Your setting probably not what you think it is.

    Anyway, Fitbit reported you burned 2114 calories with 5 min of day left.
    1.4784 x 5 min = 7.4 cal left at MFP rate of burn.

    2120 (2121 actually but rounding) for the TDEE then.

    You didn't burn more than MFP already expected you to.

    So yes a negative calorie adjustment - MFP is correcting itself for your daily burn to what Fitbit said it really was.

    And whatever that result is, is added or subtracted from your eating goal.

    So your eating should have been 1621, right?

    Oh, in your description you seem to be combining deficit and eating goal way too early in the math.
    Fitbit reported (2120) - MFP estimated (2129) - MFP known workouts (0) = adjustment neg 9

    base eating goal 1630 + workouts 0 + adjustment - 9 = new eating goal 1621

    Of course the 1630 already was set from 2129 - 500 deficit, that isn't done daily.

    No, I put in 0.5lb a week and MFP calculated 1630. My setting is what I think it is, because I went back and re-did the entire walkthrough this morning - I suspected I might have put it in wrong, so I redid it - it is set correctly.

    I should have a 250 deficit. So it's MFP's problem then? It doesn't add up.

  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    So my problem is MFP is calculating my goal incorrectly.

    My activity level is apparently quite close to my MFP actual level, so that is correct.

    I don't want a 500 calorie deficit, I want 250.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't really know how to set it to make it give me a 250 calorie deficit. If MFP thinks I'm going to burn 2100 calories, I want it to say I can eat 1850 and still be under goal. But I don't want to set my goal that high, because on days that I don't work out I might only burn 1850 and then I'd need to eat 1600 to stay under goal. That is why I want to use the fitbit to keep track of my calories.

    But it's not doing the adjustment correctly, it's adjusting for a 500 calorie deficit. I don't want that. The setting is correct. I checked it again.

    This is frustrating. Do you have a suggestion for me to make it work, or is it a backend MFP problem that I can't fix?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It's doing the adjustment perfectly in regards to Fitbit and MFP. Your screen shot proves that.

    With negative enabled you'd get negative if Fitbit shows you were less active than MFP thought you'd be. You've seen that happen. And if you are more active - you get credit for that.

    What's not right is the starting base eating goal, that's the only problem - it's not 250 off your MFP estimated daily calorie burn.

    I'd suggest Sign off the MFP app if you use it. Close it from running.
    Sign on to only the MFP web account.
    Go to settings for your profile.
    Set to 1 lb weekly to match what it's using. Save out. Should show current eating level.
    Now go back in and set to 1/2 lb weekly for the 250 deficit you want. Save out.

    Check on Home - Goals page if the base eating goal is correct now.
    Check tomorrows Food Diary for base eating goal.

    If all correct, now can log back into MFP app. Should update and be correct there, because that app server should be checking into the account server for updates.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    My app is hopeless, it still has my old calorie goal on it. I don't mess with the app but to log by bar code. I'll sign off of it though and force stop it. My app hasn't been correct on my goal since I changed it last, it is often incorrect.

    I got it to work though by changing it to very active, instead of active. It's calculating correctly now. I'd rather change it back to active and have a lower starting calorie goal on my non-active days, although it looks like another 2100 calorie day (I went to the grocery store).

    I'll go through and stop the app though, maybe it's screwing something up.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Did you follow my steps before you were changing activity level?
    The reason I gave them is because that works with many systems that display one thing but are by results using a different value.

    And while the app is supposed to update according to your account settings - if it appears the app had the last change when it connects - it'll update the account settings.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Did you follow my steps before you were changing activity level?
    The reason I gave them is because that works with many systems that display one thing but are by results using a different value.

    And while the app is supposed to update according to your account settings - if it appears the app had the last change when it connects - it'll update the account settings.

    Closed out the app. Forced stopped it.

    Changed to 1lb/week - does not show current level -


    Changed it back to 0.5lb/week - still says 1630.

    I think my problem is my activity level. I think I figured it out. I'd say I'm "active" or "moderately active" - I work out 3x a week, otherwise, I have a desk job - at home though so I don't sit down all day. That said I also breastfeed every day, which would count as a light workout. When I change it to "very active" everything works. I think that is it.

    Once I change it to "very active" it mostly works. It starts at 1870, which is fine. I just need to pay attention to the negative adjustments on non-workout days. I didn't want to do that. I wanted it to start lower just add when my activity is higher. I appreciate your help guys, even though it is a MFP problem not a fitbit problem!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited May 2020
    heybales wrote: »
    Did you follow my steps before you were changing activity level?
    The reason I gave them is because that works with many systems that display one thing but are by results using a different value.

    And while the app is supposed to update according to your account settings - if it appears the app had the last change when it connects - it'll update the account settings.

    Closed out the app. Forced stopped it.

    Changed to 1lb/week - does not show current level -


    Changed it back to 0.5lb/week - still says 1630.

    I think my problem is my activity level. I think I figured it out. I'd say I'm "active" or "moderately active" - I work out 3x a week, otherwise, I have a desk job - at home though so I don't sit down all day. That said I also breastfeed every day, which would count as a light workout. When I change it to "very active" everything works. I think that is it.

    Once I change it to "very active" it mostly works. It starts at 1870, which is fine. I just need to pay attention to the negative adjustments on non-workout days. I didn't want to do that. I wanted it to start lower just add when my activity is higher. I appreciate your help guys, even though it is a MFP problem not a fitbit problem!

    That picture shows that when you changed it to 500 cal deficit, eating goal was 1380 base calories. That's the current eating level.

    That would assume it's calculating your daily burn at 1880.

    So then you change to 250 cal deficit. That means eating goal 1630 on the head.

    That 1880 it calculated is pretty simple too.

    BMR x 1.25 sedentary, or 1.4 lightly-active, or 1.6 active, or 1.75 moderately active.

    Does that math work out for what you picked with your BMR? (MFP has BMR shown under Apps)

    So the eating goal is correct for the figures that show up right now.

    But what activity level did you pick that got the 1880?
    What activity level did you pick that got the 2130 in your OP?

    Because there is no combo of BMR that leads to both numbers for the various activity levels.
    I think your MFP app with incorrect info was causing the 2130 - that number needs to be thrown out.
    Your OP issue needs to be skipped due to known incorrect info.

    So I'm concerned that 1880 is figured to be your daily burn with NO exercise (you are doing it wrong if exercise even comes into your head for picking a daily activity estimate, MFP is NO exercise up front - you are a mother, so Lightly Active would be right).

    1880 seems to be your daily burn number with whatever activity level you picked this time.

    The Fitbit burns up around 2100 would cause an adjustment of around 200 calories.
    Your eating goal would go up from 1630 base to around 1830.

    With 250 cal deficit.

    2100 - 250 = 1850.

    Also - changing stuff in the middle of the day is just asking for delayed responses to the app which is hopefully still logged out of. And of course any adjustments calculated from Fitbit daily burn will be likely unadjusted at all.
    So forget mid-day messing around being reliable figures.

    If you always want a positive adjustment, get off the higher activity levels which are already accounting on you burning more - so smaller adjustment and possible negative adjustments.
    Set to lightly Active. Base eating goal will go down - you'll get bigger adjustments.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I had a similar issue with MFP calculating my deficit wrong. I posted about it (not in this Fitbit group) and no one believed me :/ . In my case MFP was giving me almost 150 extra calories per day for no reason. I have my goal set to lose one pound per week and they only calculated about a 350 calorie deficit per day for me. The MFP estimate for my daily burn was 2048, and they gave me a calorie goal of 1690. For the 500 calorie deficit it should have been around 1550. I figured it out months later when I started really paying attention to my fitbit numbers and realizing they didn't add up. Thankfully I had still been losing because I often didn't eat all of my calories/didn't "eat back" fitbit calories anyway.

    I have no answers for why MFP can't do a simple calculation, but once I figured it out I manually set my own calorie goal. You may want to do that. Under "goals" you can edit and put in your own calorie number. So I just manually set my goal to 1550.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I changed it from "active" to "very active" and it gave me 1880.

    It works for me, I get a small negative adjustment on non-workout days, and for most of the day on workout days.

    I do IF and I stop eating before I exercise for the day, so that part kind of sucks.

    Yesterday I ate...1715 calories, which was under the 1880. I ended up burning 2002 calories, so it came out to just over a 250 calorie deficit. That was exactly what I was shooting for! I think it is working correctly.

    I think I have to put in "very active" because I log 250 calories for breastfeeding daily, which is like a "daily workout" in fitbit/MFP's eyes.

    Alternatively, I could set everything for maintenance and let breastfeeding be my deficit since it's about the deficit amount. I just realized that.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That last thought was a recommendation I heard years ago and have passed on to many ladies that have said it works great.
    Bigger deficit at the start, and it gets smaller as they taper off production. No messing around with subtraction and addition, and not the time to risk taking too big a deficit, as things could go wrong quickly.

    I'm curious if 1880 / 1.75 very active really = 1074 BMR.

    Is your BMR really calculated to be 1074?

    If correct - then very smart to be attempting the smallest deficit, a BMR that small is unlikely to mean much weight to be lost, unless really really short and still overweight by fair amount.