This July I Will...

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member


It's a brand new month! What's your favorite part of July?

What healthy habit would you like to work on this month? Is it something new or a continuation of your June focus? Whatever it is, let's dive in and make it happen!

If you are new to our group, welcome! Please let us know what you will be working on and how we can help! Just a suggestion: set a reminder to check-in periodically with us. Check-in daily, weekly, or as often as works for you, but let us know how you are progressing! We're here to support and encourage you, but if you don't post, we can't cheer you on!

You might frame your goal along these lines:

1. My goal for this month (This July I will...")
2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal
3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit
4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible)
5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? (Small positive feedbacks reinforce the habit you are trying to build.)
6. What help do you need from us?
7. What does success look like to you at the end of July?


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,971 Member
    I think I will also continue my June goal. I’ll meditate each day. I’m feeling some resistance to the practice as the month came to a close, so I think if I don’t keep up the challenge, I might quit before the habit is established.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I will continue to work on my health. My lab work came back and I am still a pre diabetic but my numbers are getting better. Fasting and keeping my carbs low has helped a lot. Concentrate on my mental health as I struggle to help my emotional daughters. Stay strong friends.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I will continue most of my June positive actions. Since there are so many, and I want to add another one, I will have to make a chart of the ones I want to continue. I struggled with meditating every day. I just couldn't find a trigger to make it easy and often found myself trying to get it in at bedtime when I just wanted to go to bed. I will make it a minimum of 3 times a week plan instead of every day. I will eliminate my logging goal. It's just too stressful and hasn't been all that helpful. I'll try again another month. I will be adding journaling at least 3 times a week as well. Life is good and I have much to be grateful for, and that includes this supportive, positive group:)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @IrisRoseGingersnap Your July goal sounds great! Replacing a unwanted behavior with something you enjoy is a good way to make a positive behavior change. I found that having a needlework project next to my TV viewing chair really helps me cut down on the time I spend (waste) playing games on my iPad. My hands are busy and I am enjoying myself while also being productive. Welcome to the group! Keep us posted on how you’re doing🙂
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    Hi Friends!

    I’m focusing on gratitude, self-care, reducing worry, accepting changes, & longer Sleep,
    Continuing exercise, and healthy eating.

    Most of these are about managing my thoughts. Each time I find myself worrying or getting down, and I say to myself “worry won’t fix it, neither will being down...what are you grateful for?” 🥰I’ll thank myself for nipping it in the bud, and hug myself.🥰

    Each time I get too busy and/or stressed & I take a moment to rest or clean the kitchen sink or vacuum a bit of the house...or evee Edn watching a silly tv show or playing an iPhone game, reading a book...🥰 I’ll thank myself for doing what my body/mind needed.🥰

    Ditto sleep 🥰

    I’m not going to track, but I did get pretty down (for me) for 7-10 days. A perfect storm. Buoyant again, but the experience made me realize how important some relaxation, some creating, etc are for my continued health & well being.

    July 1 - 2 my husband & I had more conflict than our usual Pretty peaceful interactions - in part because he was WAY overworking.
    I took care of myself & got more sleep, made art, even shed a few tears. Workaholism is a disease.

    July 3 - much much better as he took a true vacation day!
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    OneWildAndPreciousLife Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone! it was inspiring and motivating to read everyone's posts so far. IrisRoseGingersnap is my wife, and so my goals are essentially the same as hers! We're only on the second day of trying to build healthy habits, but it feels good to be on the right path. I'm really enjoying only eating at the table in front of the tv. It is a more mindful experience. Also, our dining room is really nice!

    For me, success at the end of July will look like weight loss, yes, but also a stronger sense of mindfulness when it comes to eating and other healthy habits.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @OneWildAndPreciousLife hello and welcome! I love your name❣️ I say my song is Born to be Wild but you’d never know it from looking at most of my life!! I have my moments though☺️ It sounds like you have a good plan and the support you need to develop your habit of mindful eating. Stay strong and steady!
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    OneWildAndPreciousLife Posts: 282 Member
    I meant to say "I'm really enjoying only eating at the table instead of front of the tv" but it wouldn't let me edit it…Thanks for the welcome, @nebslp!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    I love Mary Oliver!

    Welcome aboard!! ⭐️
  • IrisRoseGingersnap
    IrisRoseGingersnap Posts: 127 Member
    @nebslp. Being more intentional about when an how often And for what purpose I pick up the iPad would be a candidate for another habit build. Already hanging out on MFP feels way more satisfying than scrolling through FB. Sometimes beading keeps my hands and mind occupied.
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    OneWildAndPreciousLife Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks, @MadisonMolly2017! I was super into MFP communities several years ago and I lost a lot of weight then…some of which I have regained. I've tried to lose weight a bunch of times since then and have never been able to stick with it. This time, I'm trying to be more involved in MFP communities again because I think it was helpful that first time when I had lots of success.

    I love Mary Oliver too! :)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    Thanks, @MadisonMolly2017! I was super into MFP communities several years ago and I lost a lot of weight then…some of which I have regained. I've tried to lose weight a bunch of times since then and have never been able to stick with it. This time, I'm trying to be more involved in MFP communities again because I think it was helpful that first time when I had lots of success.

    I love Mary Oliver too! :)

    Great! Welcome back & good for you for returning! Yes, these communities are so helpful, both with strategies & ideas and helping us realize that we are not alone!

    I once was asked to give a speech and only after I gave it then I realized I had used a lot of the rhythm of Mary Oliver is wild geese poem. Not at all on purpose it had just embedded itself in me overtime!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    July 7 update
    I have drastically up’d my exercise since June 29-30, in large part due to being on several hung-ho Apple Watch Challenges!!!

    I did it by adding fresh out of bed in AM walk (in addition to my regular early evening hikes.) sleeping better & no stress

  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    OneWildAndPreciousLife Posts: 282 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017, nice job on increasing your exercise! Plus, the improved sleep and the lack of stress: what great bonuses!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    Thanks! I hope I’m not overdoing it- always a fine balance- but I feel it’s worth a try!

    How are things going for you?

    Yesterday, I realized that I really can’t handle [high fat/sugary food]. As before, I do fine the first day, 2nd day I measure but have 2 servings, & and on 3rd day measured both but one was wayyy too large a serving. Pitching the other ones I bought on sale.

    I keep trying & keep having the same result.

    This morning I re-remembered something I had forgotten that helped guide me in the past: “There are FOTP & NOTP (formerly overweight thin people & never overweight thin people.” I had two overweight/obese parents & lots of poor modeling around portion sizes, high fat foods, and the particular food that hooked me the past few days.

    Lesson learned & remembered. Moving on!!

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Welcome both @OneWildAndPreciousLife and @IrisRoseGingersnap . You came to the right place. This is a fantastic group to get support and of course, learn healthy habits. Great posts!! Good luck and keep us posted.

    @MadisonMolly2017 that is the best attitude. These are tough times and gratitude has been a life saver for me as well. Resting, reading, doing a puzzle or watching a movie tends to help me take my mind of my stress and anxiety.

    @nebslp great post! Meditating, journaling and being grateful specially now is so important and brave. We need more of this in the world! Thanks for sharing. I am confident you can do it.

    Happy to report that completely eliminating processed foods and excess sugars has helped tremendously with my anxiety, food cravings and focus. I am walking and bike riding 5 days a week to release some happy hormones and I am feeling great so far. I am sleeping better now that my last meal is at least 5 hours before bed. That was habit I stopped and regret big time.

    Menopause symptom now that is causing me a bit of stress is low libido and lack of interest in sex. Wow! What a difference a year can make. I was not like this at all last summer. My husband has been very supportive up to a point, when he gets desperate and tells me that it is hard for him to believe sometimes menopause is even real. :o Of course I let him vent. We have lots of conversations about the topic and I send him articles about it so that he can understand the process. Still, this is something he cannot see or feel for himself we just need to be strong and get through it.

    Stay safe friends!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly , a note to you because I’m with you on not being able to manage high fat/ sugary foods well. It’s funny how strong I feel when I buy those things or see that my husband has recently decided to keep gallonS (😟) of ice cream in the freezer! Daytime is not a problem for me. It’s during the night time hours between 10-12 that my strength crumbles and I start raiding🤨. I should just go to bed at 10🤔. But awareness, even if it’s for the umpteenth time, will eventually break that habit and form a better one. We need to be patient, persistent, and consistent (❤️Jen).

    I spent 2 weeks with my daughter and offered to cook some of her old favorites. She declined my offer and said she and her SO don’t eat things like that...mostly casseroles. They don’t even cook really! She would open up a tuna packet, add a small bit of mayo and eat it out of the package. Or she’d have a Cobb salad from the deli. When her SO came home from work, he would grill up some meat, add onions and peppers, add some fruit to his plate, and that was it. I ate a lot of scrambled eggs and ham, toast and peanut butter, fruit, and a few meals we ordered in. There were veggies in the frig as well to munch on. They rarely snacked and never ate in the evenings. I never had any cravings but I did notice that I was hungry sometimes. I was just so happy spending time with them and the dogs! I ended up losing 7 pounds but gained 3 back as soon as I got home. It was a hard adjustment being home but I’m trying to keep busy sewing so I am away from the kitchen in my happy place. Emotions can wreak havoc with the best of intentions, so yes, it is all about managing our thoughts.

    @prgirl39mfp hang in there! It seems that you and your husband are leaning on each other for support during this time in your life and will get through it together. Good communication will strengthen the bond you need right now.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Thanks @nebslp . We are working hard to get through this.

    So happy you got to spend time with them and losing pounds!!

    Sounds like your daughter is doing something good in terms of keeping cravings in check. Eating hours before bedtime has worked wonders for me. Most high fat items are processed and not the right fat our bodies need. Switching to healthy fats has also helped me get over cravings. Sugar to me is poison since I am pre diabetic (insulin resistance) even the “ good” sugar in fruits and veggies. I keep those portions low. I made the mistake of eating for comfort during this pandemic and my weight ballooned and my joints were hurting.