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This July I Will...



  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    OneWildAndPreciousLife Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks! I hope I’m not overdoing it- always a fine balance- but I feel it’s worth a try!

    How are things going for you?

    Yesterday, I realized that I really can’t handle [high fat/sugary food]. As before, I do fine the first day, 2nd day I measure but have 2 servings, & and on 3rd day measured both but one was wayyy too large a serving. Pitching the other ones I bought on sale.

    I keep trying & keep having the same result.

    This morning I re-remembered something I had forgotten that helped guide me in the past: “There are FOTP & NOTP (formerly overweight thin people & never overweight thin people.” I had two overweight/obese parents & lots of poor modeling around portion sizes, high fat foods, and the particular food that hooked me the past few days.

    Lesson learned & remembered. Moving on!!


    I'm doing pretty well, thanks @MadisonMolly2017! I'm already seeing progress in both weight loss and also improved mindfulness with what I eat and how. It helps to have my wife @IrisRoseGingersnap along side me on the same journey.

    Good for you for re-remembering what you already knew about the high fat/sugary food! These insights are what keep us moving forward.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I'm doing pretty well, thanks @MadisonMolly2017! I'm already seeing progress in both weight loss and also improved mindfulness with what I eat and how. It helps to have my wife @IrisRoseGingersnap along side me on the same journey.

    Good for you for re-remembering what you already knew about the high fat/sugary food! These insights are what keep us moving forward. [/quote]

    Yes, I feel the same way with my spouse. In fact, he’s lost 10-12 lbs since we went into quarantine for Covid. Much easier when a couple is on the same page!!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member

    One week update: I’m not sure how this photo turned out but 🤞. I have a nicer chart that is hanging on my bathroom mirror so I see it multiple times a day. This one is upstairs in my sewing/writing/dreaming/work out room. I’ve made it 7 days so far with a pretty good percentage.

    The first 4 habits aren’t automatic, but I’m very mindful of them and sometimes have to hustle to meet 1 and 2. I’ve increased steps this month and it’s not been a problem. The trigger for water and steps is my one daily tv show that ends at 11:00 and I know it’s time to kick it in gear if I’m short. The vitamin is easy. I always take it when I fill up my cup for the 2nd time of the day. The bathroom cleanup is easy because I’m there looking at my chart😶. I usually check the birdbath later in the day when I might want to spend time outside walking or doing yard work. It’s not automatic because some days I’d rather stay inside, but I go out anyway. I haven’t found a trigger for meditation yet and the posture app is something I find myself strongly resisting, not sure why yet, but I will journal about it. I have needlework on my chart downstairs and that’s easy to check off if I go upstairs at all...and I always do!

    Journaling has been the most interesting and possibly the most fun. I‘be resisted writing for months because I’ve done it before and found it exhausting. I would write about my days and my emotions and it was sometimes depressing to realize how much has changed in my life, and yet so little in some respects. But I have a new method. I’m writing more as an observer without allowing emotions to control where the words take me, or maybe vice versa. It’s about people in general but in a personal way. Today I wrote about people who collect things. Yesterday I realized I may have a “problem” with fabric🥴☺️😂🤣. I LOVE it and have a tad bit too much perhaps🤔. It’s been fun exploring the types of things people collect, such as my husband, specifically tractors and certain dishes, and the reasons for it, and my desire to have my fabric bin, dresser, and a few totes full to the brim with vintage as well as modern fabric. Then there’s the books and sewing accessories I need that are so awesome AND on sale! Hmm. I’m excited about where this journal method will take me.

    It’s been a good week. I’ll have grandkids next week so it might be a little harder to manage everything when everything the routine is disrupted. We’ll see!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    Oops! Looks like I forgot to check off birdbath and posture for yesterday on this chart but I got it done !
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @nebslp looks great! Personally I believe the visual effect of a chart is powerful. Visualization is a great tool.

    Like you I found journaling exhausting but now that I have done it through the years I love to go back and re- read old posts and see how far I’ve come. Enjoy the grand kids.
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,996 Member
    It has been a good while since I have been here and once again, I would like join in mid month.

    I want to focus on my original goal when I first joined this group - being tidy on a daily basis.
    I have realized that my home life has once again gotten out of control. Living in quarantine magnifies it even more so. I remembered how much being part of this group really made a difference. So here I am again. :)

    My reward and success is having a relatively clutter free house. Checking in here will help to reinforce the habit. Already I am intrigued with the idea of setting up a chart like @nebslp. I learn so much and get so inspired from all of you.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    @znaoiec so often we set a start date as the 1st of the week, or the 1st of the month, or even the 1st of the new year! I think that’s a way of putting it off until we think the time is right. The thing is, the only right time is right now!! So glad you joined us again, no matter what the date is😁! Having a tidy house is a great goal. It seems our minds and moods are affected by our environment whether we realize it or not.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Welcome back @znaoiec

    Where/how are you going to begin?

    My husband and I are doing 3 30-minute bursts in garage with 15 min breaks in between today!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Welcome back @znaoiec ! Sounds like a great habit to tackle.
  • IrisRoseGingersnap
    IrisRoseGingersnap Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m new here. What a great structure for a group! Thank you!

    This July I will eat more mindfully.
    When I am eating, I will sit at the dining room or patio table.
    When Ian watching TV, I will watch TV r do some other activity except for eating.

    Exceptions: weekly popcorn with a movie or show if it fits in my calorie goal.
    Drinking iced coffee or other beverage treat on the front porch swing Friday-Sunday if it firs in my daily calorie goal.

    This habit is up to six times daily. I will reward this behavior by giving myself a verbal pat on the back.

    Success will look like eating more intentionally and mindfully and weakening the connection between eating while watching TV. This habit will also make it more easy to clean up the kitchen after the evening meal.

    Just having a community of people working toward their goals will be supportive.

    Update: Our first week went really, and the intentional eating habit is shaping and pruning other habits. @OneWildAndPreciousLife and I continue to remark how delicious our meals are and how much pleasure we derive from then. The desire to make room in my day for more yummy food has led me to give up my sweet milky coffee habit, and early last week we decided together to give away two quarts of homemade mocha ice cream even though we had found a way to fit it in our food diary. We also seem to be watching less TV now that eating happens somewhere else. And a new habit is taking shape for me: a cup of herbal tea with milk and honey in the evening.

    Daily house tidying Is a habit we could use too!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Awesome @IrisRoseGingersnap !!

    Warning: positive baby steps changes can become habit forming!!!! 🤣

    You will be amazed what the two of you will do!

    For example: I don’t watch TV now. I used baby habit changes to develop my art practice (which was a dream, not a reality before!!)

    #Create the Life You Love!!
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,996 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. @nebslp you are so right in your comment on start dates. I can't count the number of times 'my diet' started on Monday or a specific date like the 1st of something. And how meaningless it really was longterm.

    It feels super good reminding myself during the day to be 'tidy'. My reward is going to bed with a home that just feels more peaceful. For me, there is often a cascading effect. When my home is messy, everything else in life is messy. When I start to take care of my home, then I start to take care of other areas of my life. This feels like a step towards self care in general.

    @MadisonMolly I like your #
    #Create the Life You Love!!

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Well done @IrisRoseGingersnap ! A day at a time, building up to better habits!

    Today not wanting to go exercise and went anyways and I feel so good afterwards. Not wanting to do something is an excuse I used before. Not anymore. I am not only helping my body but helping my mind as well.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    znaoiec wrote: »
    Thank you for the warm welcome. @nebslp you are so right in your comment on start dates. I can't count the number of times 'my diet' started on Monday or a specific date like the 1st of something. And how meaningless it really was longterm.

    It feels super good reminding myself during the day to be 'tidy'. My reward is going to bed with a home that just feels more peaceful. For me, there is often a cascading effect. When my home is messy, everything else in life is messy. When I start to take care of my home, then I start to take care of other areas of my life. This feels like a step towards self care in general.

    @MadisonMolly I like your #
    #Create the Life You Love!!

    Thanks @znaoiec !
    I find that saying helps me make it a priority! So easy to think “I’ll do that later or learn that another time..” even little things like creating a tray of treasures to lift my spirits as I work or a well organized pantry... even my repurposed plastic drawers with trays for our shoes & a chair he’ll me get ready for my walk/hikes efficiently (and I don’t forget things!) brings me pleasure & supports the life I love! ❤️
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Well done @IrisRoseGingersnap ! A day at a time, building up to better habits!

    Today not wanting to go exercise and went anyways and I feel so good afterwards. Not wanting to do something is an excuse I used before. Not anymore. I am not only helping my body but helping my mind as well.

    Me too! It’s no longer “will I exercise today?” But rather “when am I walking today?” 😄
    My doctor said 10K steps each day - no rest days...so I’m the beginning I used “Doctor’s orders” until habit was established.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Fantastic @MadisonMolly2017 that's perfect!. Great advice from your dr!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hi! Happy Sunday🙂. I just finished up a week with anywhere from 2-4 grandchildren (ages 7-12) and am chillaxing today. Later I will be going to my granddaughter’s dance recital. It will be in the parking lot outside the dance studio practicing social distancing. Everything is so different these days so it will be a new experience. I will be able to set up my tripod and get some good videos🤞. Later I will try to get some photos of the NEOWISE comet. My goal chart for last week is blank😂 and I’m OK with that. My house is in need of some picking up and I’m thrilled with that. It means we all had a great time and made some new memories. This is what I live for!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I will begin again feeling renewed. I want to be around for their graduations and weddings and maybe even some babies! Good motivation to kick it up a notch and get healthier and stronger! I hope you’re all doing well.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    So I wasn’t able to use my tripod for dance videos but did the best I could without. Hannah was excited that I had taken them so she can show her cousin. And the NEOWISE event didn’t happen because of cloudy skies. Oh well, I’m going to bed and will be ready for a regroup day tomorrow. I’m excited about starting a new week to continue with some sort of routine!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Fantastic @nebslp !! Love your attitude!! Glad you spent time with those you love. We need a bit of a recharge through this pandemic. Great job and keep up the good work.

    I am feeling excited about this week. I have been able to maintain my good eating habits and my mental health on point. Even saw some weight loss. Today I will get on my new elliptical. My emotions are getting better and are stable as I continue to eat better too.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Not much time left in July, but I'm jumping in right here rather than waiting until August. :)

    Feels good to be here with you all. I lost my job on June 24th, and I've been in a dark place since. I need to pull out of this depression and get a handle on anxiety. I think focusing on healthy goals will help me do that. I'm currently 60 years old and did the same job for 30 years. I don't even know what other kinds of jobs I can apply for at this point in my life with the physical limitations I now have. So, time to get focused and figure out this next chapter.

    I recently joined the Phit and Phat group, and I have worksheets to fill out daily called the 24H Daily Plan and another one called the 24H Plan Assessment. On the first one, I need to write down any and all foods I think I will eat that day, in no particular order or amount...just what I think I'll be eating realistically. I also write in 3 goals for the day and things I can do to help me stop eating when I'm full. The 24H Plan Assessment has me really look at and assess how I did the day before on the 24H Plan I set for myself and why I was successful or why I was not.

    So, I'd like to set myself two goals for the remainder of July:

    In July, I will:
    1. Complete 24H Plan and 24H Plan Assessment every day.
    2. 15 minutes of intentional activity every single day. If I do more, awesome! But at least move for 15 minutes doing something.

    When: Daily at 7:30 AM, while sipping coffee at my kitchen table.

    Trigger: Pouring my first cup of coffee. I will sit at table with binder to drink it.

    Reward: I will be rewarded every morning as I fill out the 24H Plan Assessment and see I was successful! I will tell myself "Nice!" with a small fist bump in the air.

    What will end of July look like? For #1, I will have a much better understanding of my eating habits and I will be better in turn with my hunger scale/cues. I will have some insight as to what trips me up by looking at patterns. For Goal #2, I will have made activity a habit and will be able to then work on expanding the amount of time. I should see that I have more stamina, strength and less depression & anxiety.