How are your workouts going?

foreverkudzi Posts: 43 Member
I'm now in recovery week. The weight is dropping (yaay). I'm actually looking forward to month 2 on Monday!


  • foreverkudzi
    foreverkudzi Posts: 43 Member
    Today is the start of month 2. Work out was alright, its gona take a bit of time to get used to these long workouts again. In the plus side I lost 1.5lbs this last week so yaay to that!
  • foreverkudzi
    foreverkudzi Posts: 43 Member
    Start of Month 2 week 2 today and my oh my, that work out was intense. My body is just tired so was just dragging my feet through out the whole thing. Last week, on top of my workouts I also walked for at least an hour each lunch time so that might have something to do with why my body was so tired. Have skipped the walk today and hopefully my body will recover in time for tomorrow's workout.