Pandemic Positive!

SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
So I have been looking back at the past few months. I started Working from Home in Mid March. How can that be 5 MONTHS already. Seriously I had expected that like China it would be maybe 2 or 3 months. Now it is looking like maybe a year. I thought it would be fun to see what positive things (healthy habits/activities) that everyone is doing?

For mine.

I like scented candles. OK - I love scented candles with the french vanilla yankee candles being my favorite. Late last year I decided to get a set of votive glasses and some votive candles. Well what with being home I have been burning a lot of them since March. I noticed a lot of wasted wax. Sometimes they would not burn well. I tried a toothpick trick I saw on the internet but that was a bust. So I decided waste not want not. I went on Amazon and bought a package full of wicks. And so my NEW hobby in the pandemic? Making candles. Yup. Not big fancy ones but just reusing the dregs of ones which did not burn melted in the microwave and re poured into votive glasses with the new wicks.

Anyone else?


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    I’ve developed a new one ... as I’ve been identifying & developing my interests actively since 2017!

    Reading (suspenseful) historical fiction
    (Helps place this time in perspective)

    So far:
    Erik Larson’s “In the Garden of the Beast”
    (Rise of Hitler 1933-34 Berlin through the eyes of the American Ambassador)

    Asne Seierstad’s The Bookseller of Kabul

    On deck
    2 more of Larson’s book!!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
    I do love historical fiction. Esp if the author does a good job weaving in facts to a suspenseful storyline. Sadly I have not been much of a reader the past few years. It comes and goes with me. I can usually read a book in a few days if I am in one of those cycles.

    One thing I am also learning to do is NOT to clean the friggin cat box every time I pass by. When I was not home so much I usually cleaned them when I got home. Now it's difficult but I am forcing myself to just do it a few times a day. ;)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Yes, it is an easy time to “over clean lol”
    Many cats becoming very spoiled 😃😃😃

    Other positive things Re: COVID...

    We’ve repurposed 3 rooms & 1/2 of 2 other rooms, so far. When you’re home all the time, might as well set it up to have the best time!

    Calling & texting friends more often.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
    and then you wonder why it was not set up that way to begin with!!! Another Pandemic positive is that I am saving money on hair styling and coloring, eyelash treatments, tollways (I can take the highway due to less traffic for school). This is a good thing because honestly my pay was cut 20% so I really needed to budget a little bit.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    😳pay cut

    Yes, I had had trouble whacking my weight down - eating out has been a great passion in my life - read: addiction. Now that we eat only at home, and no take out, my has lost 10lbs & I’m Maintaining. And we’ve spent considerably less than last year. Those lattes add up, too.

    Because art studio is organized, I’m not buying art supplies. I know what I have & can find it. I no longer go to Michael’s as entertainment. I had already started going but not buying prior to COVID, but now I can see I’m using my art supplies, not going for the fun of something new.

    I read much more.

    I’m exercising more on average than the past two years. SO much fun to go to more remote hikes with my husband that I rarely did on my own- mountain lions etc.

    Resting heart rate even lower -

    Got back to earlier art & creative writing projects!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Stitchery seems to be what calms me & provides solace.

    Just patterns & marks with thread on fabric *, paper***, and leaves ******

    Soooo F U N & easy with few, non-messy supplies!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I forgot to comment on your post somewhere on here about texting with your kidney donor! How cool is that. A complete stranger?

    I saw where our Prez sped up the process where Covid ill people can get plasma from recovered folks. not THAT is a good thing because altho I am sure some people had access to it, I bet not everyone who needed it was able to pull all the strings needed before they got too ill. So medical advances. Still waiting for that gosh durn vaccine tho.

    And to make this Pandemic Positive, I saw today that my spending on my credit card for the month is going to BUST my goal wide open in a good way! It should be under 2K which is difficult for me as I only have one credit card and I use it for everything. But it looks like unless I go crazy this week when the monthly posts on the 28th that I might even be under $1500.... Which is important because my property taxes are SO crazy at the end of the year and well pay cut so it means that I can budget when I need to. LOL. Now if only the weather would break a little so the Electricity and water bill wasn't so gosh durn high.

    I am also finding that doing one small housecleaning task each day is really helpful to my overall mental ability and outlook. It seems like I could clean or vacuum or something every day and never be finished ever. well. cat hair.. haahahahhaha

    Glad you are enjoying the stitchery and learning new creative collage techniques.

    When my Mom was really drowning in her dementia we actually decided to give her some chalk because she loved to draw all her life. It was a wonderful pastime for her as well as practicing the piano altho obviously not as "real" as it was before she became removed from reality.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Awesome post @SummerSkier as usual 😄

    I knew my donor, but not well at all. A true angel❣️

    Yes! Re: cleaning something each day (for a nice space as well as Pandemic Positivism”!!)

    Funny thing is since @77tes mentioned her daily hour of cleaning, I’ve been realizing it really would take that to keep this place clean... pondering :)

    Also since this group is built on baby habits, I had a thought today. Divide house into 7 parts. Do one each day. More variety might make up for having to haul out more gear!

    Today was spiff up bathroom counters & and a few other surfaces in bathroom, dusted thoroughly a bunch of meaningful knock knacks on piano. Removed those that weren’t a “10”! And moved picture frames one at a time (for more steps) since still locked in home due to smoke) to my Finished Art space ‘cause I figured that’s where I’d use them. Went through a pile of appliances/cheese cutting boards... Found a good solution for my small collection of knitting needles. A mish mosh of stuff, for sure.

    SO, with 627 fires ablaze in California (we’re safe) I am Pondering (not sure I’ll have the guts) creating a list of “Take These if you have to Evacuate” ... which would also be the kernel of what we would take if we had to downsize.

    Then I asked: well why would you keep things you don’t love.

    Lots to think about.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Walking outdoors helps me the most!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
    Well I am happy to report that I am actually really liking leaving my hair curly and uncombed at this point. Even when things go back to the new normal I think I might just leave it this way. No worries about sweating the straight out or getting creases when I pin it up etc... I used to always have to be so careful in the rain. Not any more!

    I got my lashes done today and was happy to INSIST my gal wear a mask. I did have to insist. And then it was lucky that I did because right when I got on the table there was a knock on the door and it was an Austin Police Officer checking to make sure she was complying with Covid regulations. So I saved her bacon. literally. And she did tell me that when she went to Vegas (Belagio) in early Aug that the bars were closed and she was upset how nazi they were about everyone wearing masks even at the pool! I secretly laughed and was glad to hear it because Vegas scares me with the casinos and such. She also told me she recently got tested because it was free and was negative. So all that made me feel somewhat more comfortable.

    Another positive. And none political but my favorite nephew who got married last year to just the sweetest and smartest gal (and beautiful!) texted me today for the first time ever! It happened because his Mother in Law made a huge facebook post (I met her at the shower) about their huge Trump 2020 make America great again patriotic outing. Anyway, my post was very gentle in that I said I was also a patriot and did not feel like America had gotten greater in the past 4 years and that it seemed to me that all that had happened was that the country had exploded in hatred and division fueled by our leader. Anyway, evidently both my nephew and his wife appreciated my gentle discussion and he texted me which was just made me so happy! He is the best kiddo ever. Both of them are teachers in FLA working remotely right now - they met overseas while both were volunteering and fell in love. The complete fairy tale story.


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,998 Member
    Love your hair & your lashes
    I am doing the same for my hair from now on for the same reasons!!

    Yay Austin police!!! I’m impressed!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @SummerSkier I love your hair & your lashes also!! Your curls are gorgeous!!!

    Good for you insisting on a mask 😷! It has been a really rough time in parts of Texas with the rise in Covid 19 numbers 😥 recently.

    I'm also letting my hair grow at least for the time being. It has gotten long enough for me to clip back off my neck during the 😅100 degree days we had been having the last several weeks.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier very nice lashes! And I think your hairstyle is quite up to date. I would like some of your curl, please 🙏. It’s funny but I have heard more than a few people say they have gotten so much more laid back about their hairstyles and use of makeup since the pandemic started. I hate to admit that I haven’t had a professional cut since the end of January 😬. I did my own trimming and layering for awhile and it was OK. I had an appointment made in early August but found out both stylists had COVID the week before my appointment so needless to say I cancelled. I can’t stand this bush anymore and am calling for another appointment on Tuesday. I liked it back in July so will be keeping it longer and more “free” from now on. Also changing it up with color and will embrace my new found “ash blond” color with some color blending only. I will be wearing a mask and may add a filter that day.
    Lucky for your lash gal you were there to save her from getting in trouble with the law. Also a glad you were able to connect with your nephew and his wife again. Totally get where you’re coming from when you talk about division.

    Oh no, look at the time! Guess i missed my 11:05 shutoff time. Well, the rest of the day was a bust, so I’m just being true to form today🙄 Tomorrow is a new day 🙂
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,805 Member
    thank you ladies! It has taken me a long long time to understand that after I wash it, I put some product in and then LEAVE IT ALONE. It just curls on it's own. If I try to brush it out I get really fluffy / frizzy hair. And another gal at work gave me a hint and said if you just rinse the back down in the morning it will refresh the curls and you don't have to wash every day. So since I absolutely HATE fixing my hair this is a win win. And I do like the more natural look of the lashes. I have seen some which I don't think the gals could wear glasses with and look like caterpillars but not for me.

    I have only been trimming my bangs every few weeks just a little the rest can go wild. LOL. I have learned to be very careful with trimming and just do half of what I think is needed.

    So I guess Pandemic positive which is the theme of this thread is quite common on the hair for women.

    Good Morning! And I am putting this here because I am just typing here but I have tried to go back to read some of the earlier habit month threads and I must say that it looks like you 3-4 gals form the heart of this group now. I sure hope that Denise is doing ok. It's really hard to get into the caretaker mode and forget to take care of yourself or take time for yourself. Seems like caretaking, then family always come first. ANd I did not realize that MM had recently retired! WOW. Congratulations.

    Well back to the other threads in a little bit
