Introduce yourselves

Tell us about you. What are your fitness goals? What's your plan on accomplishing them? Why are you on this journey?


  • ryjoysmom
    ryjoysmom Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! My name is Heather. I am a wife and a parent of one daughter, Rylee who will be 17 this month. Rylee is extremely active in sports, basketball, volleyball, track, and I want to be a role model for her.

    Sept 1 when I started my journey, I was about 100 pds heavier than I was when I had Rylee. I decided that I needed to get healthy. Initially I was doing it for Rylee. But, once I started, I realized that I had to be doing it for me. So, that's what I am doing. I walk in the morning and evening (if I am so inclined) and have started doing exercise videos on YouTube. I am watching my calories, cut out Pepsi (I could easily drink a 6 pack a day before this), am drinking tons of water and have also started taking Plexus to help jump start my journey. I am not sure how long I will be able to continue Plexus due to the monthly cost, but I know it has helped me get started.

    I still have about 70 pds to go to get to my "goal weight" but I know I am on the right track. I have been trying to get my husband to do this with me too, but he isn't ready yet. When he is, I will be there to support him!

    Rylee does the exercise videos with me and when it is nice walks outside with me. She has been a great support system! On days when I just "can't", I talk to her and she does whatever it is I am doing with me, so I can.

    I hope I can be a support to you Andrea!!
  • andreasaroza
    andreasaroza Posts: 11 Member
    This is so awesome!!! I appreciate you sharing. I know times can get "tough" mentally but together we can do this! I am so proud of you!!
  • Vic1am86
    Vic1am86 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello to you both @andreasaroza and @ryjoysmom I hope you are coping well during this weird time. I too am a parent on my weightloss journey. So a big wave to you all. I am a PT so if you guys have any questions fire away.
  • andreasaroza
    andreasaroza Posts: 11 Member
    Vic1am86 wrote: »
    Hello to you both @andreasaroza and @ryjoysmom I hope you are coping well during this weird time. I too am a parent on my weightloss journey. So a big wave to you all. I am a PT so if you guys have any questions fire away.

    Yesssssssss I followed my diet plan, and I been working out. ( Not just cardio) I gained 1lb over the weekend. And it just discouraged me. I'm having a hard time sticking to it. Its like I'm throwing a temper tantrum! Lol wwwwhhhyyyyy????
  • niamhdean97
    niamhdean97 Posts: 108 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi! I am Niamh. I have a 3 year old daughter and I'm a fulll time uni student and single mum. I would love to loose just over a stone ☺ we are vegan too!
  • emilylauren1110
    emilylauren1110 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I’m Emily, I have a 2.5 year old daughter. I gained about a stone before having my daughter and was lucky to mainly gain water weight when I had her, so was able to get back to my pre pregnancy weight within about 6 months. I maintained at that for about a year, until covid hit and we started working from home. Since then I’ve binged and stress-are, formed a bad relationship with food and am now the heaviest ive ever been. I want to get back to a healthy weight, exercise regularly and have a healthier relationship with food, so I am at a sustainable weight. Being lighter, healthier and fitter, I can be happier and confident in myself, to be a better and happier mum and girlfriend. X