Here's my goal and plan. What's yours?

Hi All! New here and am just putting this out into the universe.
I've spent the last couple of years making excuses and letting myself go. I've been hiding and not living up to my potential at all. I'm fat, in serious debt and have not been taking advantage of the fact that I have 3 great horses at home, easily accessible for riding. I've been mooching off of my husband with the excuse that there's too much for me to do to take care of the farm to get a job. Because I haven't had a job, we've been too broke for me to take lessons or go to shows. It's all been a BS story full of excuses. Life is passing by and I have been wasting it. I'm over it! I start a new job this week, will start riding more and eating better. I will have a very specific daily schedule to fit it all in. No more excuses that are just keeping me miserable, never pushing myself or stepping out of my comfort zone. Nope. I'm done. My goal is to fit into a pair of WHITE breeches that I bought a few years ago that were a little too small at that time. They are way too small now. They still have the tags on them. They're hanging in a spot where I can see them every day. They WILL fit by the end of the year! I WILL wear them to shows next season!
I'd love to hear what everyone else is working towards and how you plan to achieve your goals!


  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    I typed up a long response here last night and it All Disappeared It was pretty annoying. Anyway, I have a horse thats really nice that I want to get back to the show ring, but right nownim so far and out of shape I barely ride him at all. I'm hitting it hard now after having fallen off the bus several times now for various reasons. I start r d back forst week of June, and my goal right now is to lose 30 by the end of the year, im about halfway there.

    Going at just 1 pound a week is so slow but I'm doing much better a t this calorie allowance and so I think its right for me. Of course the total I need to lose is much higher, but I'm look I no at baby steps for now!!
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    My goal is to lose 80 lbs, or at least 50. I'm doing WW and MFP, simultaneously, and though I'm pretty darn responsible to them, I only lose maybe a pound a week, and it's not steady. My goal is just to be healthier and easier for my horse to carry, and better able to enjoy hiking, biking, walking, and fitting in small airplane and theater seats, and to be a petite size to match being 5'2". I walk the dog 20-30 miles a week, and do some stall cleaning and some bike riding, but there's no way I have time for more exercise. It's gotta come off through diet, but there's a limit to how little I can realistically eat, and stick with it. Well. A positive attitude is key, so, eyes up and leg on.
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    Well if we're admitting overall total goals - my total goal is to lose 100#, of which i have so far lost 25. So i'm making progress - but that's 25# over the last 4 years, so it's certainly not SPEEDY. Since i began in July of 2016 i've been as much as 60# down, but then i fall off the wagon, and stop logging, and when i stop logging i stop paying attention, and suddenly my new jeans don't fit... it's an ugly cycle. BUT at that point i was set on a calorie goal to lose 2# a week, and i've found that's just too restrictive for me.

    I'm 5'8, 45, and i've found that at 1800 calories goal i'm losing around 1# a week, and still geting treats at bedtime every night - that seems to be the key for me, not running out of calories before bed. I can have a really light breakfast, a fairly light lunch, and a regular dinner, but if i can't have a snack at bedtime i'm a maniac!
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    It is so interesting to read these old posts of mine, and see that nothing -- nothing --- has changed. Obviously, I need to stir things up. :-) I'd hate to fit the definition of insanity. :-)
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    edited December 2020
    It is so interesting to read these old posts of mine, and see that nothing -- nothing --- has changed. Obviously, I need to stir things up. :-) I'd hate to fit the definition of insanity. :-)

    Sorry to hear that nothing has changed. I started a group
    ( where there are a few of us that check-in every day to hold ourselves accountable. I've lost about 6 lbs and have started running and riding more. You're welcome to join if you want a safe place to share your journey towards your goals :smile: