Weekly Goal(s)



  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Hey everyone. I neglected to post my goals this week, but my goals are to keep up with meditation and my SAD light. I'm also trying to focus on the positives at work as per my therapists suggestion. I'm going to get outside for walks or runs each day for the rest of the week.
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Hey Keri! My week has been a challenge. Everything seems to be winding me up and bringing the anxiety. I had the day off today which was nice and there's only two days until the weekend. How about you?
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @mugginskate Things are going as well as can be expected.
    Our daughter starts in- school tomorrow. She will go 2 days a week. I hope she likes it. She is 16 and needs someone to hang with other than her parents. Haha
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Goals 💪🏼

    Exercise: 3X’s this week
    Steps: 10,000 a day
    Water: 40 oz.
    NO gluten
    NO nightshade’s

    The same, because it’s working and I’m afraid to change anything - still!

    The past 3 days are driving me crazy! My weight is messing with me. Haha
    Friday 180.8
    Saturday 180.6
    Sunday 180.4. Haha are you kidding me!?!? Don’t get me wrong at least it’s going down, I just really, REALLY want to see 179. As you can tell I’m not the most patient person!
    Have a great week y’all!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    I had a rude awakening this morning, seeing that I gained 5 lbs since my last weigh in (2 weeks ago). I need to buckle down and get that weight back off and then some.


    Exercise 4X
    Log food EVERY MEAL EVERY DAY. Seriously.
    Use my SAD light every day.
    Meditate every night.

  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Weigh-In this morning 183.7 kg lost 2.3 kg since last weigh-in (mostly water due to cellulitis infection on leg and feeling sorry for myself and eating wrong a week ago lol)

    Goals for this week
    get back to the pools for my water walking, haven't been for a couple of weeks due to infection
    eat healthy no bad food, drink water
    log food everyday

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

    I always sit down with a notebook and pen on Sundays to write my weekly goals so I hope that setting them down here will help too.

    Walks/runs x 4
    Weights x 3
    Pilates x 4 (youtube 90 day challenge, I'm on day 37 because I don't do it every day)

    Drink my water - not been doing so well with this as the weather has changed, I love tea so find myself reaching for that rather than my water bottle.

    Get better at remembering to take my vitamins/omega3/collagen. I have struggled a lot with this.

    I need to relax a little bit. My weight has stalled but I know that my logging has, been spot on so I am just trusting the process at the moment. I am 17.7kg down so really need to remember what I've already achieved, not what I still have left to lose.

    Have a great week, all and stay safe wherever you are.
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy Sunday night!

    I’m renewing my goals:

    1. Walk 3 times this week
    2. Drink my water 40oz.
    3. No nightshades
    4. No gluten

    Cheers my friends
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2020
    Hi everyone!

    My weight: 68.4
    (+0.3kg since last week, not surprising)

    My goals for this week:
    1. Eat healthy, satisfying dinner every day
    2. Go on a 20 minute walk (or do 20 minute yoga) every day after work
    3. Focus on drinking more water
    4. Write updates in the group every day
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    I did well this past week logging my food. Granted I didnt do it every day, but I did enough to lose 1.8 lbs!!! So pumped about that, and it's motivated me again for this coming week.

    Weigh in on Sunday
    Log food every stinkin day
    Use SAD light every morning
    Exercise 4x
    Mediation every night

  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    @Katerr1kk regarding your vitamins and such, would it be helpful to set alarms on your phone to take them? I take meds every morning and afternoon and I keep an alarm on my phone to remember. It really helps. I also keep backup pills in my purse on the off chance that I turn off the alarm and then forget.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all. I was waiting for Sunday to post my goals and then I forgot to post!!

    I was up a bit in weight for my weigh in on Saturday. Hoping for a loss this week.

    I haven’t been feeling well this week so I’m taking it easy with my exercise.

    Im planning to:

    Limit snacking / stick with my IF.
    Keep to a calorie range of 1200 - 1400.
    Try to keep moving.

  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Weigh-In this morning 179.4 kg

    Goals for this week
    Pools 3 times this week
    eat healthy, no bad food, drink water
    log food everyday
    Figure out rearranging a room to set up total gym

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    @Katerr1kk regarding your vitamins and such, would it be helpful to set alarms on your phone to take them? I take meds every morning and afternoon and I keep an alarm on my phone to remember. It really helps. I also keep backup pills in my purse on the off chance that I turn off the alarm and then forget.
    I really need to do this! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a look for an app but I'm always paralysed by choice.

    Great goals ladies ❤️

    I've had a great week, I hope you all have too. My weight is down a little but my loss is so slow that it's negligible but I am trying hard to relax about that. I have so many other things to be happy about - my body fat has reduced significantly since July when I first measured it (those inaccurate scales but at least it is a data point - I think I'm going to start measuring it once a month) and this week I tried on a top that was previously snug but is baggy now, so things are moving despite what the scales say and I need to focus on that.

    I only managed 2 weights workouts but hit the rest of my goals. Water was much, much better but I'm still forgetting the vitamins. I did remember my collagen though and I'm sure my skin feels firmer.

    Same for this week
    Runs x 3
    Pilates x 4
    Weights x 3

    I am a figure skater and my rink reopens this week. I'd only get two weeks in before breaking for Christmas school holidays so debating leaving it until everything starts up again January. Hard to know what to do.

  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Coming back after the holiday and settling for the long haul through the winter this week.

    Restart lifting 5 days week
    2 runs
    2 boxing sessions
    Hit calorie goals 1200 or within added exercise cals.

    I'm excited! Gonna give focusing on macros a break and just get back in th groove. I think letting that pressure off will let the other things slide into place easier.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone does!🤩
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Sunday all :)

    - 30 minutes yoga per day
    - 60 minutes cardio per day
    - Hit calorie goals as per MFP
    - Track food/exercise each day

    @violetanderson39 I'm going to do the same thing and just focus on getting back in the groove.

    @Katerr1kk figure skating sounds so fun! I'm glad your rink opened <3
  • Crystalb4747
    Crystalb4747 Posts: 21 Member

    My Starting weight was 238 lb current weight is 233.1 lb.
    My previous goal was to log in every day and to not go over my daily calorie intake.
    My goals for this week is to add 20 minutes of exercise daily and 20 minutes of yoga daily.
    I look forward to seeing everyone reached their weekly goals.
    Have a great week everyone 😊

  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy Sunday night!

    I’m renewing my goals:

    1. Walk 3 times this week
    2. Drink my water 40oz.
    3. No nightshades
    4. No gluten

  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Happy Sunday all!! I’ve meal prepped for two overnight oats. I bought a box of bran buds that I’m going to add a tablespoon over top right before I eat. See how that tastes. I’m trying to stay in the 1200 - 1340 calorie range.

    For my fitness goals I’m trying to get in a groove as well.

    Step class at home once a week.
    Do weights every other day.
    Try out my new fitness bands.
    Do my beginner epic fitness class on YouTube.

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    @goingape I love overnight oats! I was looking at the epic programme, let us know how you get on.

    @momofthree9845 thank you! Skating is my happy place that is just for me. I have found a wonderful supportive adult community and regularly skate with people in their 80s! It's wonderful and I've missed it so much.
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My goals for this week with a little delay:

    1. Hit my step goal 5 times this week.
    2. Run twice
    3. Do intense workout 4 times (20-30 minutes)
    4. Do 2 yoga classes of any intensity
    5. Eat lighter dinner 6 times this week

    Good luck to everyone!
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Good morning!
    I’m a bit late also, December is already busy! Haha

    My goals this week:

    1. Hold a plank 30 seconds everyday
    2. Drink 50 oz. Water everyday

    @Katerr1kk Are you talking about roller skating? Or ice skating? Either and I’m 100% impressed! You go!!

    @goingape sounds like your doing great at meal prepping. I barely know what I’m feeding the family at 4pm daily. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Ice skating @CurvyCalorie! I have tried roller skating but it never ends well! A lot of my fellow adult skaters bought roller skates when the rinks closed but I knew I'd give myself an injury!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    My goals for the week. I'm even later than you @curvycalorie !

    1. Exercise 3x
    2. Log food rest of week (sigh, why do I find this so difficult?)
    3. Use SAD light every day
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @Katerr1kk Roller or Ice skating would be comical to watch in my case! hahahhaha Good for you!!

    I'm doing a 30 day plank, and ab challenge with my family. I'm on day 3 and I already feel it!!!
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Weigh-In this morning 179.6 kg up 0.2kg

    Goals for this week
    eat healthy, no bad food, drink water
    log food everyday
    Hope Leg gets better real fast


  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    My goals:

    1. Log food every day
    2. Run 3x
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Goals for this week

    Stay under calories
    Do an active workout every day
    Drink lots of water

    Cheers pals!
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    My goals for the week:

    Drink lots of water!!
    Be mindful of what I’m eating

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    How is it Monday again! These weeks are flying by.

    I decided not to skate Goe the next few weeks and start fresh in January.

    I hit all my goals last week except vitamins again! So I'll stick with the same.

    Runs x 3
    Pilates x 4
    Weights x 3

    Have a great week everyone!