What LCHF is NOT!



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I just want to say WTG at 87, @MissyCHF
    Just make sure to get enough protein as a senior, as we do not absorb as well as we get older:
    Experts in the field of protein and aging recommend a protein intake between 1.2 and 2.0 g/kg/day or higher for elderly adults [3,8,15]. The RDA of 0.8 g/kg/day is well below these recommendations and reflects a value at the lowest end of the AMDR. It is estimated that 38% of adult men and 41% of adult women have dietary protein intakes below the RDA [16,17].
    From 2016 here: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924200/
  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    Many thanks, canadjineh, I wondered about protein, a couple of years ago I was diagnosed with CKD stage 3 but I seem to be clear now. I have no gall bladder now but that doesn't bother me.

    I have arthritic hips and knees so I'm trying to get my weight down - lighten the load. :)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    edited December 2020
    @MissyCHF I too have been given that CKD notice that my eGFR is lower than normal, around stage 2-3. But all my other markers (hba1c, blood sugars, chol, trigs, etc.) are in good shape, so when I asked for a referral to have the CKD check, the doc said I did not need one. Now wondering about what to watch for. Any tips? I am 63, doing LCHF since 2013 mainly, though fall off the wagon over the holidays usually. I do yoga/pilates 3-4 times a week. But working from home this year has added back some kgs! need to get rid of those from January.
  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    Hi camtosh, I wish I could advise you, I just don't know enough about these things. I do remember that around that time I was eating extremely low carbs and very high protein. I have moderated my diet a great deal now because I just could not stick to a diet of such extremes. Whether that helped - I've really no idea. I wasn't a member here then so couldn't ask for advice. I didn't ask my doctor because I thought CKD 3 was just a part of old age. Then recently when she told me I was no longer CKD I began to question my diet at that time.

    I do advise you to ask others here because there really is a wealth of knowledge and experience in this Low Carber forum.
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