Weight No More - December 2020 Team Chat



  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    @mxlaw90 I had a cortisone shot in both feet back in September. They cant do any more because I was having neck surgery 2 weeks later. They said I have to wait one year. But when I'm done with pt for my neck I have to go for my feet and have dry needling done. I have plantar fasciitis, hammer toe and heel spears in both feet. The one shot didn't work for me, they did spray some cold air on my heels before they stabbed me though and that hurt but I think its because I'm in so much pain. Good luck.
  • mxlaw90
    mxlaw90 Posts: 75 Member
    mxlaw90 wrote: »
    Midweek update

    My eating has been overall okay this week, caved and ordered wings last night as I have been absolutely craving them. Still not running as much as I would like and with the foot pain, I may be getting a cortisol shot which will hopefully help. Has anyone on here gotten one for planters fasciitus/shin splints before? I've heard its really painful and am a little on the fence whether or not it will be worth it plus I absolutely hate needles. On a good note snow is finally here! Hopefully it sticks so I can start teaching my little guy to snowboard on the hill near our house since I think he is going a little stir crazy from the lack of activities. Have a good rest of the week everyone!

    I hope you feel better soon, Marcy. I haven't had cortisol but have had dry needles (that was for a hamstring issue), active release therapy (painful but effective chiropractic method), and acupuncture.

    For shin splints, the RICE method worked for me. It's really the patience to wait it out that's key.

    For plantar fasciitis, these exercises to make it feel better and help prevent it in the future also worked: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324353#other-home-remedies

    But nothing worked as well as active release therapy combined with acupuncture with electrical stimulation. If you are close to this place, (or even if you have to drive in), I highly recommend Dr. Jardine or any of the staff: https://www.theurbanathlete.ca/ It's on Eglinton between Bathurst and Avenue Road. Quite often, it's tightness higher up, say in the calf (maybe the shin splints) causing the foot issue. Also, it makes you feel like an athlete with a sports injury :wink:

    Thank you! Definitely going to look into this:)
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I see you have me listed as not weighing in yet. Not sure if you saw my post earlier this morning. Since I stayed home from work last night I weighed in this morning instead of late afternoon like I usually do.

    I saw it! I was lazy and just copy-pasted the people who said they weigh in Wednesdays - Fridays and didn't go back through and remove any names that already weighed in today.

    Ok, thanks! Just making sure.
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    @mxlaw90 I had a cortisone shot in both feet back in September. They cant do any more because I was having neck surgery 2 weeks later. They said I have to wait one year. But when I'm done with pt for my neck I have to go for my feet and have dry needling done. I have plantar fasciitis, hammer toe and heel spears in both feet. The one shot didn't work for me, they did spray some cold air on my heels before they stabbed me though and that hurt but I think its because I'm in so much pain. Good luck.

    No, that cold spray hurts cause it’s FREEZING! I also have plantar fasciitis and some other foot issues. I’ve had my share of shots in my heels. I have them do the shots without the spray. To me, the spray hurts more.

    I hope you find a solution. I know how you feel!

  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    mxlaw90 wrote: »

    Has anyone on here gotten one for planters fasciitus/shin splints before? I've heard its really painful and am a little on the fence whether or not it will be worth it plus I absolutely hate needles.

    I’ve had several shots in my heels for plantar fasciitis and some near my toe for a neuroma. Totally worth it!! I found that the shot itself hurt less than that freezing cold spray they put on your heels to make the shots hurt less. I have them skip the spray. Also, the level of pain depends on who’s doing the shot. The nurse at my podiatrist’s office always hurts me, but when my podiatrist does it, it didn’t hurt much at all.
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    More on the plantar fasciitis topic: physical therapy helped me. I made sure to do my exercises every day at home. And for a long while I wore those plantar foot braces when I slept. They keep the fascia on the bottoms of your feet stretched out. The pain happens when they’ve contracted for a long time when you sit or lie down, and then you get up and stretch them out. Those braces helped so much. You can get them at Target, Walmart, CVS, etc.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    KristieJC wrote: »
    More on the plantar fasciitis topic: physical therapy helped me. I made sure to do my exercises every day at home. And for a long while I wore those plantar foot braces when I slept. They keep the fascia on the bottoms of your feet stretched out. The pain happens when they’ve contracted for a long time when you sit or lie down, and then you get up and stretch them out. Those braces helped so much. You can get them at Target, Walmart, CVS, etc.

    I forgot about those. They are great. I still have brand new ones on standby even though I don’t run anymore. Not that I won’t at some point...I guess.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    December Week Two

    Weigh In Day: Thursdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 167.6 (December 3rd)
    CW (Current Weight): 166.2 (December 10th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 67.8 lbs

    I suppose I've been cursed to bounce back and forth between 167.6 and 166.2 lbs each week. This is how I started this month of F2F on Thanksgiving morning, and this is where I stand today, still battling the residual tension headache from this headcold. Here's hoping I start January at the higher of the two, so that it looks like I've actually accomplished my New Year's Resolution...

    I need to go to the grocery store. Desperately. I've been piecing meals together, but I am out of all fruits except for clementines, all vegetables except for half a bell pepper, and my fridge is entirely yogurt, eggs, cheese, and condiments (and alcohol, but that's not something I should be consuming for breakfast). Maybe that'll be my lunch break today...

    I was pretty good about my regular spin schedule until my headcold hit, and I know I'll be right back at it as soon as this headache disappears (who would have thought that loud music and a headache don't mix???).

    Struggling with feeling like I'm not making progress right now was only made worse by getting sick. I'm sure part of it was being stressed about the holiday season and Covid and the state of the world around me and and and and.... But I decided to take a step back, breathe deeply, and remember that I've lost plenty of weight, I'm infinitely healthier than I was three and a half years ago when I started taking my health seriously, and I have the resources and support system to get back on track every single time I fall off the wagon. I can't consistently expect more from myself than I expect from others - that's only a recipe for burnout.

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    12/09 steps 6498
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food-logged and under
    Water-80 oz
    Exercise-30 min walking, PT and stretching

    I don't feel like my weight is reflecting how I am doing. I gained for some reason early in the week and I spent the week getting that down. I am really doing well so I am not going to worry about it. I am just a little disappointed...

    I can't believe it is already Thursday! The week is flying. I still feel like I have so much to do for Christmas. I went from feeling I was doing great to feeling like I am behind. I am hoping to catch up this weekend. Have a great day everyone!

    @kandi3570 Congratulations!! What an accomplishment! Enjoy some cookies tonight, you are right, once in a while you have to indulge. You will get right back on track. Your house looks beautiful with the decorations. Your dogs looks so cute too!
    @tryingagain5 Nice loss! I am sorry about your back, I hope the chiropractor can help. Do you stand in one place at work? I wonder if you can get one of those mats that the hairdressers use. That is supposed to help prevent back pain.
    @melaniedscott Hope you enjoyed your day off. Soup is perfect this time of year.
    @mxlaw90 I was able to finally get rid of my plantar fasciitis with a boot at night. I did the exercises, ice and everything else that was suggested but that was what finally kicked it. I am a lot more careful with my foot ware. Shin splints, same as Theresa and new sneakers. I never had to get a cortisole shot for that. I did just get a cortisone shot in my knee and it wasn't bad at all. Sounds like you are having a good week otherwise. Enjoy the snow!
    @goingape Hope you had a nice dinner. Hope the job interview went well!
    @ljdanny Nice loss!
    @minstrelofsarcasm Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe once your cold is gone and you are back to your regular eating and work out schedule the scale will start going down again. You really are doing great so don't let that scale mess with you. Easier said then done, believe me, I know :)
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    week 2
    PW: 160.7
    CW: 162
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    edited December 2020
    I didn't think I had eaten that many cookies this week! I need to cut down on the sweets and up the protein more. I had increased it to 14% (64 g) at least once this week, still aiming for 15%. Maybe I can find a recipe for high protein cookies?!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    My plans changed for this evening so if my weight goes down tomorrow can I switch? :#

    You most absolutely can! You'll have to save the experiment of with vs. without alcohol for another time.
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week: 2
    PW (Previous Weight): 204.2
    CW (Current Weight): 206.0

    I did weigh in on Monday just never got around to posting this. Sorry!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks! Yes, I stand in one place at work. We have thick mats to stand on that are provided by the company so I'm good there.

    I think the chiropractic adjustments are helping, just slowly. I think the back and hip issue came from the limping, which was caused by the osteoarthritis. I think I've been out of alignment longer than I knew about and my body finally decided to tell me in a big way. I can't remember the last time I missed work because of back pain.

    Sound like you have a good attitude about the number on the scale versus how you feel. That's a great NSV!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hope you feel better soon!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    My weekend goal is to check in and comment... I have only glanced through all your posts. Still crazy at work in the lead up to Xmas shut down for 3 weeks.

    Currently Friday morning, 6.50am, just finished a spin session. We have our work Xmas party tonight, it's a buffet so I'm pretty sure I can make good choices. Also, 80s theme. 😄😄

    I have been fairly on track this week, my weight dropped a bit (yay) but I have also helped my twins with two batches of gingerbread for shared lunch at school. Some of the gingerbread may have accidentally fallen into my mouth (I hate it when it does that 🙃) We made cute reindeer though. And frogs 🐸. There is a whole froggie story, but currently they are gathering a cult in my fridge getting ready to summon the froggie overlord. 12 year olds have good imaginations lol.

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    ... And frogs 🐸. There is a whole froggie story, but currently they are gathering a cult in my fridge getting ready to summon the froggie overlord. 12 year olds have good imaginations lol.
    Kiddos definitely do have good imaginationd...I think I'd like yours...

    My brother and I decided to do the 1000 paper cranes thing (kids book about a kiddo with cancer after Hiroshima) when we were young...I doubt either if us was 12 yet...except cranes were too much work, so we did frogs instead. We had 3 or 4 types of origami frogs...some hopped, some didn't. If we didn't hit 1000, we were pretty close. I have no idea what happened to them...but we know what will happen to yours!
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