35 days down!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited December 2020 in Social Groups

After I finished my 1 mile run yesterday, I really appreciated how good it felt to have gotten it done. A 5-minute warm-up walk, a short, fast (for me) run and a 5-minute cool down walk takes all of 20-30 minutes. I always feel a rush of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment even though it was only a mile or 2. So, I started researching to see if this was enough exercise for me or if I need to do longer runs. There is a ton of evidence out there that says HIIT is the best for weight loss! If you're not already doing some form of this, I highly suggest adding some high intensity (whatever that means for you) to your days.


Today: 1-mile run, ride 2 horses, BWEC, be better at tracking calories, hydrate with water and hot decaf tea

Have a great day!



  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @melissalan Hope you feel better!
    @sharonarkoff yay for you getting on the treadmill :smile: I have one dog that loves snow, but the other one takes one step outside and runs back to his chair and gets under his blanket. LOL
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    @3greyhorses yes HIIT workouts are def good for you. Thanks for the motivation, i really need to up my ante on workouts but I have to do these like hour long daily walks to support my partner who doesn't feel like he's capable of doing more, so I just have to adapt and build some intensity into that.....

    Hope the sore throat passes quickly @melissalan

    @sharonarkoff one of the main reasons I moved to Central America is because of winter and snow aha! So awesome that you have a treadmill so you can run anyway!!

    @mrsshots2011 so happy to hear that your job is secure 🙌

    Tuesday was my last official day working for the school. The principal insisted I return to campus after winter break (even though the students are not wearing masks or distancing at all!!) And I said no, so she decided she doesn't want to pay me to work from home..... I'm just not comfortable with that and I think it's really irresponsible 😒 oh well, I'll make up the income once I increase my online teaching work. Of course I still had a full day of work yesterday and scanning/ parent teacher conferences today that I'm not even getting paid for 🤬

    Speaking of, didn't get that nap yesterday. Was go go go until it was time for our walk. Had some drinks on the beach and ended up going over my calorie goal by like 250 cals. Not bad but not great.

    I really want to do well this next week so I get a good weigh in next Wednesday before our Christmas pizza extravaganza 😆💫

    Unfortunately I've got work all day til after 3 (including an angry parent whose kid is struggling in my remedial math group as my last parent teacher conference) so I won't get in a bike ride today. I reallyyyyyy want to start biking more asap

    I've also got Zoom game night with amigos tonight, so i imagine that I will let stress relief and fun get the best of my calories today. Hopefully not. I guess we'll see

    Progress not perfection
    Progress not perfection
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @rayonrainbows Sorry your having such a terrible day 😔 hope its better tomorrow.

    I've been struggle bussing this week. My coworkers are in full on christmas mode already, getting lunch and breakfast out everyday and bringing in stuff. I also forgot to get grab and go breakfast food this week and haven't been drinking enough water so I've been super hungry. Busy week each night after work as well. I'm going to try and walk tonight and make a point of drinking water to get myself back in the right frame of mind.
    Tomorrow goals:
    - drink 48oz of water
    - eat a fruit and vegetable
    - eat breakfast
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Muchas gracias @Katebook309yahoocom940 💙💚💜🌞

    It actually wasn't a terrible day, and I got in a bike ride!!! Woooot 🎊🎈

    Going to walk to the neighbor's and fill some 5 gallon water jugs then off for our sunset walk 🌠✨

    Might even stay under on calories today after all 🌈🌈
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Weirdly my weight dropped 2lb last week, up 2 yesterday, back down 2 today. My mood even worse jumps.
    My friend said is peri menopause- if she’s right then it’s going to be a bear.
    Today was not bad, not bad at all. Roads were icy in places and my kid made it home safe , from college.