


  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    Hi everyone. My goal is to be 150 I'm at 168 right now. I lost 26 pounds last year, I have maintained the loss even though my activity level went down in the past few months and I stopped tracking since the summer. I'm ready to start feeling good again and put my health first. I want to be fit again and 2021 is the year of change!!!
  • Suze8618
    Suze8618 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Looking forward to the challenge and accountability. I’m determined to change my bad eating habits and get back to working out this year😊
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,865 Member
    January I think I will experiment with giving myself 300 extra calories a day (of quality veg/protein food) along with an increase in daily activity of 1.5 hrs a day daily min, with walking counting. I've noticed my pattern being that the days I exercise a lot (ie: days I run 2+ hours or hike 4+ hours), I always tend to over-eat the day after since my body is technically starving and trying to repair itself. And when I am in starving mode, this is when I tend to consume things that are not good for me!!!

    This is leading to the undereating-overeating cycle that is so bad.

    As weird as it sounds, let's see if the "eating more" approach works.

    I can tell you that it really does work. At least for me. But I did not add so much as a time. Just 100 a month for a few months running. My TDEE when I finished losing in 2017 was 1850 cals. Right now I am on a small cut for 2 weeks and that is what I am eating. LOL. TDEE appears to be around 2100 for me (and I am short old and light). The only reason I am cutting right now is I want to improve my pace so down a pound will help take pressure off joints etc. and hopefully help pace. I find that what you write is true and on longer run or hard exercise days my appetite is depressed somewhat so I have to make sure to eat enough that day also. If I don't I am very hungry the next. I call this the roller coaster and it leads to unhealthy in my case eating. My mind and body appear much happier when I set a level and stick to it for cals. Best of luck!