Weight No More - December 2020 Team Chat



  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    My name is Cyndie. I am 53 years old and live in the thumb of Michigan. I have lived here my whole life.

    I have a chronic pain condition that no one can seem to diagnosis. I have been in pain for more than 10 years now. I am to a point now that I don't know what it is like to not be in pain. I am working on acceptance and I am getting better with that.

    Welcome! So...that makes you from the UP. My husband grew up in Calumet/Laurium. Pretty area.

    You didn't specify type of chronic pain...I'm going to be nosy...Have you been gene tested for Ehler Danlos (the only way to officially diagnose)? It is vile but knowing helps. If you haven't, look it up...Supposedly, it's rare...but there are many in my family who present the various symptoms. I check just about every box. Many doctors don't know what it is.

    Eating disorders are tough. It sounds like you've got a plan. That's great.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    GingerPwr wrote: »

    @melaniedscott Um... that Brussels sprout casserole recipe: holy cheesiness, Batman! I made roasted B-sprouts with a balsamic glaze for Christmas ....
    Yes. and I made half that but misremembered the cheese amount and didn't halve it. SO CHEESY! EVIL! Amazing. It's gone.

    Balsamic glaze sounds yummy.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    Morning WNM.... You have a new member heading your way ... Please welcome @callsitlikeiseeit :)
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @debbiewsharpe I love your 10 steps!! It’s really simplifies what I try to complicate all the time!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @melaniedscott I looked that up and I don't think that's it. I think at this point it may be more than one thing. I have Lyme disease that is in remission. They think I have fibromyalgia caused from the Lyme going undiagnosed for so many years. I have osteoarthritis. I have depression, anxiety and fatigue. I have air hunger, my head shakes and I have a horrible ringing in my left ear that has not effected my hearing. And I don't sleep well. Yea me!! And I am at the point now, that I can say all that and smile. Because I am here and that is enough!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    GingerPwr wrote: »
    @1theresamcvean ooooh that roast sounds amazing! I usually do 10 min per pound at a slightly lower temp, then let it sit in the oven afterward. Love the rosemary infusion - does that mean it was coated, or did he cut slices in the roast and stuff goodness into it?

    @melaniedscott Um... that Brussels sprout casserole recipe: holy cheesiness, Batman! I made roasted B-sprouts with a balsamic glaze for Christmas - I used the cheese in some au gratin potatoes. I was right there with you on not feeling the holiday spirit this year. And I'm 100% in agreement about the black-eye peas and greens - though I think we're doing cabbage this year. I always either cook some sort of smoked sausage and cabbage dish or I'll do ham and greens with the black-eye peas.

    WELCOME to all the new members! Glad to have you here!

    He cut the little slices and stuffed them. Very effective. He made a jus and used the drippings and 'vegetable' bouillon, which intensified the herbs.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    welcome back, we missed your great advice. I hope you and your family are ding OK.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Okay. Pulling myself out of holiday sulks. I'm not a holiday kinda person. We weren't allowed to celebrate most "holidays" when I was a kid and I've never gotten the hang of it. They're worse since my sister and gran died...they just remind me of what I've lost.

    I try not to bring my husband down...make nice XMas dinner (Roast Beef, mash, brussel sprout casserole), made fruit cake (his request, we've never done this before, reasonably successful) and cranberry bread (very evil & yum). Gave some away.

    Had sushi with wasabi soy sauce last night. Forgot...no weighing for days after bad salt meals. Oooohhhh scary! I'm pretending I didn't see that.

    Glad everyone survived! One more to go...plan: everyone eats black-eyed peas and greens on Friday. 2021 needs all the luck and prosperity wishes it can get!
    Melanie, My son made a beautiful roast for Christmas dinner. He roasted it at 500 degrees for an hour and it was infused with rosemary, thyme, and garlic. So it had a nice crust and was rare in the middle with medium ends. He's pretty fancy. My daughter-in-law made a sweet potato casserole, and I made French green beans with a little garlic. No dessert but the sweet potatoes were lovely and sweet.

    I'd love the recipe for your Brussels sprout casserole. I've never made one but love them steamed or roasted.

    I'm going to try the black-eyed peas and greens. I've never heard of that tradition so thanks!

    That does sound fancy. And nice. I love sweet potatoes (anything potato; though sweet potatoes are a different species, totally unrelated to the rest).
    So my brussie casserole recipe is from here: https://www.delish.com/holiday-recipes/thanksgiving/recipes/a44632/cheesy-brussels-sprout-casserole-recipe/. Even people who don't like brussies dive in. There's another one I've made that is similar (don't know where I found it) that omits bacon (I use turkey bacon) and adds a breadcrumb ish topping...Au Grautin Brussel Sprouts? that gets similar reactions.

    The black eyed peas and greens thing is an old Southern (US) tradition, usually in the form of Hoppin' John that may have originated in the Carribean or Africa...hard to tell at this point. Supposedly the peas resemble coins. I don't see it but maybe old, tarnished, clipped coins? And the greens...well, green backs. That's the southern explanation. If the tradition goes back as far as it sounds like, that makes 0 sense (or cents! Ha! See what I did there?!?) but...whatever. I know we've got a couple southerners on here...feel free to explain it, I've probably made a hash of it.

    I'll probably do Hoppin' John this year but have a recipe for black eyed peas somewhere that calls for tomatoes and methi that is really pretty, very Christmas-y, and yummy. I also have a BEP and butternut squash recipe I like quite a bit. My husband isn't a huge fan of black eyed peas so anything I make, I have to be willing to eat most (or all) of. Hoppin John might be the exception.

    Note: not METH, methi, which is fenugreek leaves (like cilantro is corriander leaves), which can be hard to find unless you can find a really good indian grocery; I've only seen frozen, which work fine.

    Thanks, Melanie. I went down the Brussels sprouts rabbit hole on Delish. Tonight, I'm making Kung Pao Brussels Sprouts. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a57880/kung-pao-brussels-sprouts-recipe/
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @pacsnc6 I'm glad u all will have me back. Now let's kick 2021 into gear and get it done. You with me??
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    3 more new members heading your way .... Please welcome @Mom2mdv , @RoseyandReady and @aknroberts :)
    Morning WNM.... You have a new member heading your way ... Please welcome @callsitlikeiseeit :)

    Oh boy, I love getting new members! Welcome aboard! Open up the spoiler for my quick intro to Team Weight No More as well as who I am and what you can do and... you get the point.
    Hello @pattee2010 and @rachelrjh ! Welcome to Team Weight No More!

    I'm Ashley, one of the captains for the team, and I'll be here to support you throughout your health journey, whether that be to explain away your water weight, tell a story about a hilarious tragedy, make a joke about eating my weight in brownies, or remind you that your coping mechanisms are valid.

    Let the team know if you have any questions about how things work around here, if there's anything we can help you with, or anything else you can think of! We're a friendly bunch, and only getting friendlier (but not in a creepy way if we can help it!).

    As for now, feel free to peruse the forums and introduce yourself if you'd like. You are not expected to make your first weigh-in until the first week of January!

    Welcome back @cyndiesstuff !!! We've definitely got your back here, even while you're losing it :wink: Let me know if there's anything we can do to support you on your journey!

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    ... I'm ready to get back on a routine that doesn't involve my mom dropping a bowl of white cheddar cheez-its in front of me because I'm "not jolly enough"...

    Your mom would love me...I'm very bah humbug....
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Quick update on me:

    I just spent the last six days with my family. I ate too much, drank quite a bit, and didn't exercise once. My body will be happy to be back on the bike, and also quite unhappy to be back on the bike - tomorrow morning, bright and early. My butt is going to be sore in the best way, and I'm ready to get back on a routine that doesn't involve my mom dropping a bowl of white cheddar cheez-its in front of me because I'm "not jolly enough".

    Regardless of all the bad habits I exhibited throughout the past week, I am proud of myself for staying on top of my MS medications, and water intake, so at least I've got that going for me. Besides, a week can't possibly undo the nearly 70 lbs I've dropped over the past few years.

    Oh my gosh, your mom. Great attitude on your part though. Welcome back to your routine.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    Checking in - welcome new members :smile:

    @cyndiesstuff I've had 7 years of partly diagnosed pain - a couple of diagnosis such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and chronic migraines, and a general 'chronic pain' and been on a bunch of medications to barely function. I have seen so many doctors and specialists it's now a running joke. About 3 weeks ago hubby and I stumbled on Myofascial Pain Syndrome which is hard to diagnose and in many ways mimics Fibromyalgia, the main difference being that the trigger points for pain are more localised. I'm positive I have this, and we've been treating me as though I have. It's made a huge difference already, I wouldn't have thought the trigger points could cause so much seemingly unrelated symptoms, but the body is weird!

    As for post Christmas - it's the afternoon of the 29th here (for the newcomers - I'm in New Zealand) In the past 4 days I've done three 6 - 9 km beach walks, 3 days of weight lifting (rest day today) and am back on track with calories. I'm also doing yoga each evening, rolling out with a foam roller, and getting hubby to massage my trigger points to help release pain. No migraines, no other pain that isn't disappearing with massage, including eye and face pain that usually precedes a migraine but now completely disappears by manipulating one trigger point. So weird, but I am not complaining!

    Time to finish 2020 strong!

  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    I'm very excited to join and start putting the work into reaching my goals. I'm off work this week and I'm taking this time to refocus on better eating and moving more ....the long term goal is dropping 15-20 pounds. I'm starting at 168. I'm trying to cut down the sugar too... Christmas treats did me in!!! Today I have looked at a package of Christmas M&Ms (with peanuts) a bunch of times and I just keep walking away. ..and walking back 🤔 but it does mean I'm getting more steps 😂 looking forward to smashing some goals with all of you!

    Welcome. We've got at least one member who's ditched sugar. Sometimes problem foods are good to lose when moderation isn't possible. LOL about the steps from walking away. Looking forward to having you on the team!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Checking in - welcome new members :smile:

    @cyndiesstuff I've had 7 years of partly diagnosed pain - a couple of diagnosis such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and chronic migraines, and a general 'chronic pain' and been on a bunch of medications to barely function. I have seen so many doctors and specialists it's now a running joke. About 3 weeks ago hubby and I stumbled on Myofascial Pain Syndrome which is hard to diagnose and in many ways mimics Fibromyalgia, the main difference being that the trigger points for pain are more localised. I'm positive I have this, and we've been treating me as though I have. It's made a huge difference already, I wouldn't have thought the trigger points could cause so much seemingly unrelated symptoms, but the body is weird!

    As for post Christmas - it's the afternoon of the 29th here (for the newcomers - I'm in New Zealand) In the past 4 days I've done three 6 - 9 km beach walks, 3 days of weight lifting (rest day today) and am back on track with calories. I'm also doing yoga each evening, rolling out with a foam roller, and getting hubby to massage my trigger points to help release pain. No migraines, no other pain that isn't disappearing with massage, including eye and face pain that usually precedes a migraine but now completely disappears by manipulating one trigger point. So weird, but I am not complaining!

    Time to finish 2020 strong!

    Great way to end the year. You're in charge! I'm inspired, Kristy.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm guessing I did need the rest of I wouldn't have been able to sleep that long. It sure is hard working nights and since I'm off this week and sleeping at night instead of during the day I may he confusing my body.

    Thank, I do enjoy my church. Wr are somewhat small but I like that better. It's easier to connect with people. Yes, it was at Easter that my pastor and his wife dropped off a plant.

    I am trying to keep up with some socialization while I'm off work. I walked with a friend and her grandkids yesterday.

    My back and hip are still an issue but not quite as bad as before, I think anyway. My chiropractor asked me that yesterday and I had to say sometimes I think it's getting better and other times I'm not sure. I guess I will take slow progress over no progress. I do know it's much better than when it first started.

    Thanks. And it was so easy since I just put the ingredients in the crockpot.

    Keep up your good work getting back on track. I'm still not quite there.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food-logged and under
    Water-80 oz
    Exercise-30 min walking video, PT, strength and stretching.

    Getting better with my choices. The crap is out of the house but I did have some good bye bites before they went into the trash. Hope everyone is having a good week. Any exciting plans for New Years? We are heading to the shore. It will be easier than Christmas for me. No additional food in the house and no sweets.

    @pacsnc6 With all that you have been through, it is amazing that you have maintained through it all. I am glad that you are feeling good and things are going well. You have had a tough year but you powered through! You are an inspiration! xo
    @cyndiestuff Welcome back!! I am doing the happy dance that you are here!! xo
    @minstrelofsarcasm I look forward to seeing your bike ride come across my newsfeed this morning. It usually comes across when I am sitting in my PJs drinking coffee. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your family.
    @RoseyandReady Welcome! I had a few too many Christmas treats myself. Let's end 2020 strong!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You are doing awesome post Christmas. I love the pics! Why am I not surprised that you talk to everyone :) I am so glad that you are getting relief from the treatment for the MPS (I had to abbreviate-its too long ;) ).
    @tryingagain5 I hope with all that you have been doing that your hip and back are feeling better soon. At least you are seeing some progress. I know for a while I thought my hip was going to be bothering me forever but then I guess I got stronger with the PT and I noticed I was walking better. After that, I could see I getting back to normal. It doesn't bother me at all now but I do my PT homework almost every day still.
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