Motivation... What's yours?

I'm motivated for a few reasons.
1. I'm sick of people asking me when I'm due!
2. I want to be healthier than my parents.
3. I'm going on a trip in February and don't want to dodge the camera/hate the photos.


  • janellemarie87
    janellemarie87 Posts: 2 Member
    I just want to be happy enough with myself to do whatever I want without being worried of others opinions (can you believe I'm 29 and I've never been to a water park)
    I want my kids to be proud of me and not embarrassed when they get older
    I want to maintain/improve my health
  • txncajun79
    txncajun79 Posts: 1 Member
    stopping the headaches. I started this journey to free myself of daily headaches. Staying healthy and away from bad foods has been helpful. I dont want to be in pain anymore, and i would love to be able to stop taking medicine for them. I want to be healthy for me. (my ex boyfriend broke up with me because i wanted to be healthier- not a great loss there is you ask me)

  • jjh0004
    jjh0004 Posts: 2 Member
    My motivation is I turn 40 next year and it's not going to get any easier. I also want to make life easier for myself. I have mixed connective tissue disease in the form of RA and lupus. The led weight I have on me the easier things are on my joints!
  • ebriggs2381
    ebriggs2381 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't know if anybody is still here. But... motivation is 1) not to get sever heartburn when with my hubby (it just kills my mood), 2) to prevent shopping trips (my clothes are way too tight) 3) I want to feel like I have an ok body (I don't want to put in the work needed for a super model, I just want to look not bad)