Weight No More - February 2021 Team Chat



  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @melaniedscott - oh my, that cheesecake does sound evil! Cheesecake is one of my weaknesses but thankfully I don't make it myself - there's a lovely artisan cheesecake shop just a short walk away from me though, I try to avoid walking that way :D

    @1theresamcvean - it's veggie haggis so none of the nasty bits lol! It's basically veggies, oats, pulses, seeds and spices but the mix is really nom. It was Burns Night last week, with us being in lockdown we didn't really do anything but I think it's def what started the craving!

    @debbiewsharpe - woot, go you!! Great number to see on the scales :)

    Been an ok day today, weirdly not feeling hungry at all today so it's after lunch and not had my brekkie yet lol. Will have a wee bowl of cereal I think but not going to force anything bigger. Am sure snack cravings will kick in later or something :D I'd be interested if anyone in here does 'intutitive eating' - where you eat anything you want but only eat when you're hungry. I did look at it a while back but a bit too relaxed for me at the moment, maybe when I finally get to somewhere I want to maintain.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member
    You are an amazing writer. Ashley.

    Aw shucks! I certainly try - sometimes my words get all mushy in my head.

    I decided to make a fancy, evil cheesecake for a friend's birthday. He made a 'cheesecake' with his kid and he got the cheesecake I made and shared some of theirs...

    1/4+ inch layer of oreo crust, layer of...m&m's?, layer of chocolate cheesecake, 1/4+inch think layer of chocolate frosting. Covered with m & m's. I ate 1/2 of a piece...I'm estimating 250 calories. And I can't get this cloying sweet out of my mouth. I'm more of a New York style girl...that was almost gross. Way too sweet.

    There's still a whole piece in there. I think it is looking at me. I am afraid.

    Holy wow. Just... wow. I may dream of that cheesecake. I'm more of a turtle cheesecake or strawberry cheesecake person myself, but it's hard to go wrong with an oreo crust.

    “Doesn’t the Easter Bunny know? Chocolate makes me gag.”

    When I was younger, my parents used to put a couple blueberries in every egg instead of candy, simply because blueberries excited me more than chocolate. Ah, the good ol' days when fruit was the highlight of my day.

    I think my new drinking habit is helping. That doesn’t sound right, my WATER drinking habit!

    Firstly, congrats on your magic number!

    Secondly, you have no idea how happy I am to read about a water drinking habit. I know I never shut up about staying hydrated, but it's just so nice to actually see it happening! Sometimes I wish I could use osmosis to transfer some of my hydration to others, since I drink about a gallon and a half per day.

    podperson1 wrote: »
    I'd be interested if anyone in here does 'intutitive eating' - where you eat anything you want but only eat when you're hungry. I did look at it a while back but a bit too relaxed for me at the moment, maybe when I finally get to somewhere I want to maintain.

    I tried it a while ago, and it worked well when I was in a good mental place. But then I went through a tumultuous time and gained more than I would like to admit. I think it requires really knowing your body and what triggers you to eat when you're not hungry.

    My self control works better when there's numbers involved.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
    podperson1 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I'd be interested if anyone in here does 'intutitive eating' - where you eat anything you want but only eat when you're hungry. I did look at it a while back but a bit too relaxed for me at the moment, maybe when I finally get to somewhere I want to maintain.

    I have a friend that diets Monday through Friday but eats whatever she wants on the weekend. It seemed to work for her but I know it would never work for me. I try to eat only when hungry but still make wise decisions.

  • podperson1 wrote: »
    I'd be interested if anyone in here does 'intutitive eating' - where you eat anything you want but only eat when you're hungry. I did look at it a while back but a bit too relaxed for me at the moment, maybe when I finally get to somewhere I want to maintain.

    After I lost 160+ lbs, I used intuitive eating to maintain my loss for a couple of years. And I did maintain without any issues, until everything went pear-shaped on me because of other reasons. Also part of my ED recovery was to practice eating intuitively, I was banned from tracking calories for ages, and I kept my weight more or less stable.

    I add a certain amount of intuitive eating to my days now, but I do track my calories as well. But because I have a tendency to eat very little, I have had to set my calorie goal at a sustainable amount, and make sure that I do eat. I listen to my hunger signals a lot more than I used to, and if I am hungry I actually eat, irrespective of where my calories are for the day. I am mindful of my maintenance calories though and don't go above them.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member

    I DID IT!!!! I weighed 127 this morning, my magic number. I hovered around 127 for several years then Covid hit. I did great through October. I was a bit depressed during Thanksgiving and Christmas and ate like a field hand (southern reference).
    I will do my best in 2021 to maintain again at 127. I think my new drinking habit is helping. That doesn’t sound right, my WATER drinking habit! I placed a juice glass on my kitchen windowsill. It holds exactly 8 ounces, yep I measured it. I drink a full glass of water at 4 with thyroid medicine, at 6 with blood pressure medicine, at 10 when I go to kitchen hunting for a snack, at 12 with vitamin (dr. just told me at my age I need a multivitamin) :o at 3 again on my snack hunt, at 6 when I take allergy pills and at 9 when I just know I have to have a snack. That adds up to 7 glasses of water! I also have coffee in the morning and iced tea at lunch and dinner, remember I am a southern girl. We love iced tea! I tried the pitchers of water in the refrigerator, the fancy water bottles and Tervis tumblers but the site of that much water was overwhelming. That little glass is becoming my friend.

    Congratulations, Debbie!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    Hello fitness family. I haven't done too well with my calories and activities, but I'm still here. Each weigu in, I see gain, gain, gain and gain...I WANT to put that to a stop and start seeing some losses! Not really much of an update, but I'll weigh in Sunday and come back with my weight and more to say. Hope others had a better January than I did and my Bday was Jan. 27th! Lol. Ohhhh, I DID get a Fitbit Versa 2 for my Bday! My ol' Fitbit Charge 2 had finally had it and died, so now I have this one!
  • rachelrjh
    rachelrjh Posts: 258 Member
    Hoping this graph keeps me motivated. I drew in my weight loss predictions.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited February 2021
    @debbiewsharpe Good for you! And as I read, I was waiting for you to mention ice tea...I know all about Southerners (MIL is one, originally from MS).

    @1theresamcvean I love the story, even if I can't relate completely. I like chocolate a lot. Well, good chocolate. Chocolate bunnies are a bit...waxy? Chocolate snob, coffee snob, food snob...yeah, that's me. BTW I looked up Japanese cheesecake (called souflee cheesecake in Japan, apparently) and that does look more like my style--more work than I'm generally up for but I might try it sometime.

    @minstrelofsarcasm I still get excited about blueberries. Yum! Had some in my oatmeal this am. Fruit in general. I agree that it is hard to go wrong with oreo crust...but too much is...too much. And the frosting was a bit appalling. It kind of looked like a pile of sugar vomit. I guess I like a more...sophisticated cheesecake.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You are an inspiration. You have had so many difficult challenges and you continue to rise above it. Way to go!

    @podperson1 Veggie haggis sounds decent (I'm squicked by the real thing, blood pudding, sausage-when I think about it; a veggie version sounds nice)... The cheesecake I made is actually Eggnog Cheesecake (aka Cheesecake of Doom) and is super rich...whipping cream, lots of yolks + whole eggs...but it isn't super sweet. It's always tall, with a slightly golden top. I don't get frosting on cheesecake...maybe a thin chocolate ganache (chocolate snob) or drizzle or glazed fruit (or cherry pie filling) but spreading a layer of frosting on top...not high on my list.

    It was hours before I could get that sweet goo out of my tastebuds. I'm starving right now...ate lunch early, which I knew was a bad plan...dinner is cooking. Sigh.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 208.6
    CW: 207.6
    Loss: 1
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member

    Congrats on your loss! Love seeing the scales go in the right direction.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
    Hang in there, February is a new month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, the new Fitbit Versa may give you just the incentive that you need.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
    rachelrjh wrote: »
    Hoping this graph keeps me motivated. I drew in my weight loss predictions.

    Absolutely LOVE <3 the prediction chart. The power of positive thinking is a good motivational tool. Great idea! I have a small desk calendar that I keep, I think I will follow your lead and put a goal weight for the first day of each month for the next 6 months and see if it helps.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
    @melaniescott and @minstrelofsarcasm

    I sure wish I could send y'all some of my blueberries. I have about 5 gallons in the freezer from last year's crop. I made a blueberry pancake one day last week and it was so good. I also like to eat them frozen, kind of like a little round popsicle.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    Today is my weigh day but I'm not posting it. Two reasons: as Kristy says, the scale lies, and I forgot to weigh before breakfast and don't have the math to ish-timate. It was a bigger brekkie than normal. I'll do the deed tomorrow.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 476 Member
    Today is my weigh day but I'm not posting it. Two reasons: as Kristy says, the scale lies, and I forgot to weigh before breakfast and don't have the math to ish-timate. It was a bigger brekkie than normal. I'll do the deed tomorrow.

    I Good idea to wait a day, especially after a big breakfast. I did well yesterday, yet the scales showed a .4 gain today, Go figure :/ I am going to use your philosophy, SCALES LIE.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    Today is my weigh day but I'm not posting it. Two reasons: as Kristy says, the scale lies, and I forgot to weigh before breakfast and don't have the math to ish-timate. It was a bigger brekkie than normal. I'll do the deed tomorrow.

    I Good idea to wait a day, especially after a big breakfast. I did well yesterday, yet the scales showed a .4 gain today, Go figure :/ I am going to use your philosophy, SCALES LIE.

    I know it's true. I did not gain 6 lbs in one week. or at all...because my calories for the last week were within the proper range for ~1 lb loss, even guessing calories for that 1/2 slice monstrosity (I upped the estimate to 300 cals for 1/2 slice, it was that bad...sugar vomit).
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Hi All,
    I was going to post my intro on Monday but the day got away from me. I've been busy with crafts - the weaving loom is new to me and it sucked me in to try different designs. I started a placemat last night and will keep working on it for the next several days. I am also still working on my cross stitch picture and I read every day. I am working on a jigsaw puzzle too. Yes, I do find the time to clean house and cook.
    My name is Patsy, 68 years old and feeling great. I am on the road to recovery from the liver cancer diagnosed last March. After 5 months of Keytruda the tumor is about 80% gone! YAY!!
    I have maintained my weight at 160ish during the treatments as the doctors don't want me to lose any weight right now. When this is over I will get back at it but in the meantime am happy to maintain.
    I was not overweight as a child, gained most of it after 40 while working a desk job. At first I gained 1-3 pounds a year and was told not to worry. But after several years of that I decided it was time to lose it. My highest weight was 179 and it took me about two years to get down to 160. I have dropped to 158 but not stayed there.
  • Today is my weigh day but I'm not posting it. Two reasons: as Kristy says, the scale lies, and I forgot to weigh before breakfast and don't have the math to ish-timate. It was a bigger brekkie than normal. I'll do the deed tomorrow.

    🤣🤣🤣 The scale is definitely a lying *kitten*. All it shows is your relationship with gravity at any given point. And so many reasons why it fluctuates! Definitely do not weigh after eating anything!

    Also I just want to mention that cheesecake - icing?!?!? Cheesecake used to be my favourite food, but I have never seen one with icing on it. Funny thing is my taste has changed so much over the years (and lost weight) and I could give or take it now.
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Interesting comments on the initiutive eating. I read a book on it a bit back and the psychology behind it was -that really resonated with me, but I just don't think I will be able to lose on something so relaxed. I also do a lot of 'emotional eating' and I don't think it's great for that.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - still being here is a big thing - it's a new month so great for a new start! Happy belated birthday :)

    @tryingagain5 - great loss :)

    I am def feeling you all with the scales. Got on mine this morning, SUPER down - thought that can't be right so tried again, up 5lbs, tried again, down 4lbs... Stood on it about 6 times, each time a different weight!! Don't know if this means my scale has died? Was in the same spot on the floor while I was doing it so I honestly have no idea what's wrong with it *sighs*
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