Weight No More - February 2021 Team Chat



  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    Weigh in week 2
    PW: 247.3 (112.2 kg)
    CW: 245.5 (111.4 kg)
    LTD: 93.9 lbs (42.6 kg)

    Last Week

    The scales are up and down, but you all know they're finicky. They'll be fluctuating because I've upped my sodium intake a bit because I'm terrible at consuming it, I don't add salt to anything and most of my foods are not processed and don't have it in. I just need to stop muscle cramping, and anecdotally - maybe it will help my BP rise a bit. My BP is low and I'm getting sick of almost passing out when I stand up (which makes it worse).

    Good Things

    My daughter decided to go through some clothes I'd put away because they were too small, and there were clothes in there that now fit me. One pair of exercise pants is actually a bit big. Also a bunch of people at work have been commenting on 'how much weight' I've lost, and asking me how I did it.

    Also in the past week or so I've increased my protein intake because I've been lifting consistently, and found a protein bar that actually make me feel quite full. (One of the only processed things that I do eat.)

    Other Things

    My pain levels have been up a little and I've struggled to do as much exercise as I planned. The flip side is that I'm actually listening to my body and not exercising if I don't feel up to it - my husband commented that it's a new thing for me to do that, usually I would just keep pushing no matter what. So I guess it's my ED thinking telling me that it's not so great, but in reality it's a good sign of recovery for me. I've continued to eat at my calorie goal as well, even though my brain tries to tell me I should cut it down if I'm not exercising as much, but that way madness lies. I have to keep remembering how awful I felt when I was eating less and not eating back exercise calories - I thought I was okay to net below 1200 calories per day, until I really wasn't.

    This Week

    Listen to my body, do what exercise I can, eat my calories. Simple, right?

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Been having a lot of family issues the past few weeks. Also my youngest son is having some health issues so I have been having my granddaughter a lot. I took him on friday to get a heart monitor put on. He has to wear it for 2 weeks. Hopefully we will start getting answers soon. This is Tom week so who knows what the scale will bring but I have managed through all the craziness not to over eat. My granddaughter has a cold and is getting tired so she is having a meltdown, off I go.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member




    1st @Alwayswanderer 2.57 %
    2nd @digger61 2.39%
    3rd @angmarie28 2.25 %

    1st @digger61 5.0 Lbs
    2nd @TwistedSassette 4.8 Lbs
    2nd @lindamtuck2018 4.8 Lbs
    3rd @evangsimmons170 4.6 Lbs



  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    Weigh in today Sunday Feb.7, no change 165.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    @Kandi3570 - I couldn’t help but picture you eating the chocolate chips. I am sure this week will be better for you, hang in there!

    @Rachelrjh – 3 pounds lost, great week! Congrats. Love the idea of a weekly average, it does sound more accurate than a particular day.

    @Freeglerock- hope that things are improving with your step son, I know that can be stressful. Also hope your heat is fixed, it is COLD.

    @sleepymom5 – take all the time you need to grieve. You will get back in your routine when the time is right for you. I have been trying the not eating unless hungry and doing well with it. Now, after reading your post I will try to quit when satisfied. Grew up with the “clean your plate” family. I need to change that habit NOW. Thanks for mentioning it. Your goals are great, you should do great in February.

    @ljdanny – good step totals this week, congrats! Sorry to hear of the family issues and hope your youngest son is better. Getting answers should help.

    @dbrinkmeyer – steady weight and good step totals. Sounds like a good week.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx- congrats on getting back into the clothes. I am also low on protein, which bar are you eating? I think a lot taste like sawdust (really don’t know what sawdust tastes like). Good that you found one you enjoy.” Listen to my body, do what exercise I can, eat my calories. Simple, right?” Great advice for all of us, thanks!

    @kandi3570 @podperson1 @Rachelrjh – CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!

    @RoseyandReady – no change in weight means no gain, so I see that as a good thing.

  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    edited February 2021
    Whatever you did last week - win, lose or draw - this is a new week KEEP ON KEEPING ON.....


    SET A GOAL, not 10 goals but one main thing to focus on THIS week, from today through Sunday. Will you be able to say that you accomplished that particular goal this week? What will it be?

  • rachelrjh
    rachelrjh Posts: 258 Member
    Hi Debbie,

    I have to be careful with stop when full. I have to give myself 20 minutes or more for my body to tell itself it’s full. I’m an emotional eater. That has been the culprit of weight gain for me my whole life.

    My goal is to eat when hungry and track my calories with the MFP app. I will feel full with the minimum calories that MFP suggests, I just have to be patient after I eat and give my body time to know that it has been nourished.

    I will focus on staying in the green this week. Even if I only lose 1 pound this week, it’s going to be a win!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member
    edited February 2021
    ~~ Happy Monday! ~~ - Welcome to February Week Two

    Quick Update on Me:

    I had a strange realization in the gym this morning, and I'd like to consider it to be an NSV.

    I no longer take a break during a workout for running out of breath, but instead for when I feel the fatigue in my muscles. I used to be that person who needed to catch her breath every few minutes during a cardio workout, but now I think my body has adjusted to the stress, or maybe my breathing techniques have risen to a new level. It's something. And it made me really happy to notice it.

    One of my first NSVs was the ability to breathe out of more than one nostril at a time. It was something I never really thought about until I realized I wasn't doing it anymore. Maybe having asthma as a child has wired me to determine my level of health from my breath. I wonder what the next step will be.


    ~~ Super Steppers ~

    Our eight steppers managed to walk a whopping 492,684 steps last week! That's an average of 61,586 steps per person, contributing to a cumulative 205 miles walked ! That could be a relay race around half of the border of Vermont!

    Our top stepper last week was...

    Debbie walked 98,226 steps last week, averaging 14,032 steps per day! One of these days, Debbie is going to have accumulated enough steps to have walked to the Moon, I guarantee it.

    Our most consistent stepper was..
    @annliz23 !!!

    Ann walked 88,406 steps last week, averaging 12,629 steps per day, and varying by less than 1,700 steps each day on average. Love to see that consistency!

    Our other incredible steppers were...
    @lennoncpa - 48,617
    @dbrinkmeyer - 35,753
    @brown6267 - 37,508
    @kandi3570 - 65,052
    @BlueSkyNomad - 44,330
    @ljdanny - 74,792

    You powerful folks make me want to finally charge my fitness tracker back up and see just how much I'm slacking!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    Food-didn't log but followed plan
    Water-over 64 oz
    Exercise 30 min walking video, PT, stretching and strength

    I started to write this in a different format since no one really checks in like this anymore but it is just easier for me. I had a good day yesterday. Today...I am going to do it again. One day at a time.

    Oh! I have some GOOD news- I am going to be a grandmother!! My son Dan and his wife are due June 23!! I also know it is going to be a girl. I forgot until I saw @ljdanny's post. She knows how I have been living vicariously though her ;)

    @ljdanny Nice steps last week! I am sorry to hear about your son, is it the same one who was in the accident? He just doesn't get a break. I hope he gets some answers to what is going on. What a great NSV not eating through the stress, I am trying with that too but I wasn't very successful Lol! Hope your little granddaughter is feeling better soon!
    @dbrinkmeyer Maintaining is good. Great goal this week with the activity before every meal.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Looks like you had a good week. It must be so nice to be able to fit back into some of your smaller clothes. I think that has to be just as satisfying as the number on the scale. I also am always so happy to hear how far you have come with your ED even though I know you must still struggle at times. Hope you have a good week! xo
    @debbiewsharpe I really think if I figure out the overeating I could lose and it would be easier when I get to maintenance. I have heard stop when satisfied for the reason that Rachel stated above. It isn't as easy as you would think but as you know I have been working on it. Thank you again for all your support xo
    @minstrelofsarcasm Love those NSV! It is amazing to see your body (and lungs) get stronger. I think I am going to get off of the cheer squad and get back into the competition. I will have a Friday weigh in day and starting weight is 200.8. I hope I don't regret this lol! but I think this is the kick in the butt I need!
    @melaniedscott Congrats on being the new co captain! I was so happy to see you stepped up. xo
    @1theresamcvean I tried to look through the posts I missed but there are too many. I did love seeing little Xavy's picture by the computer. What a cutie! xo
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @goingape - great loss, go you :)

    @Freeglerock - sorry to hear you're having family stress, it is just the worse for overeating. Hang in there x

    @sleepymom5 - so sorry to hear about your brother in law *hugs* take your time in getting back to 'normal', don't push yourself too much. Glad to see you back though, you have been missed x and yay for a lovely new grandchild on the way!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - yay for fitting into old clothes! Sounds like you have a good plan, and listening to your body is always the most important thing x

    @ljdanny - hope your son gets some answers at least, and am sure running round after your granddaughter must be burning all the cals x

    @minstrelofsarcasm - that's sounds like a great NSV to me :)

    Has been a pretty rubbish weekend, gone totally over my calories and the scales are showing it this morning :( Sadly, not much I can do about it now, so just need to move forward and hopefully can make up for it during the rest of the week.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food-logged and over...bad choices...ugh!
    Water-over 64 oz
    Exercise-30 min treadmill, PT, stretching and strength

    Not bad for getting started. Need to get the crap out of the house. People actually sent us treats and flowers too which I wasn't expecting. Today will be better....

    Have a great day everyone!

    @podperson1 Thank you! I am so excited about the granddaughter. :)
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    @debbiewsharpe It’s a local brand bar I think - called INC Max Shred Pro. They have a bunch of protein powders and products, one of their powders tastes like chocolate pudding. 😄 In theory the max shred has a thermogenic in it, if you count green tea extract to be thermogenic 🤣 I just like it because it's cheap and tastes okay.

    Other than that I love Quest bars, but they're $4 each on special. 😮
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 207.6
    CW: 209.4
    Gain: 1.8
    Not a good idea to go out for dinner the night before weigh in.😊
  • rachelrjh
    rachelrjh Posts: 258 Member
    My account has gotten spammed. I keep getting friend requests from people who have naked women as their profile pic. If it happens again I’m sending all my MFP email straight to junk.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member
    edited February 2021
    Folks, I may end up using my weight from today as my weigh-in weight if my loss doesn't stick around. I'm hoping for more of a water weight drop before tomorrow morning, but I'm not counting on it, given my luck! Regardless, I'll weigh myself before and after spin class tomorrow morning, as per usual. Gotta keep up those habits!

    Other than that I love Quest bars, but they're $4 each on special. 😮

    Isn't that the worst thing? Quest bars are wonderful. I think I had a coupon or something the last time I bought some, because I had a stack of them to get me through long drives during my last work trip. They had a limited edition blueberry cake donut flavor and I could have eaten those all day, every day. So good...

    I've discovered BuiltBars recently, and they're surprisingly good, and usually running some kind of promotion. I had a referral link at one point, that would give people 25% off their first purchase, I'll have to go find that again and see if it's still valid. I've been eating a BuiltBar a day. High protein, low sugar, and actually tasty. (They should pay me for all the word-of-mouth marketing I've done for them)
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Tuesday (is it Wednesday already?!)
    Food-logged and under
    Water-64 oz
    Exercise-15 min treadmill, 15 min walking video, PT, stretching and strength

    I forced myself to get on the treadmill and it was so loud and I couldn't hear the show on my ipad so I got off ,followed a walking tape and finished the show. Not the best but I got my 30 min in. I am not doing well with my hunger cues. I am eating well over being satisfied. I really need to reel this in but at the time I don't care. I do care when I look at the scale though. I didn't have high expectations this week so I am going to keep plugging away. Today I am going to start serving myself less. I think I will continue eating if it is on my plate but if I have to get up and get more I won't do it. That is about it from me. I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Wednesday!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I love quest bars too. I should get a few to have around as a healthier option when I want something sweet...
    @tryingagain5 How are you doing?! I didn't get to go back over the posts there were too many. Hope all is going well xo
    @rachelrjh Ugh! Me too! I also know that people are complaining about this on my newsfeed. I can't imagine why this is happening all of the sudden. This used to be a nice site. I have deleted these requests but next one I am going to get their name and send a complaint.
    @minstrelofsarcasm You are going to strangle me...can I go back on the cheer squad? My weight has gone up steadily since I first weighed in. I am trying not to get caught up in it, maybe it is from going from doing nothing to working out or maybe the french onion soup I had yesterday or a number of other things...I am comfortable seeing where it goes but the Friday weigh in is messing with my head.
    @jugar ^ sorry for being a pain!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    rachelrjh wrote: »
    My account has gotten spammed. I keep getting friend requests from people who have naked women as their profile pic. If it happens again I’m sending all my MFP email straight to junk.

    I'm getting the same stuff. Ew.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    @sleepymom5 congratulations on becoming a grandmother. A little girl is so much fun. All I do is spend my money on my 2 girls. And yes my son with the health issues right now is the one that was in the car accident. He cant catch a break.

    It's been such a long week. My granddaughter has been sleeping over every day so I can help out with her. She comes to work with me a few days a week. I have gotten quicker with getting her in her carseat. I don't feel its as easy as it used to be or I'm just old now. I am exhausted and need a nap. But my plan is to hop on my treadmill and bike when I get home even though my house needs a good cleaning but that can wait til tomorrow. I have been trying to watch what I eat and I have everything ready the night before because getting 2 of us out of the house is no easy task.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    rachelrjh wrote: »
    My account has gotten spammed. I keep getting friend requests from people who have naked women as their profile pic. If it happens again I’m sending all my MFP email straight to junk.

    I'm getting the same stuff. Ew.

    Me too. And a few months ago I had a man who looked okay, open profile - but once I added him I got the "dead wife, worked on an oil rig but living in Texas, I'm so lonely - hey let's take this to WhatsApp" etc scam.
This discussion has been closed.